The Inmates Essays

  • Outsourcing Inmates

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    Outsourcing Inmates is a Bad Move Governor Greg Benson wants to outsource the states medium security prisoners. Outsourcing would mean send inmates in the states prisons out of state to serve their prison sentence. We would be sending these inmates who aren’t just a number; they are fathers, sons, and grandchildren to prisons in states such as Texas or Georgia. He says this will help with over crowding and will save New Hampshire tax payers money. Shipping inmates out of state will hurt the community’s

  • Rehabilation of Prison Inmates

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    Prison inmates, are some of the most disturbed and unstable people in society. Most of the inmates have had too little discipline or too much, come from broken homes, and have no self-esteem. They are very insecure and are at war with themselves as well as with society. Most inmates did not learn moral values or learn to follow everyday norms. In order to rehabilitate criminals we must do more than just send them to prison. Of the 600,000 criminals that are released into society each year, 70% of

  • The Effect of Prison on Inmates

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    The Effect of Prison on Inmates Prison has been around in human society for many millions of years. Having someone who disobeyed the law of that village, town, city or country punished in some form of institution, cutting them off from people, is a common concept – a popular and supposedly “needed” process society has taken to doing for many years now has been put under the spotlight many times by many different figures and people in society. The question remains – do prisons only make people

  • A Cohesive Group of Inmates Under General Irwin

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    It took a while for General Irwin to establish himself as the transformational leader that the inmates needed, but after he did, he was treated like a respected, high-ranking military official during his time at Leavenworth, though he was in the same position as all of the other men surrounding him. With the earned respect and newfound common goal he established with the rest of the prisoners, the beginning stages of his transformational leadership style came into fruition. He was able to figure

  • Capital Punishment Essay: Should Execution of Inmates be Televised?

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    Should the Execution of Death Row Inmates be Televised? On discussing the appeal of the highly-rated CBS television show, "Survivor," host Jeff Probst said the "appeal of the show lies in the idea that it is truly a human experience" (Mason par. 3).  Now imagine a show in which American television viewers are permitted to watch the live execution of a Death Row inmate.  Would broadcasting a live execution have the same "appeal" as "Survivor"?  Or would televising an inmate's execution have horrific

  • We Must Put an End to Frivolous Inmate Lawsuits

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    Frivolous Inmate Lawsuits Our forefathers were bright enough to establish a system of government with a series of checks and balances to maintain a balanced government. For the past decade a series of checks and balances has begun to fail our government. In our failing system of government inmates have taken advantage of the court system and have flooded it with an inconceivable number of frivolous lawsuits. Laurel Walters, a writer for the Christian Science Monitor, investigated inmates' lawsuits

  • South Carolina Correction Facilities

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    Centers house an average population of approximately 100 county inmates depending on the size of the county and the jail itself. Inmates serving sentences in county jails are ordered by the Magistrate or General Sessions courts for non-violent offenses. The inmates usually serve terms less than one year. The inmates prepare meals in the center kitchen for inmates at the facility and for persons awaiting trial in the county jail. The inmates can also work at county buildings doing janitorial work, doing

  • Drugs in the Prison System

    3192 Words  | 7 Pages

    gathered from various sources such as the internet and one on one interviews with an inmate in a male correctional facility and a former inmate of a female correctional facility I intend to show the rampant flow of drugs in and out of the prison system, the control of (or lack there of) by prison officials, the drug gangs and dealers in correctional facilities, the rate of addiction, and treatments available to inmates suffering from addiction. The introduction of drugs into the prison system has

  • Parole Should Be Abolished

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    primary way by which offenders are released from prisons and correctional institutions. Unfortunately, parole is not always rewarded to worthy inmates, thus putting society at risk for repeated crimes that often outweigh the benefits of parole, therefore, parole should be abolished and inmates should be made to complete their full sentences. Prison inmates are usually sentenced by the severity of their crimes, as well as their mental intention at the time of the act. For example: a person who commits

  • The Southwell Workhouse

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    this essay I will explain how life was in the southwell workhouse and how paupers were treated there back in the 19th century. The workhouse was built in southwell after the poorlaw amendment act was passed in 1834. The building housed 158 inmates and was designed specifically segregate the different classes. This gave the effect of a prison building. When you come up to the workhouse you are left with a path down the left hand side of the building which was known as paupers lane. Here

