A Christmas Carol Isolation Analysis

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At the beginning of the novel, A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Scrooge isolates himself from humanity. To isolate means to be alone and apart from others. He isolates himself and doesn 't care about other people. As the novel progresses, he begins to attach himself to humanity through the memories he is shown, and he starts to care about other people again. He makes a transition between total isolation to starting to become less detached from humanity throughout the first 3 staves. His journey, led by the spirits who show him the past and present, make him become a better person in the end. Scrooge goes on a journey from total isolation to becoming more attached to humanity throughout the first three staves in the novel, A Christmas Carol, …show more content…

On page 32, it shows how he is isolated in this quote “No beggars implored him to bestow a trifle, no children asked him what o’clock it is, no woman or man ever asked the way to such and such a place of Scrooge.” People isolate themselves from him, and he is not an approachable person. No body wants to interact with him, so this shows how others stay away from him, making him isolated. Scrooge isn’t a friendly person and people are afraid of approaching and talking to him, so he remains isolated. He doesn 't care what other people think and he wants to be detached from the rest of humanity. Another quote that shows his detachment is, “Warning all human sympathy to keep its distance.” Page 32. Scrooge doesn 't want anyone’s sympathy, and wants to keep to himself. He doesn 't want to talk to anyone, and doesn 't care what anyone else thinks. This is showing how he lives a solitary life because he doesn 't want to talk to anyone or hear his or her opinions, or even interact at all. He likes living by himself, detached from humanity and he contributes to his isolation by not talking to anyone. He makes others not want to talk to them and he doesn 't care what they think or say. He will not give sympathy to others either. Another final quote that shows how he doesn 't want to be a part of the rest of humanity and how he isolates himself is on …show more content…

On page 64, we see how Scrooge shows sympathy in the quote, “There was a boy singing a Christmas carol at my door last night. I should like to have given him something. That 's All.” After being shown a memory of himself as a boy, Scrooge regrets being harsh to the boy caroling and not giving him any money. Seeing his own sadness as a child made him realize it would have been nice to give the boy something to make him happy. He will probably do nicer things in the future because he now realizes that the boy would have been upset because of how Scrooge turned him away so harshly. He is changing his actions, and regretting bad actions in the past. He wants to fix what he did wrong, and he feels sympathy for the boy. People want to be shown compassion, so in the future if he helps people out and is kind, he will not be as isolated. Another quote to show how he becomes less detached from humanity is on pages 92-93, ‘”Spirit,” said Scrooge, “Tell me if Tiny Tim will live.” Scrooge feels sorry for Bob Cratchit because the spirit says if the future remains unaltered he will die. He feels upset that Tiny Tim will die, and sympathy for Bob because his son will probably die. He probably regrets not giving Bob more time with his son. He had made a comment earlier that if someone will die they better go and die to decrease the population, when the donation collector

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