Yuan Shikai Essays

  • The 1911 Chinese Revolution

    1164 Words  | 3 Pages

    The 1911 Revolution kicked out the Qing Dynasty and broke the barriers to different developments in China. However, the 1911 Revolution has only provided a framework of a republic and made changes in some particular aspects related to immediate problems and difficulties in society. Hence, the relationship between the revolution and the subsequent development of China was very weak. On one hand, I do not agree with the latter part of the statement that the 1911 Revolution brought new problems to China

  • Boxer Rebellion

    647 Words  | 2 Pages

    When Japan defeated China in 1895, European powers answered with an order they called, “ carving up the Chinese melon.'; Following the division of Africa among European powers, they turned their sights to what they saw as an extremely weak Chinese government. European powers and America began to scramble for what was called “spheres of interest.'; These spheres of interest involved holding leases for all railway and public advantages in different regions of China. Russia got Port Arthur

  • The Boxer Rebellion and The Great Game in China by David J. Silbey

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    As written in the book The Boxer Rebellion and the Great Game in China by David J. Silbey, the author gives an account of the Boxer Rebellion. David J. Silbey, the author gives an account using allied soldier and diplomat’s letters and diaries of the Boxer Rebellion. The Boxer Rebellion is an anti-foreigner movement in China during 1900. The conclusion of this rebellion lead to China having signed the Boxer Protocol in September 1901(Page 225). This treaty entailed the Chinese paying reparations

  • The Causes of the 1911 Revolution

    682 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Causes of the 1911 Revolution The Chinese revolution broke out in 1911 under the conflict of manzhous which were the Qing and the revolutionaries. The revolution broke out with the uprising of Sichuan province. The Qing government nationalized the railway in Sichuan province. The students were angered at the government’s action and protested on the streets for delaying the nationalization. On August 24 1911, between the conflict of protesters and the government troops, 32 people were

  • Summary Of Gene Luen Yang's 'Boxers'

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    Gene Luen Yang offers a humanistic perspective on western imperialism in China during the late nineteenth century to early twentieth century in his graphic novel Boxers, a tragic narrative about Chinese grassroots resistance against a foreign occupation in which an armed revolution ultimately fails. The novel focuses on religious identity and cultural connections in the face of invasion. Boxers highlights the negative effects of imperialism through violence between different religions, ideologies

  • The Boxer Rebellion in China

    1394 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Boxer Rebellion in China “China never wanted foreigners any more than foreigners wanted China men, and on this question I am with the Boxers every time. The Boxer is a patriot. He loves his country better than he does the countries of other people. I wish him success. The Boxer believes in driving us out of his country. I am a Boxer too, for I believe in driving him out of our country” – Mark Twain, Berkeley Lyceum, New York, Nov 23, 1900. The Boxer Rebellion soul purpose was to liberate

  • Sun Yat-Sen A Chinese Revolutionary

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    “To understand is hard. Once one understands, action is easy.” (Lifequoteslib, 2011, p. 1) These symbolic words were spoken by Sun Yat-Sen at one of his many speeches. Sun Yat-Sen was a Chinese revolutionary who sought to make China into a republic so he could end the suppressive Qing dynasty, and was elected by officials to become the first president in 1911. Sun Yat-Sen was born on November 12, 1866 in the village of Cuiheng, Guangdong, China. He was born into a peasant farming family that was

  • Comparing The Righteous And Harmonious Fist: The Boxer Rebellion

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    The secret society of The Righteous and Harmonious Fist had a mission to rid China of Christianity and all other foreign influences in any way they could. The society of The Righteous and Harmonious Fist, or Boxers as they were nicknamed, began as a group of peasants who were unsettled by the Chinese government and the intrusion of foreign powers. The Boxers began attacking the Chinese government officials, however, they eventually sided with the government in an attempt to create a stronger force

  • How Did The Mongols Use Gunpowder

    1225 Words  | 3 Pages

    China entered its golden age during the Song dynasty. It was an era of innovations and inventions. Examples of their inventions include paper money, printing, the compass, restaurants, and porcelains. The Song dynasty developed into a true marketing economy where they manufactured the massive amount of products for export and trades due to the cause of these new breakthroughs. The most remarkable invention by the Chinese was gunpowder, one of the most critical and significant inventions that changed

  • Mongol Empire Dbq

    505 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mongol empire was the largest land empire of the world has ever seen. First began as a nomadic group of tribes. Mongols were united and emerged into an empire that conquered lands stretching from Europe to Central Asia under the rule of Genghis Khan. The Mongol empire was able to succeed in expanding, and conquering was due to their ability to adapt to any living conditions, their sheer brutality force, and their strong military organization. To begin, one factor that supported Mongols in their

  • European Trade Routes 1100-1500

    1498 Words  | 3 Pages

    If there was ever an important period historians, and people could put a finger on, this would be it. This is the important period where the world’s countries, kingdoms, and dynasties established trade routes. This is the period where countries were made and countries were destroyed because of the importance of trade and the importance of building a fundamental, religious, and economical way of life. This paper will discuss the goals and functions of trades, and traders, and a historical analysis

  • what if china discovered america?

