The Legend of Zelda Essays

  • The Legend of Zelda: A Perfect Religion

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    who wants to call themselves a gamer has to have some idea as to what Zelda is. It is among one of the most popular video game series out there and has created its own cultural wellspring. There have been spin off cartoons, websites, walkthroughs, forms, etc…but strangely enough the story for one of the video games doesn’t change much. You are this elf looking boy or adult named Link that is on a quest to rescue Princess Zelda, reunite the Triforce, and save the land of Hyrule from evils such as

  • Analysis Of The Legend Of Zelda

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    about? How about undergraduate analyses of popular culture through the prism of race, class, and gender? Is Breaking Bad sending coded messages of white supremacism? Is liberal comedian Patton Oswalt a racist? How about a helpful analysis of The Legend of Zelda, a video game celebrating its 15th anniversary, which concludes that “the ways it deals with class, race, gender and animal rights are all deeply problematic.” (The same writer followed up with an apparently serious column on the best “video game

  • The Legend Of Zelda Symphony Of The Goddesses

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    The concert that I attended was, The Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses. It was a birthday gift for 20th birthday and a graduation gift for my cousin that had also come along with me to the show. The concert was advertising the recent re-release of a game of the Legend of Zelda (LoZ) series Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask for the Nintendo 3DS. The game had first came out on the Nintendo 64 but Nintendo wanted to allow the children of the recent generation and the adults who have previously

  • Taking a Look at the Legend of Zelda

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    generation and has weathered the test of time to present day. Mythology influences current day literature, movies, and even video games. One video game that heavily draws on mythological themes is The Legend of Zelda created by Japanese video game designer and producer Shingeru Miyamoto. Through Zelda, gamers are exposed to and are able to play through a hero’s journey filled with mythological motifs such as the idea of creation and destruction, the struggle between light versus darkness, the subconscious

  • Zelda The Wind Waker Essay

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    Quality in Video Games An Examination of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker David Kastner Full Sail University Author Note This paper was prepared for English Composition I, Section 25, taught by Joana Lincoln Criteria and Quality in Video Games An Examination of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker This paper examines the different criteria that can be used to determine the quality of a video game, and more specifically the video game The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. While many people believe

  • The Zelda Report

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    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, is a video game that Nintendo released for the Wii console on November 20, 2011. The retail price of the game at $45.95. The game also had a limited edition golden Wiimote controller and a soundtrack bundle which retailed for $69.99. Some say that this game surpasses the other games, but why? This report will explain some of the feature that Skyward Sword has. The story of Skywards Sword starts with a war that starts when the monsters escaped the ‘fissure’ so

  • Zelda Research Paper

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    Legend of Zelda Legend of Zelda is a legendary series having sold over 67million copies to date. Having released over 15 titles (and many more spin offs) across all Nintendo console releases. It one of the highest acclaimed game series having pioneered many new game features that were to become industry standards. Legend of Zelda, having evolved over the course of 28 years, is a mixture of action, adventure and puzzle solving. It is one of the Nintendo’s most prominent and popular franchises and

  • Essay On Zelda Fitzgerald

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    2014 Nonfiction Historical Essay: Zelda Fitzgerald To begin with, Zelda Sayre-Fitzgerald was born in Montgomery, Alabama. Zelda came from a very prestigious, wealthy family. Growing up, Zelda was a wild and rebellious child; she was very flirtatious, spending most of the time with the boys. Zelda was well-known for being a free-spirit in her Southern society. Even though she was talked about by her peers, her father’s reputation provided her with a “free card” (“Zelda Fitzgerald n.p.). Secondly, following

  • Ernest Hemingway and Zelda Fitzgerald

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    Ernest Hemingway and Zelda Fitzgerald Zelda Sayre Fitzgerald was born July 24th, 1900 to Anthony Sayre, a judge of the Alabama Supreme Court, and Minnie, a once aspiring actress. She was considered a sought-after Southern belle who had a collection of soldiers' insignia pins by the time she met Scott Fitzgerald at the age of twenty. However, Zelda refused marriage until 1920 when the publication of This Side of Paradise gave Scott the wealth and economic stability, which she demanded. The

  • Why Is Shigeru Miyamoto Important

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    that’s exactly what Shigeru Miyamoto did, especially for his time. Miyamoto is arguably one of the most (If not, THE most) important and influential game designers of all time. Being the creator of beloved franchises like Super Mario and The Legend of Zelda, it’s almost impossible to imagine what the gaming industry would be like if Miyamoto would not have joined Nintendo, in fact, the gaming industry might not even exist now if it was not for him. Over these next few paragraphs, I will prove to

