Isolaz Laser Treatment

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Isolaz is a new, advanced laser used for the treatment of different skin problems including acne, signs of aging and sun damage. Isolaz laser can also be used for removal of unwanted hair. Isolaz laser treatment is based on Photo pneumatics technology. This technology combines the use of vacuum as well as a painless laser that leaves your skin look healthier and younger.

It is a unique, effective and painless procedure. Isolaz therapy is quite comfortable and you experience a warm and gentle sensation during the skin treatment. Most patients describe this sensation as being similar to a warm massage. No numbing creams or anesthetic is required for isolaz laser treatment. This treatment has been approved by the FDA.

The isolaz process:

The basic principle behind isolaz treatment involves the use of a vacuum that loosens and extracts the impurities, markings on skin or undesirable hair. This is followed by a laser that destroys the bacteria causing acne, skin marks or hair. Patients describe it as a painless and quick treatment as compared to other light based treatments.

Isolaz laser treatment has three basic stages. The cost and length of treatment varies depending on the problem and the total size of the area of skin that you wish to be treated. In a typical session of isolaz treatment, the isolaz hand device is applied on the affected area. Then, a vacuum is used that helps to raise that part of skin. The vacuum at the same time (again, that depends on the reason of treatment) may loosen and suck out the oil, dirt and other impurities or softens the black heads. The vacuum treatment can alone deep clean your pores. The laser is then switched on to help zap those bacteria, dead skin cells, brown or red patches, hair or ...

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...r hair removal on the underarms. Isolaz laser treatment for hair removal on the legs or back may lasts up to 20 minutes.

Advantages of isolaz treatment:

This laser treatment is quicker than the other conventional laser treatments and does not require any local anesthesia. It is a non invasive and painless procedure involving no downtime after the treatment. It involves fewer or no side effects. It leaves a healthier, beautiful and younger looking skin.

Drawbacks of isolaz treatment:

The major drawback is the cost involved in the isolaz treatment. You may not get long term results with one treatment session and each treatment session may cost between 200$-600$ depending on the severity of your problem. It may be worth trying one session to see its effectiveness.

However, it is worth undergoing the treatment for improving your beauty and confidence.

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