Xue Baochai Essays

  • Theme Of Love In The Dream Of Red Chamber

    719 Words  | 2 Pages

    It is interesting to note that The Dream of red Chamber from the first chapter is presented as a story of enlightenment. It is described by Vanitas as a love story, but that is only a vehicle used to stimulate enlightenment through love. In the novel, Zhen Shiyin and Jia Zheng both become enlightened through their deep-rooted love for their children. However, characters such as Adamantina and Jia Jing illustrate contrasts to them. Neither of these characters attempt to achieve enlightenment through

  • Cao Xuequin's The Story Of The Stone: The Golden Century

    1444 Words  | 3 Pages

    ꀀꀀine a world of unequal social status. Envision a world where customs are different, whether that is through family or political standpoints. In America, in today’s day and age, every human being despite their gender is supposed to be seen as equal. In our modern world, gender equality is beginning to prevail, and men and women are looked at on the same level. However, there are still flaws in our society. Some of these flaws are exemplified through Cao Xuequin’s novel The Story of the Stone:

  • Dream Of The Red Chamber

    1406 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Story of the Stone (Chinese:石头记) is a masterpiece of Chinese vernacular literature and one of Chinese Four Great Classical Novels. The novel was written around 1749 C.E to 1759C.E during the Qing Dynasty. The book was originally written by Cao Xue Qin and then continued and finished by another Chinese writer, Gao E. This is not only a great literature, but also could be considered as an encyclopedia with a rich content. In this essay, we will first discuss the background of the author and then

  • Fighting Fate in Dream of the Red Chamber

    1245 Words  | 3 Pages

    Print. Wakeman, Frederic, Jr. "The Genius of the Red Chamber by Frederic Wakeman Jr." The Genius of the Red Chamber by Frederic Wakeman Jr. The New York Book Review, 12 June 1980. Web. 11 May 2014. . HB Staff. "The Twelve Beauties of Jinling – Xue Baochai." CultureInCart. 25 Oct. 2013. Web. 11 May 2014. .