The Untold Story Essays

  • Title IX and the Expansion of Educational Rights for Women

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    most part, by the legislation's impressive impact on women in sports. Title IX is attributed to have an important effect on the number of women in higher education. Richard W. Riley, former U.S. Secretary of Education, asserted that, "The great untold story of success that resulted from the passage of Title IX is surely the progress that has been achieved in education. In 1971, only 18 percent of all women, compared to 26 percent of all men, had completed four or more years of college. This education

  • Life of Oedipus Rex

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    known about his early life before his ascension to the throne and triumph over the Sphinx. After countless years of research and dedication one specialist has finally gathered enough information to show us the mystery behind the man, these are his stories. In the beginning, Oedipus Rex found himself thrown into the wilderness: abandoned, feet pierced and bound in an attempt to cripple, and left to the mercy of the gods. Luckily, a servant to the rulers of a Corinth just happened to being walking by

  • Cervantes' Motivation for Writing Don Quixote

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    survived since the novel's inception, and spawned such universally known concepts or images as quixotic idealism and charging headlong at a group of "giants" which are actually windmills, Cervantes' motivation for writing Don Quixote remains an untold story. Looking at late fifteenth- and early sixteenth-century Spain from the viewpoint of a Renaissance man, Cervantes came to dislike many aspects of the age in which he lived, and decided to satirize what he saw as its failings; however, throughout

  • Mathinna Sparknotes

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    by Stephen Page and performed by Bangarra Dance Theatre, tells the story of a young Aboriginal girl who has been adopted into a traditional western society. Inspired by the ‘stolen generation’, this story illustrates the personal journey of a lost soul caught between two cultures. Throughout this essay, three excerpts, titled Exile 1, Adoption and Nursery will be analysed in relation to how the dance work communicates the true story of how “British settlers relocated the Aboriginal people from their

  • Fidel: The Untold Story

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    in class showed different sides of Fidel Castro. There were overlaps that conveyed who Fidel Castro is really is. In The Last Communist documtary, Castro is portrayed as powerful, danger, and irresponsible leader whereas in the film, Fidel: The Untold Story he is portrayed as a hero, a friend, and a great leader. There were multiple views that these two films showed Fidel Castro as who he is supposed to be. The article History Will Absolve Me showed Castro when he was in court for trial and backing

  • Cliques: The Untold Story

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    Shelby Sheppard Mrs. Mears English 1 Honors 3 May 2014 Cliques: The Untold Story Depression is taking over adolescents across the world. 11% of 18-year-old adolescents have developed a form of depression (“Depression in Children and Adolescents (Fact Sheet).”). Depression can form from a multitude of problems. Cliques can be a cause of depression at school or a workplace. Cliques are a group of people that have the same interests or are in the same social class (“Chapter Outline.”). The diversity


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    SEINFELD: THE UNTOLD STORY Throughout Seinfeld’s eight-season stint on network television the show and its creator’s have stereotyped everything from young Puerto Rican boys to Jewish Priests. The main stereotype of this sit-com is the very florid portrayal of the generational age groups of the characters. The main characters represent the beginning of the Generation X culture. The parents and relatives of Jerry Seinfeld and that of George Costanza present the presence of the members of the Silent

  • Hiroshima And Nagasaki Persuasive Essay

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    Hiroshima and Nagasaki the untold story On August 6th 1945, the first Atomic Bomb, “Little Boy,” was dropped on Hiroshima, and three days later on August 9th 1945, the second atomic bomb, “Fat Man,” was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan’s industrial capital. The decision to use the Atomic Bomb against Japan was a poor one considering the damage, the devastation, and the amount of people left dead, injured, or suffering the loss of a family member or a friend, all for the sake of quickly ending the ongoing

  • Remembering the Disremembered

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    name? Although she has claim, she is not claimed. In the place where long grass opens, the girl who waited to be loved and cry shame erupts into her separate parts, to make it easy for the chewing laughter to swallow her all away. It was not a story to pass on. - Toni Morrison, Beloved To write history means giving dates their physiognomy. - Walter Benjamin For philosopher, essayist and critic Walter Benjamin, history is catastrophe. Standing as he does at the dawn of World War II

  • Poverty In Buju Banton's 'Untold Stories'

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    In Buju Banton’s “Untold Stories”, he speaks on the hardships that many people face in the country of Jamaica, and clearly opposes the exceedingly high rate of poverty that consumes his nation. Banton’s notions surrounding poverty depict what life is like from a victim’s point of view; though there are many instances involving poverty that were spoken of, there are endless stories that can validate the suffering in these communities and the fullness thereof can never be told in its’ entirety. The