  • Promotional Strategies

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    “How do I get my product/service out there?” This is a question that many people who plan to begin their own businesses, or even larger companies who have already established a name for themselves, frequently ask. Your product or service may be the latest and greatest on the market today, but that doesn't help you if no one knows it exists. You need to find someway to make yourself and your product known. That is where promotion comes into play. But what exactly is promotion? Well, www.dictionary

  • Nintendo Research Paper

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    The Nintendo 64 is the first 64-bit game system in the world. The Nintendo 64 was released with its first game, Super Mario 64, which many people at the time thought to be the greatest game in the world. In 1998, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was released, and many people think of that as the best game of all time, even to this day. On September 14, 2001, the Nintendo GameCube was released in Japan. Luigi’s Mansion was a launch title that sold well and Super Smash

  • Zelda Fitzgerald Biography Essay

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    Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of famous author F. Scott Fitzgerald, lived an extravagant life. Her life may not have been well known in the same way that her husbands was, but many people still knew of her nonetheless. Fitzgerald was born on July 24, 1900 in Montgomery, Alabama. Her family was rather well known throughout the government. Fitzgerald’s father, Anthony Dickinson Sayre, served on the Supreme Court of Alabama. Zelda’s great-uncle and grandfather served in the United States Senate. Her mother

  • Compare And Contrast Myamoto Vs Nintendo

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    games. Arcades began to lose their fun with at-home-consoles taking their place. Myamoto went from making Pac Man looking games to 3D games. Two of his most famous franchises that were made in 3D are The Ledged of Zelda, and Super Mario. While most adored the Mario franchise, the legend of Zelda (A.K.A LOZ) was beginning to shine. LOZ’s franchise made 15+ games, while Mario beamed with over 50+ games. After a while of LOZ and Mario, Star Fox was introduced as well as many other types of games like Super

  • Sexism Research Paper

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    done a great job at this. The Legend of Zelda, and Mario Bros are two great examples. Both now have gotten better with having females being able to handle themselves. In Hyrule Warriors you can play from a large selection of characters, many of them are female. Even the villain is females. In Mario you can now play as Princess Peach in the main game, they have also added Birdo the female Yoshi, Toadette the female Toad, and Daisy, another princess. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time also got better

  • gatdream F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby - Dreaming the Impossible Dream Great Gatsby Essays

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    stationed in Montgomery, Alabama with the military, Scott met a gracious, soft-voiced girl named Zelda Sayre at a country club dance. Scott recalled that night that, she let her long hair hang down loose and wore a frilly dress that made her look younger than eighteen.  She came from a prominent though not wealthy family and had just graduated from Sidney Lanier High School (Meyers, 42).         Despite Zeldas striking beauty and strong personality, she had numerous flaws  that were impossible to hide

  • Shigeru Miyamoto Research Paper

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    Shigeru Miyamoto: Game Design Legend My parents tell me when I was born, I was holding a video game controller. As long as I can remember I have played video games. They allowed me to escape reality. I could take on the roles that young children only dream about. One day I could be a superhero and perform feats that are not humanly possible; the next I was fighting aliens in the far away galaxies. Games were like books to me, each a new adventure where mystery and challenge await. Some of the fondest

  • Analysis: The Great Gatsby

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    themselves than their fathers had and both succeeded to do so. Moreover, Fitzgerald’s infatuation with Zelda is largely paralleled with Gatsby’s similar fixation for Daisy. The two men yearn for the green light, which becomes an emblem for their greatest dreams and desires. Both immensely devoted to their dreams, Scott and Gatsby transform into wealthy, successful men, in an attempts to win over both Zelda and Daisy, respectively. Often dismissed from the wealthier class, Gatsby experiences a similar isolation

  • Nintendo History

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    computer (Famicom), later renamed the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), in Japan. This Nintendo console bring with some of the best games of the century,in my opinion, game titles that have been around for decades like Super Mario Bros, The Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, Megaman, Punch Out, Pitfall etc. I have personally played and enjoyed this library of games myself. The next instalment in the Nintendo franchise was the gameboy which came with tetris in 1989. it became an instant hit, selling over

  • Heart Of Darkness: The Dark Themes Of Gothic Literature

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    64, GameCube, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, and the Wii. Many of the games that are playable on the Nintendo made consoles are the Legend of Zelda games and the well-known Castlevania games. Although the Legend of Zelda games are strictly for the Nintendo Consoles while the Castlevania are playable on other consoles depending on when the game was made. The legend of Zelda games include several gothic themes throughout the series of games. They range from the songs that they play in the games to the