    1268 Words  | 3 Pages

    During the 15th century, the Chinese had one of the most advanced naval fleets known to man. As a result, China was able to establish many trade routes to places such as Africa, India, Singapore, etc… If the Chinese wanted to, they could have sailed all the way to Europe and even as far as North America. However, the Chinese ran into some political problems that prevented explorations in the future. If they had continued their voyages, it would have been possible for them to have discovered the New

  • Why do we need to know about history?

    649 Words  | 2 Pages

    History is a study of the past. Either good or bad that happened in the past is history. People think that they should learn their history. And there are so many books and movies about history to let us know. Also history is one of the basic curricula in high school. But not all of us can answer precisely why do we need to learn history? And how does it affect us? It is a question that cannot be answered by one single answer. This can be answered those who know about history. My father knows lot

  • The Incredible Journey of Marco Polo

    854 Words  | 2 Pages

    Success in a journey can be defined by the combination of gaining experience, the completion of goals, and in specific cases, improving foreign and domestic relationships. By following this definition, it is obvious that Marco Polo had a successful journey. Not only was he able to document his journey to China, but he was also able to spread his experience throughout Europe, thereby immortalizing his name. Marco Polo took the long journey to China with his father and his uncle which changed his

  • Aryl Ann Bashline: Painting Analysis

    1171 Words  | 3 Pages

    THE ART FINAL Lorie Daniels ART/101 Sunday June 28, 2015 Aryl Ann Bashline THE ART TIMEFINAL Chinese Art Fig.1 (1279-1368) The Simple Retreat Yuan Dynasty Hanging Scroll; ink and color on paper Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York This piece was made to represent likeness it also was to create an make believe vision where all artist could share a more direct land scape was used giving it was painted with a fluttering hand stroke the colors consisted of bright pigments to dots. The painting

  • Compare And Contrast Tang And Song Dynasties

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    ang dynasty, which lasted from 618-907, and the Song dynasty, which lasted from 960-1279, formed a golden age in China’s history that formed out of a time of troubles. After the fall of the prosperous Han dynasty in 220, China went into a period of dissolution known as the era of the Six Dynasties, which lasted for over three and a half centuries. During this time, six empires jostled for control in China, and it wasn’t until the Sui dynasty, which lasted from 581-618, that the vast area was reunited

  • How Did Marco Polo Influence Popular Culture

    517 Words  | 2 Pages

    Marco Polo (September 15, 1254 – January 8, 1324), was born in a wealthy and cosmopolitan Venetian merchant family. His father is Niccolò, a jewel merchant With his uncle Maffeo who was one of the first Europeans to travel the Silk Road to China(then called Cathay) and visit the Great Khan of the Mongol Empire,Kublai Khan(grandson of Genghis Khan), these three men payed a quite early visit to China in the early times. According to an authority, Marco Polo was grown up in Venice, which was the center

  • Compare And Contrast Eating Habits In China

    1008 Words  | 3 Pages

    When someone look at a Chinese restaurant’s menu, he or she may think what shows on the menu is same as the food everyone eats in China; in fact, it is a misunderstanding. China is a vast country with various landscapes and diverse ethnics with their different traditions; also, because of the long history China has, countless times of wars, explosions, and migrations has brought changes to different parts of China. As time passed, different habits in these places where changes happened finally melted

  • Narrative Essays: Hopscotch

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    Hopscotch The next morning everyone was in good spirits. Sampson was a bit irritable because he didn’t have a restful sleep as he tried to keep one eye open as he guarded the camp. But he knew he had to keep an watchful eye on Suzanne because they were still within reach of the Ruby Tribe. He would get to rest better the next night. After everything was packed up they made sure the campfire was out and started back. It was a long hike and they knew it so everyone just paced themselves and moved forward

  • Rossabi's Khan Review

    821 Words  | 2 Pages

    primitive nomadic tribes, becoming literate just a few years before the early 1200s. Kublai Khan was not only the grandson of Genghis Khan, founder of the Mongol Empire, he was also the fifth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire, and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty in China. The thesis of “Khubilai Khan His Life and Times” written by Morris Rossabi, is a biography that showed the significance of Khan’s life drawn on sources from a variety of countries, it goes into a detailed collection of his conquests