  • Suicide In Jails

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    defined as the presence of despair and negative feelings about the future (Shneidman 1987).Isolation can also produce a severe threat to those inmates who have difficulty with coping abilities as this only encourages future deterioration. Undoubtedly, isolation is often necessary to contain a person, or to prevent injury to the individual and, or other inmates. Individuals who are experiencing obvious mental stress should certainly not be held in isolation for obvious reasons. According to Hess (1983)

  • Lucasville prison riot

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    beginning hours of the riot and black prisoners killed 5 white inmates. After this happened the two largest groups of inmates (the Muslims and the Aryan Brotherhood) meet to discuss the organization of the riot. They decided that only blacks could kill blacks and whites could only kill whites. The teamwork of the two groups was evident throughout the 11 day riot and at the end of the riot through negotiations and surrender. Of the inmates that were killed most were viewed to be snitches. Most prisoners

  • Prison Literacy Programs

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    proactive way to address the problem. However, correctional educators contend with multiple problems in delivering literacy programs to inmates. This Digest sets the context of prison literacy programs, outlines some of the constraints, and describes what factors work. Context of Prison Literacy Literacy skills are important in prisons in several ways: inmates often must fill out forms to make requests, letters are a vital link with the outside world, some prison jobs require literacy skills

  • Attica State Prison Uprising September 13, 1971

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    and leader of the Black Panther Party was incarcerated at San Quentin Prison in California. He was killed by the State on August 21, 1971. Because of this Attica inmates organized a hunger strike and wore black arm bands. George Jackson's revolutionary writings in his book he had written "Soledad Brother'; was passed from inmate to inmate inside Attica State Prison, which had an enormous impact on the prisoners awareness of their feelings. Mr. Jackson's death lead to the direct uprising of New York's

  • Death Penalty

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    Crime: The Price We Pay Today American correction facilities experience a crisis of epic proportions. United States prisons and jails house inmates in record numbers with no relief. This situation leads many to suggest that overcrowding in prisons constitutes an important issue facing American correction reform today. One way to deal with overcrowded prisons is to enforce the death penalty. According to David Davis, infliction of the death penalty for certain secular crimes, such as murder and

  • Frank Darabont's The Shawshank Redemption

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    of institutionalization. Throughout an inmate’s stay in prison, they have to deal with many situations that may arise during their sentence. Inmates have to deal with racism, interracial fighting, gangs and homosexual acts to name a few, not including the stress of serving out their sentence one day at a time. There are many scenes that show the inmates out in the yard, having a catch or lifting, doing anything they can to make the stay more comfortable. In the movie, Andy gets a job doing laundry

  • Leisure Activities In Prisons

    763 Words  | 2 Pages

    Presently, all correctional institutions provide some access to recreational activities. Unless in solitary confinement, most inmates are not in their cells all day and are involved with either work, educational programs, and in their free time so type of leisure recreation which may include watching television, use of library, doing crafts or playing recreational sports. Leisure activities are available in two locations in a prison; inside and outdoors. Leisure in prisons is often referred to as

  • Behind the Scenes of the County Jail

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    becomes their new home. The process listed is standard for many booking procedures. It is not very exciting, which is probably why the process is left out of TV dramas. However, there is a lot of important work done behind-the-scenes to keep inmates in their place, and keep officers safe. Captain Earl Davis of the County Police Department is in charge of the county jail. Davis said that the jail has an elaborate locked door system. When one door in a hallway of two or more doors is opened

  • The Wolf: A Short Narrative

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    I stood near the bottom of the stairs of 5A and 5B. We shook down inmates as they came back from mainline. Inmates walked in single file, behind a 3 ft rail when returning to Super Max. A few feet to my left Wolf pat searched inmate *Nick Bender. A short man, in his 30's, with a beard, Bender was the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood gang in Super Max. If Bender gave an order, his soldiers obeyed it. He was the most powerful inmate in Super Max. I turned, just as Bender stuck his finger in Wolf's face

  • Crime in America

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    Parole (early release from prison) is often referred to as the back door to the US corrections system. The concept of parole dates back to the establishment of the Elmira Reformatory. The goal of the Elmira Reformatory was to rehabilitate and reform the criminal instead of following the traditional method of silence, obedience, and labor. Parole was originally set up to encourage prisoners to do well, keep their noses clean, and become model prisoners. Once a prisoner had shown rehabilitation and