What is in Poetry that Has the Ability to Cure a Patient?

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What if the simple rhyme and rhythm of a poem, the beauty it illustrates through its sound, could heal the sick? Is it simply in the mind, where the patient thinks they are healed by the words, or is it a physical treatment? It is heard of that mentally ill and even physically ill patients listen to words, and they are healed or in a healthier state of mind. It was written that “Poetry has an element, euphony, giving the poem an aesthetic, pleasing tone” (poetry.org). But can poetry be therapy? What is therapy? In an article written for the Psychiatric Centers Information Network, Perie J. Longo tells us; "The word therapy, after all, comes from the Greek word therapeia meaning to nurse or cure through dance, song, poem and drama". But the question really is, does poetry or can it actually cure an illness? What is in poetry that has the ability to “cure” a patient?

From the Ancient Greek word poieo, meaning “I create”, poetry is, what is said to be, the most linguistic art form known to mankind over the years. Poetry, as the dictionary states, is a literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhyme. Poetry has made its mark on modern European languages in its most relative element-rhyme. Although rhyme did not make its way into classic Greek or Latin poetry until the late Middle Ages, along with many other literary devices, such as alliteration, and assonance has made poetry a sound of music to readers. Some say poetry is merely words on a page, but to others, it is an art form, an illustration of someone’s life, someone’s feelings, and an emotion given away through words in hopes that someone else might find serenity.
“What is generall...

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...poetry, the psychiatrist must have expertise in linking patient to a poem. If the wrong poem is drawn there is a possibility that the interpretation could be detrimental to the process of healing. The link between poetry and therapy dates all the way back to 1751 when Dr. Benjamin Rush used poetry in the method of his patients expressing their inner thoughts. Even further back to B.C., era in Egypt, people thought that writing the words of poetry on paper that could be ingested would cure the illness, and it was also believed that the words of poetry chanted would protect and keep the wellness of the tribe. Poetic therapy is still acknowledged today, and illustrated by Robert Carroll, still used in today’s society. Poetry has been fused with psychological therapy to heal the mentally ill people of this world.
” (National Association of Poetry) introduced writing

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