Wireless community network Essays

  • Municipal WiFi

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    Municipal Wi-Fi Municipal Wi-Fi generally refers to the perception of turning an entire city or region into a wireless access zone with a goal of making wireless internet access a universal service (Delta and Matsuura 17). Municipal Wi-Fi is in most instances deployed in large parts of the municipal area or the whole of it by employing a wireless mesh network, which uses hundreds of outdoor routers on utility poles. Recently, there have been struggles for municipal Wi-Fi on whether it should be

  • Code of Ethics: Is Wifi the Wild Wild West of Computing?

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    shortened name for wireless fidelity internet access, is a method of connecting to the Internet using radio waves rather than cables, thus making computer usage more convenient than ever as the user is no longer restricted to the confines of his or her own private space. Now a wireless computer user can tap into their own or their employer’s wireless network, but they also may be able to tap into neighbor’s as well. With the increased availability of wireless computer networks comes a new ethical

  • Teachers and Technology

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    towards technology play a vital role in adopting a set method in determining how to instruct with wireless laptops (Kervin & Mantei, 2010). Alternatively, the way teachers perceive technology will hypothesize a key determinant of the nature of this quantitative, pre-experimental study. In this study, the reason why teachers do not routinely and effectively use available technology such as wireless laptops in K–12 classrooms will be examined. To take full advantage of technology, while reducing

  • The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

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    Such examples of this emerging technology include: the development of Motor Vehicle Event Data Recording systems for vehicle safety, improving standards of connectivity for wireless devices and networking, and researching possible alternative energy resources and solutions to promote energy conservation for the community. First, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is the largest professional organization that works towards advancing technology for the benefit of humanity

  • Networks: From The Ground Up

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    Networks: From The Ground Up A network is merely a series of interrelated components, sharing information, linked by one common lifeline, spanning across a large area. When most people think of networks in the computer sense, cyberspace and the internet are usually types of networks that come to mind. However, these are just small pieces that complete the network puzzle. Many other types of networks include Local Area Networks (LANs), Wide Area Networks (WANs), and also wireless networks

  • Wireless Security and Privacy Protocols Part 1

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    paper is going to discuss wireless security from a broad view where I will go into why exactly wireless security is so important, especially today as the ways in which we are communicating is changing dramatically. From there I will discuss the multiple wireless securities that are available to give a better understanding of the options given. Then I will go into why exactly not protecting your wireless can be so dangerous with some descriptions of the most dangerous wireless attacks out there today

  • Research Proposal: Customer Satisfaction

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    services, including wireless communications; local exchange services; long-distance services; data/broadband and internet services; video services; telecommunications equipment; managed networking; and wholesale services (Wireless Telecommunication Services Industry Profile: United States, 2013, 20). The wireless communication segment of the company has over one hundred million wireless subscribers accounting for approximately fifty-three percent of all total revenue. Maintaining wireless customer satisfaction

  • Questions and Answers About Networking: Subnets and Hub

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    the advantages of subnet? Answer: A subnet is a logical grouping of network devices. which mention which hosts a part of a sub network number are come with the subnet is divided into their respective networks virtually defined sections allows the administrator to gain a lot of network subnets. When there as any organization network divided i nto subnets allows it to be connected to the Internet with a single shared network address. Subnets outside an organization can obtain multiple Internet Correspondence

  • Essay On Wired And Wireless Networks

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    Wired and Wireless Networks Introduction: This is a 21th century, technology is the most important and improved thing of the human life. It makes life easier and faster. Development of faster sophisticated technology we have better and fast life. So all we are connect each other by computer network. There are two different way of network: Wired and wireless. Now day we can found network almost everywhere. Home, business, public place, Airport, Planes, hospitals, school, train everywhere we can

  • Importance Of Computer Based Information System

    691 Words  | 2 Pages

    1.0 INTRODUCTION Computer-based information system (CBIS) is a computer which plays the major role and with it there are six components that support the process such as people, hardware, software, telecommunications, database and procedure. Each of these components plays their part in ensuring the system run as instructed. Along with those components, the basic requirement is power and/or electricity. This is because without electricity, there will be no process can be done. People People or information

