The Use of Computers in Education

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Computers are woven into every aspect of our lives. From the computers we use in our cars, to the microwaves oven in our homes where we teach younger children how to heat up a hot dog. When it comes to the education of our children in today’s world, we tend to question the use of computers and how everything revolves around them. As parents and teachers, we all understand that computers are utilized in many situations for education. But we often ask, “What effect do these computers really have on our children?” “Are they actually learning from sitting in front of a screen for numerous hours?” Fredrick Hess says, “Educators today have expressed plenty of questions about new technologies” (n.p.). Many parents are wondering about these questions, and have come to the conclusion that there are pros and cons of education with computers.

To begin with, there have been many negative issues surrounding the use of computers as an educational tool. They range from creativity, brain development, social and emotional growth and ineffective learning. These issues are becoming out of hand and are beginning to come into view and we can see why teachers and parents are reconsidering the validity of computers in education, especially for our school aged children. In relation to the issue of negative effects computers have on the physical development of our children, computers can be detrimental to a child’s growth at a very young age. James Wright says, “Too much computer use can affect children’s physiological and psychological heath as well as social skills” (n.p.). Physicians have expressed concerns about the amount of time children spend in front of various types of screens and have stated that computer use is creating problems in childre...

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...ferent learning websites for children, but it is also easier for children to have hands on approach to different classroom activities. Teachers should continue teaching math problems on a white board, students should still have to write by hand instead of typing everything up and turning it in. The internet has taken over the way humans think and learn. Almost everyone relies on the internet for everything. No one ever pulls out a book, or encyclopedia to look up information.

In conclusion, I feel that we need teachers for future education, even though computers have become acceptable as an option for teaching and learning methods. As a college student I believe that face to face communication is better than communicating with someone behind a computer screen. I am a visual, kinesthetic learner that is why I attend school so I can interact with people to learn.

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