The Last Session Essays

  • Therapy Reflection Paper

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    therapy session with the client. After a brief introduction and summary of the last session, I wanted to explore where the client was regarding her current situation. The client recently discovered that her husband was having an affair and spent the holiday (Thanksgiving) with her sister in an attempt to think about her situation and how she wants to handle it. The client has not confronted her husband and is trying to decide how to move forward. The client was less distressed during this session than

  • Summary of Tour Experience

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    opening session, many people went after the ice cream, but I instead found a quiet place to look through the book of presentations and posters. I have known from other conferences that I have been to that there are usually far too many sessions to go to in one day—because all the good ones seem to happen at the same time—but here there were even more than I had ever expected. Dozens upon dozens all occurring at the same time, and all ones that I wished to attend. Thankfully, the poster session happened

  • Group Career Counseling, Is It Really Beneficial?

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    career support. Obviously, individuals seeking this kind if help would need to find a more support type of group rather than an educational group. For more informational and educational groups I would be centered on more short-term sessions or events. These shorter sessions I would gear around gear toward a group size of 9-15. I think the larger size would be acceptable because of the educational nature of the content. According to Gillombardo, who has done research on group career counseling in secondary

  • Reflection On Group Sharing

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    his was our third group session, it was a different experience as I was the group leader this time around. In following previous protocol, I led the group by “checking in” and asking how everyone’s week has been going. As each member shared their feelings/thoughts and small comments, I had disclosed how nervous I was feeling about running a group for the first time among professionals in training. By disclosing such limited information, I noticed the group was surprised by my confession. One member

  • Social Work Case Study

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    Social worker began session by informing client that the purpose of the session was to clarify the clients goals, how client believes she can achieve her goals, and how social worker can help client reach goals. Social worker explained what a written contract is and its purpose. Social worker than inquired about how the client has been since the last session. Client reported that she finally discussed the status of her relationship with her boyfriend. The client stated that her boyfriend did get

  • Play: Freud's Last Session

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    This is a simple yes or no question, but the answer is based highly on a person’s beliefs, morals, and worldviews. Sigmund Freud and C.S. Lewis were two of the greatest minds of the twentieth century, and the two join together in the play, Freud’s Last Session. Sigmund Freud was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1856. Supporter or non-supporter, everyone agrees that Freud was one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century. Freud focused mostly on the interaction of the conscious and

  • Reflection On Tutoring

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    tutoring sessions. Fortunately we had already had the time to get to know one another whilst I was on placement in his classroom as a student teacher. Jonathon was very enthusiastic about starting tutoring with me on the 3rd of March. Session One: Jonathon and I worked at his house after school and he had a fantastic work ethic and concentrated for the hour and a half session even though he was we were working with a difficult text. The last part of the session was spent playing a game. Session Two:

  • Clinical Reflection Paper

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    being nonverbal, it can make therapy very difficult to carry out. During the session, it was observed that they were working on letting him make choices, hand over hand work, and giving him plenty of exposure to language. The only goal given was to elicit any kind of response from the client. What strategies/methods/materials were used to help the client achieve the goals? As to be expected with a child this young, the session was broken down into several different segments that was offset with periods

  • Understanding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Case Study Approach

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    their state of mind by breaking down big problems into smaller parts that can be more easily addressed, and changing negative patterns of thoughts and actions (26,27). Sessions of CBT are usually once a week or once every two weeks. Sessions last 30-60 minutes and treatment usually lasts for between five and 20 sessions. During the sessions, problems are broken down into five main areas: situations, thoughts, emotions, physical feelings, and actions. The patient and therapist then work together to determine

  • Pre-Practicum: Case Study

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    understand one’s own strengths and weaknesses. The current literature is a review of three counseling sessions with Lacey, the client, and areas of improvement. The sections covered are a brief overview of my client, summary of sessions, strengths in session, weaknesses in session, theoretical process, future interventions, and counselor characteristics. Some of the areas of growth are pacing in session, confidence in a counseling framework, and having a few techniques that are