  • Essay On Wireless Communication

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    Wireless communication has encouraged the practice of optimizing performance in wireless networks to achieve higher data rates and network coverage for the end user. Such strategies and methods will be examined to verify their validity and to introduce future solutions to the limitations of wireless communication systems. Wireless communication performance is affected by channel fading, path loss, and interference. There are several techniques that can be used to avoid signal degradation. At

  • Home Network : Home Networks

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    Home Networks Home networks are common but may be difficult to setup and maintain. The difficulty users experience in setting up and maintaining their home network is challenging because of the numerous security threats that can exploit poorly configured and maintained network security (Ho et al, 2010). Users generally do not understand the normal encryption mechanism within wireless routers and access points. Additionally, users utilize weak security configuration within their wireless networks from

  • Benefits Of Wi-Fi On Campus

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    Wi-Fi on Campus: Is It Beneficial or A Distraction? One among the successes of the computer industry in the last few years is the innovation of Wi-Fi, a short-range wireless broadband technology, which marked a rare bright spot in a bubble-battered market. Wi-Fi is a facility that allows computers, smartphones or other devices to connect to the internet or communicate with one another wirelessly within a particular area (Hamblen and Hofstadter, 2008). Wi-Fi access is available in a growing number

  • Argumentative Essay: War Driving To Disney World

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    where high-speed Internet¡¦s access is free. What I found interesting was that the hacks were pretty basic and that most of the information on how to break into default systems, how to look for Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) being enabled and other wireless steps could be found in a Google search. My brother Carlos a ¡§full time computer geek¡¨ and I had decided at the beginning of the summer that we were taking the family to Disney but I wasn¡¦t going to take any downtime or a vacation per se. Instead

  • Basic Concepts Of Wireless Network

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    Introduction to Wireless Networks 2.1Basic Concepts of a Communication Network Initially, before defining that what is a wireless network and how it works, firstly it is important to know some basic concepts like: what is a communication network in general, the services that it offers, the needed components for operation and normally it’s necessary to know some information about wired network because it is difficult to understand how works a wireless network before knowing how works a wired network, and

  • Connection Between Computers

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    console, also known as terminal is a basic computer connected to another computer, server or mainframe. Its function is to maintain the status of the network or computer. In some programs, console allows developers or advanced user to access the special features to issue command by pressing the tilde key when the program running. In Local Area Network(LAN), Ethernet is a physical and data link layer technology. used to connect more than one computer systems to form LAN that comes with protocols that

  • Wireless Communications Case Study

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    to be investigating the different wireless communications that are available, and also how they could benefit Staffordshire Health Authority. I will look at previous and current wireless standards, their differences and the speeds they can provide. I will also consider the best standards to use when working with a network to support VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). Throughout the case study I will talk about the technologies that could work within our network environment, and others that would

  • Wifi Essay

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    over Ethernet cables. One aspect this technology is a “hotspot”. A WiFi hotspot is what we call an area with an accessible wireless network. The term though is most often used to refer to wireless networks in public settings such as restaurants and malls. While some are free, a lot require fees for use. They may either charge by the data you use or the time connected to the network. It is a huge convenience but it sometimes will come at a price; even hotels are known to charge a significant amount for

  • Wireless Networking Advantages And Disadvantages

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    A wireless network is a wireless communication system that allows electronic devices and computing workstations communicate and exchange data with each other by utilizing radio waves as the transmission medium. Wireless networking offers many advantages for organizations and users such as increased productivity, portability and flexibility, and lower installation costs. However, wireless networking is also coupled with security threats that can alter and damage an organization’s computing and networking

  • wireless networking

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    many reasons why wireless networks are used. One reason is for a temporary backup to an existing broken cable network. Cable networks can leave many users disconnected from the network by one bad or broken cable. When this happens a wireless network may help to get these users connected until they can be reconnected through or repaired cable. This also leads to the usage of wireless networks being used as a backup. It would be much easier to connect the disconnected users to the network if they were