Warner-Amex Satellite Entertainment Essays

  • I Bet My Life: Music Video Analysis

    936 Words  | 2 Pages

    Evaluation The task I was given was to produce a music video using original footage. I chose a ready-made song of my choice. I chose the song I Bet My Life – Imagine Dragons. When choosing this song I felt I could plan a video to catch the audience’s eye. This music video project I made certain I made it eye catching and interesting, vibrant, and stimulating. Within my given task the maximum time on the music video was 3 minutes long. My music video was around 3 minutes therefore it was within the

  • How MTV Maintains Its Dominance

    1929 Words  | 4 Pages

    MTV's parent company, MTV exercised anticompetitive and monopolistic means to fend off competition. From its launch, MTV successfully applied these marketing and competitive business practices. The board of the Warner - AMEX Satellite Entertainment Company (WASEC), a partnership between Warner Communications and American Express, gave approval in mid-January 1981 for the creation of a cable service that would broadcast music videos . Music videos, song length visual depictions used in the promotion

  • The Rise Of MTV And The Video Industry

    1737 Words  | 4 Pages

    Music videos began to rise in the 1980 's and ever since then have had a long lasting effect on both the music and television industries. One of music videos most groundbreaking successes was that of MTV, which had a monolithic appearance in the cable TV industry and in American culture. However, MTV as a channel is now that of a dying one. The music video industry continues to thrive due to the developments, expansions, and improvements in technology over the years. In this Post-Network Era, different