  • Disadvantages Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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    Clients attend one session per week, each session lasting approximately 50 minutes. During this time, the client and therapist are work together to understand what the problems are and develop new strategies for tackling them. CBT introduces patients to a set of principles that they can apply whenever they need to, and that’ll last them a lifetime. Cognitive-behavioral therapy differs from many other types of psychotherapies because sessions have a structure, rather than the person

  • Isolaz Laser Treatment

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    treatment as compared to other light based treatments. Isolaz laser treatment has three basic stages. The cost and length of treatment varies depending on the problem and the total size of the area of skin that you wish to be treated. In a typical session of isolaz treatment, the isolaz hand device is applied on the affected area. Then, a vacuum is used that helps to raise that part of skin. The vacuum at the same time (again, that depends on the reason of treatment) may loosen and suck out the oil

  • Efnep Program Proposal

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    healthy eating habit. Food demo is always done after each session, the food demo enables the client to try the food, which are healthy and affordable. The clients were given extenders; after each session, the extenders serves as tools to help put lesson learned into practice. Session 1; Your Food Your Choice; this is the introductory session, clients were enrolled in the classes. They were given calendar to make a list of the food eaten in the last 24hours, they discuss about their meal, why they chose

  • Peer Coaching Essay

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    Introduction This report focused on Peer Coaching as the coaching relationship brings to light what the person being coached already knows, but may not know he or she knows, and then helping the persons to make decisions and take action so he or she can move forward to some goal he or she has or a dream he or she wants to achieve. Coaching is a method of facilitating affirmative change that impacts an organizational leader’s performance, development of particular skills, which leads to a broader

  • Life Session Artists

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    are the session musicians that play on the album and that travel around the world backing up artists on tour. The life

  • Counseling Session Reflection

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    his head hanging down, so immediately finding a spot on the couch seemed eager to finish the session quickly. The first session, the first impression is essential to me. The more information I retain in the session will be the normal questions such as his current mind frame of his interest levels about things. The rules were discussed in first 15 minutes of the session. Before I began the counseling session. I respectfully offered a beverage or snack to Marcel. The effective way of counseling is more

  • Using The Powhiri Poutama Model In Counselling

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    science counselling as is my peer client. The five sessions took place in her home in the lounge area, the orientation of furniture was my responsibility so I took great pleasure in moving the couches into a desirable position for my peer client, and also beforehand we discussed the nature of being alone in the house when sessions were taking place which we both agreed upon. The DOPLE method was used in all beginning sessions. The night before each session I made sure I had a good night sleep and had cleared

  • Stanley's Observations

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    Alex’s Observation Feedback for Chelsea Once again, Chelsea’s session with Keni was a positive and, I feel, constructive one. Chelsea was attentive and authentic when it came to hearing about what Keni was experiencing. Chelsea had very open body language, smiled, and maintained eye contact. Although she was holding a pillow during the session, I do not think it subtracted anything from the session. If anything, I think having the pillow provided both the client and helper with a sense of security

  • Granular Data Paper

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    the PI of the research study wants only a tally of the number of sessions each patient participated to confirm that they received the correct “dose” of the intervention. However, according to the study protocol, each patient in the intervention group is supposed to receive a total of 24 sessions over 3 months, occurring twice a week. Based on this protocol, collecting the “granular” data recording the specific date of each session of every patient is necessary to achieve stronger analysis by increasing

  • Mock Session: A Reflection Of A Mock Session

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    Reflection for Mock Session 3 I walked in my third and final mock session with a level of comfortability that I knew what I was dealing with and prepared for the client. Feed back form my classmate during my last case presentation was perfect a gave me an air of confidence for my last session. However, it was a grounding experience when the client brought up a current crisis she was dealing with at the moment. The client mentioned that she was was pregnant and was not able to make a decision of