University of Kansas Essays

  • Exploration Feasibility Study of Kansas’s Central Uplift for Intended use in Stochastic Decision Tree Analysis in New Drilling Programs

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    Kansas’s Central Uplift. The purpose of the study was to see if drilling is justifiable in this region after analyzing Kansas’s Geological Survey lease production database. The Central Uplift has three main reservoir targets (Pennsylvanian age –Lansing/Kansas City, and Ordovician-Arbuckle). Some fields in the area have been producing since pre-1960s. From a project analysis stand point, decision tree methods aide in assigning value to different outcomes from drilling (i.e. dry hole, excellent or poor

  • Brian Vulgamore: My Life And Success In Life

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    the most driven farming establishments in Kansas. The person leading the way? Brian Vulgamore. Brian has been in my life since I was a toddler. I personally believe without Brian in my life, I would not have the opportunity to attend college and pursue my dreams. A man of many attributes, he [Brian] has inspired me to seek the very best in life, and always strive for the greatest opportunities. Brian grew up on a family farm in Scott City, Kansas. He was always out on the field after schools

  • Essay On Being A Resident Assistant

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    There are many qualities that I see in myself that will help me to succeed as a Resident Assistant. Many of them deal with communication, and treating others the way that I want to be treated. To me to be good at any job it will take time, which every full time college student seems to think that they don’t have enough. It also takes someone that welcomes diversity, a person that is welcoming to everyone despite their differences. Those are two of my strongest qualities time management, and being

  • Listening in Lectures

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    Listening in Lectures Lectures are the main way of communicating knowledge in the classroom setting, so being able to listen well is an essential to success in one’s education. There are many different techniques that once practiced and mastered, can lead to success. The first step to good listening skills in lectures is to be prepared. By reading the chapter being covered, or re-reading notes it is easier to listen. Because the content is not being introduced for the first time, it is easier

  • Personal Experience: Making My Best Friends In College

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    Before coming to college I had many people tell me that I would make my best friends in college. Whenever I told anyone that I was going to Kansas State University in the fall they would rant and rave about how much fun I would have. Everyone I talked to told me it would be fun for many different reasons but the one thing that everyone mentioned was the friendships I would form. I became really excited to get to Manhattan and have a bunch of great friends. I had some really good high school friends

  • Multicultural Interview Essay Questions

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    their favorite foods back home and what they ate on a daily basis. Then, how those foods were different here and why they thought that their food was not represented well in Manhattan and/or on the Kansas State Campus. Finally, we wanted to know if they had any ideas about what the university and/or Kansas State could do to help fix this problem for international students in the

  • Personal Finance

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    state. Thus, my options became narrowed down to attend college at either Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas or New York University, New York. I quickly came to a realization that New York University offered the most prestigious courses, and a backstage pass to Broadway itself. However, while realizing that, I came to acknowledge the yearly average of out of state tuition that averaged $52,614 (New York University np). Multiplied by four years, that results to an unimaginable amount of

  • James A. Naismith: Creator of Basketball

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    the name of Dr. James A. Naismith. James Naismith was born around the 1860s. James Naismith created the game of basketball in 1891. Dr. James A. Naismith was truly influential to the sports world through the creation of basketball, building Kansas University basketball tradition, and changing lives of millions of people through the game of basketball. Before the game of basketball James Naismith was truly influential to the sports world. According to James A. Naismith “as a young man, Naismith

  • The Argument Essay: The Use Of Tobacco-Free College Students

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    Initiative", 2017). Kansas State University is neither a fully tobacco-free nor a smoke-free campus. THE CURRENT POLICY According to the Kansas State University Policies and Procedures Manual, “Smoking is a public health and fire hazard. Locations where smoking is allowed shall be restricted in order to: (A) prevent infringements upon others and (B) create and maintain an environment that is in the best interests of the safety, health, and well being of all the users of university property ("General

  • The History of Kansas

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    The state of Kansas was tossed back and forth between the French, British, Spanish and Americans. France surrendered its North American possessions at the end of the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Year War. New Orleans and the Louisiana Territory west of the Mississippi were in Spain’s possession in 1762. French territories east of the Mississippi, including Canada, were ceded to Britain. Napoleon, who took power in 1799, aimed to gain control back over North American territory. As

