Persuasive Essay On Child Brides

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Marriage, marriage, marriage! Almost every girl dreams of getting married to her night and shining armor, but not in third world countries. In fact, the thought of marriage is their worst nightmare. In today’s society, women are getting married at younger and younger ages in third world countries, and some even in the United States. Child brides should be banned worldwide for never-ending reasons. Alluding to child pregnancies, health complications, death in young women, mental health, education, and funding issues. There are numerous issues involved in child brides, but the issues listed above are immense controversial issues involved. Child brides can lead to many health complications, pregnancy being the number one health issues. According …show more content…

he left me when I was 4 months pregnant. He said the child wasn’t his”-Aracely, aged 15. Statistically, the majority of young girls who get married young, their husbands are in their twenties and get pregnant only a few months after their marriage. Sinclair also explains in the article, “Child marriage and adolescent pregnancies are intrinsically linked, as one often quickly follows the other. Pregnancy at an early age puts girls’ health at risk.” (“The Untold”). Within the first few months of pregnancy, young girls are becoming pregnant and their husbands leaving them, not giving them enough money for the proper nutrients, or leaving for days on end without telling their pregnant wife or returning. Child brides lead to physical health issues or sometimes even death in young women. Stephanie Sinclair interviews multiple young women in Guatemala about their lives being child brides and many doctors helping these women. An expert asserts, “Complications during pregnancy and childbirth is one of the leading causes of death for adolescent girls in the developing world. A doctor explains: “Normal vaginal births in these cases are difficult. Their hips are

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