  • Heroism In Boatlift-An Untold Story

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    and understanding. In other words, heroism is always being selfless, brave, and not fearful. The function of heroism in society is to be there for others when they need help. A true function of a hero is selflessness. In the film, “Boatlift- An Untold Story,” Vincent Ardolino, a boat captain who decided to help

  • An Analysis Of House And Untold Stories Of The ER

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    medical dramas House, M.D. (House for short) and Untold Stories of the ER, there seems to be a good number of rather pressing illnesses/health concerns that are prevalent in our society. House, M.D. features diagnostician Doctor Gregory House who is a phenomenal doctor. The illnesses that were discussed most often in this particular show include lung cancer, brain cancer, tuberculosis, blood clots, heart attacks, pneumonia, and so many more. Untold Stories of the ER is a medical docudrama in which real

  • Analysis Of Fracking Hell: The Untold Story

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    In the video “Fracking Hell: The Untold Story” by Link TV explains how natural gas has been a huge problem not only for the earth in general but for everyone and everything living in it. The video explains how North East of Pennsylvania is having difficulties to conserve a healthy environment and people. North East of Pennsylvania is the main sources to extract gas and send it throughout the United States for gasoline and so on. However, this action is wonderful for the cost of gas, but has a huge

  • Untold Story in the Law within Morrison's Beloved

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    Robert Ferguson speaks of 'untold stories in the law' (84); Toni Morrison’s novel Beloved contains both the untold stories in the law, as well as untold stories in history. Morrison uses each character in Beloved ' Sethe, Baby Suggs, Denver, Beloved, Paul D., etc. ' as a representation of the complex ideas of the collective strife, the collective oppression, suppression and repression, that each slave in some way personally encountered - ideas that law was specifically written not to allow either

  • Everyman The Untold Story Of Death Essay

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    Everyman: The Untold Story of Death The thought of taking a final breath is one that rarely enters into the minds and hearts of most people. In general, people live as if tomorrow is guaranteed to them, and death is a million years away. They plan extravagant vacations, store piles of wealth, and live with the expectation of enjoying it all one day. But death has a strange way of bringing everything into proper perspective. The moral play Everyman was originally written by an unknown Author in

  • Wicked: The Untold Story Of The Witches Of Oz

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    Wicked: The Untold Story of the Witches of Oz, or more commonly known as Wicked, is a musical production by Marc Platt under the direction of Joe Mantello. The musical was based on the 1995 novel Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire. The scores and lyrics were composed by Stephen Schwartz while the book was written by Winnie Holzman. The Manila production will be held from February 2, 2017 - March 19, 2017 at the Theatre at Solaire. The roles of Elphaba and

  • Outcasts: The Untold Stories of Society's Rejects

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    An outcast is a person who has been rejected by society or a social group, an outsider. Many times outcasts are rejected, isolated, and judged. However, what gives us that right to isolated, reject, and judge other people? When in fact you may not even know the person whom you are showing this impoliteness to. Djuna Barnes was an outcast. She has been rejected, isolated judged yet, she figuratively took the word outcast and made it her own. She speaks for those who can’t speak for themselves. Barnes

  • The Tragic Untold Story of Natalee Holloway and Corruption in Paradise

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    A class trip to Aruba should be an unforgettable experience, something that the students will never forget. However, for class of 2005 at Mountain Brook High School, it will be memorable for all the wrong reasons. Natalee Ann Holloway was both blonde and beautiful. She was also very friendly and well known in her hometown. The class trip was supposed to be the best time of their life for some students, but it was also the end for another. May 29, 2005, seemed like an ordinary day of fun in the sun

  • A Portrait Of Princess Diana By John Stanton Ward

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    holds herself. Not only her royalty dress, but her facial expression and statue makes her look like a princess from a fairy tale.  Princess Diana’s death shocked the world. There are several stories written about what could have happened on the night she was killed, like the novel written by Monica Ali. Untold Story outlooks a different fate for Princess Diana had she had not died in a

  • Persuasive Essay On Child Brides

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    only a few months after their marriage. Sinclair also explains in the article, “Child marriage and adolescent pregnancies are intrinsically linked, as one often quickly follows the other. Pregnancy at an early age puts girls’ health at risk.” (“The Untold”). Within the first few months of pregnancy, young girls are becoming pregnant and their husbands leaving them, not giving them enough money for the proper nutrients, or leaving for days on end without telling their pregnant wife or returning. Child