  • Iron Triangle Theory Case Study

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    hypothetically speaking, let’s presume that the Kansas Board Of Regents decided to push for new academic curriculum relating to sexual education for first-year Freshmen and transfer students from Community

  • Big Jayhawk Research Paper

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    The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines jayhawk as, “a fictitious bird with a large beak used as an emblem in Kansas” (“Jayhawk”). Even though some people may say that the Jayhawk is not resemble a good role model, the jayhawk should be inducted into the mascot hall of fame because he makes an impact in the community, he has a fun and unique design, the jayhawk has an impact on his sport, and he performs memorably and groundbreaking performances. As a general rule, mascots in the Mascot Hall of Fame

  • O Brate Scholarship Analysis

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    My junior year at Kansas State University has been nothing short of monumental. This year has been considerably tougher than the two previously. Mitigating through the minefield that is life can be stressful at times. Fortunately, I have a great network of support and I am indebted to The O’Brate Foundation for being an exceptionally critical guide and resource through my last three years here at Kansas State University. The continued goodwill that The O’Brate Scholarship has financially provided

  • Shadowing a Pediatric Sports Medicine Physician: Insights and Observations

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    For this introductory course on political science, I was tasked to shadow a professional who works for a government agency or in public service. Since September of this year, I have shadowed pediatric sports medicine physician Dr. Randal Goldstein (D.O). Throughout my experiences, I have not only gained insight into the administrative activities involvement with his position on a concussion management team, but also the communication and technical mindset needed to succeed as a clinician. This paper

  • Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

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    Then in 2004 she graduated from the University of Missouri- Kansas City (UMKC), School of Dentistry, in Kansas City, Missouri, for a Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) degree. In continuation was certified in 2006 with pediatric dentistry from Mercy Hospital and the UMKC, School of Dentistry. She has two lovely daughters 6 and

  • Roy Wilkins Research Paper

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    While attending the university Wilkins majored in sociology. The university expressed various racial actions against African Americans such as being allowed to join different clubs on campus. During his sophomore year of college Wilkins as an African American had the privilege of being a writer in the university’s newspaper, the Minnesota Daily. A year prior to graduating, Wilkins was admitted into the NAACP. Fours years later, Wilkins graduated from the University of Minnesota in 1923. After

  • University Jazz Concert

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    the fabulous performance by the Pittsburg State University Jazz Band at the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts in Pittsburg Kansas. It was a beautiful evening filled with fantastic music. The concert featured many well-rehearsed songs, talented solos, and enjoyable evening for everyone who attended. The evening opened with a nice pieced titled, Time After Time. The song opened with a guitar solo performed by Tyler Jones from Baxter Springs, Kansas. This particular piece had great dynamic contrast

  • Roy Wilkins

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    neighborhood but stressed to the children the value of an education and moral principles. Wilkins attended the integrated Mechanic Arts High School and became editor of the school newspaper. After graduating from high school in 1919, Wilkins attended the University of Minnesota, majoring in sociology and minoring in journalism. As a student, he earned money to pay for his education by working as a porter, redcap, dishwasher, caddy, dining car waiter, and packinghouse laborer. Despite his class work and many

  • Sam Brownback Mistakes

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    The state of Kansas faces horrific challenges in todays world as do most states in the wonderful country of The United States. But citizens find themselves scratching their heads trying to decide why they face so many problems, and all fingers point towards the infamous Sam Brownback. The current governor of Kansas and the reason we face so many financial difficulties. Sam Brownback raised sales tax to try to create a cheaper tax over all but now even the public schooling is in jeopardy! Sam Brownback

  • Kansas Water Dispute

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    years there has been a controversy between two states, Kansas and Nebraska. It initially started in 1999 and is continuing to this day. The water issue between the two states is a dispute concerning the water rights agreement that was signed back in 1943. This agreement was the Republican River compact agreement. Each state was agreed to receive a certain amount of the river water, 49 percent of the river’s water to Nebraska, 40 percent to Kansas, and 11 percent to Colorado (Rosales). The purpose