Syracuse University Essays

  • Greek Culture as a Subculture at Syracuse University

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    that transcends from each level of schooling. In college this subculture is known as the Greek system and it is one of the major outlets students use for socializing. I decided to analyze and examine the social structure of the Greek System in Syracuse University mainly out of curiosity. When I was high school I remembered hearing from various of my former classmates, who were then freshmen at college, that one of the best activities students experience were attending the “frat” parties students threw

  • Rape By Alice Sebold Sparknotes

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    The story of Alice Sebold’s memoir begins with her as a freshman at Syracuse University and the scene in which she is brutally raped. Sebold writes in vivid detail on how the rape went throughout the beginning of the chapter. She was walking back to her dormitory through a park during nighttime when she was suddenly assaulted and raped by a black man. After the traumatizing experience, she makes her back to her dorm where she told her friends about the rape. One of her roommate’s black friends gives

  • Richard Jackson Designing Healthy Communities

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    Jackson. Richard J. Jackson, MD, MPH, the host, narrator, and author of the Designing Healthy Communities is a professor and a chair of the Department of Environmental Sciences at the school of Public Health at the University of Las Angeles, CA. He also belongs to leadership programs with the California Department of Public Health. Richard Jackson has had many accomplishments in his life time these just being a couple of them: In California his work led to the establishment

  • The Culture of Consumption: Production of Space

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    designed with the purpose of eliciting a certain kind of behavior from people. By looking at the build environment as well as the everyday practices of spaces, we can interpret them. This paper will document a “mini-ethnography” of Marshall street in Syracuse, New York (Winders, 2011). It will look at how the built environment of Marshall Street, as well as people’s daily practices at this site, produce a consumer space, exploring the relationship between the built environment and the utilization of

  • Fantasia Ethical Dilemma

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    Fantasia Goodwin is junior at the University of Syracuse and a starter for the varsity women’s basketball team. Fantasia finds herself in a precarious situation upon learning she is pregnant during the 2007 basketball season. Faced with many uncertainties, Fantasia encounters what is undoubtedly one of the biggest ethical dilemmas she has faced thus far in her life. There are many layers to her dilemma and they all need to be carefully taken into consideration. In order to help Fantasia make an

  • Alcibiades' Revenge

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    the Peloponnesians and industry and commerce shrank (Botsford and Robinson 218). This had a tremendous impact on Athens' economy and ability to finance the war. With enemies at its back, Athens was unable to mass its forces in Sicily to conquer Syracuse. This hampered the expeditionjespecially in its lack of cavalry which Athens held back to defend Attica. Another failure was the Athenian utter disregard for operational security that greatly hampered the expedition. During the Syracusan expedition

  • Dionysius I of Syracuse

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    Dionysius I of Syracuse garnered a reputation as a warmongering tyrant who harmed his people with his oppressive regime. However many surviving sources that explore his rule were written by people who were ideologically opposed to perceived tyrants. It is therefore quite possible that aspects of Dionysius rule where left out or exaggerated to suit the author`s anti-tyrannical agenda. It is the intention of this paper to argue that Dionysius rule did in fact benefit Syracuse more than he harmed

  • Syracuse, New York

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    Syracuse, New York The city of Syracuse has many opportunities to offer its citizens. It is imperative to know what opportunities are available in order to get the most out of life in Central New York. As the heart of central New York, Syracuse is full of history, tradition, and community. Established in 1848, the city of Syracuse was originally centered on the Eire Canal, which made it a central communication point and an appropriate place to build new community. The city was originally

  • College Students Trapped by Credit Card Debt

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    College Students Trapped by Credit Card Debt My best friend from my childhood is a marketing agent’s dream. Constantly duped and deceived by flashy ads and predatory marketing, this kid will buy anything - usuall on credit. At last check, my friend had maxed out 4 credit cards to the tune of over $30,000. Very rarely did the money go for something necessary, like accommodation or food, but usually was spent on a multitude of gadgets, toys, and other assorted ‘guy-stuff.’ CDs, a subwoofer

  • Something Wicked This Way Come Analysis

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    Friendship is defined as the emotion and conduct of two people who care deeply for one another in a platonic manner. Something Wicked This Way Comes, written by Ray Bradbury, explored the friendship between two childhood friends, Jim Nightshade and Will Halloway, as they defeated the danger in their city, Greentown. William F. Russell portrayed in his version of Damon and Pythias the friendship of Damon and Pythias as they learned the importance of time and death. Jim and Will truly embodied friendship

  • The Artificial River: Book Review Of The Artificial River

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    The Artificial River When I started to reading this book, I do not imagine what it was about .I am an international student, and I have been living in the U.S for a short time , so many of the issues regarding of American history are new for me. The Erie Canal was part of the unknown subjects. It has been interesting to know, and learned that the Americans have had intension of shaping and preserve its history. And great historians, they would give out even the smallest details that helped make this

  • Students Sense Of Campus Community Analysis

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    But, even Syracuse has had its run-ins with making athletics too much of a priority. In 2015, the NCAA completed an eight-year investigation of the school’s men’s basketball program leading them to punish Syracuse University for “a lack of institutional control” (O’Donnell, 2016). Syracuse is school that overall has good qualities. Their punishment by the NCAA can be considered a positive thing as it served as a wake-up call and allows them to re-evaluate their institutional values. The over-fixation

  • History Personal Statement Essay

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    graduate history program at the University of Syracuse. Now this opening may sound rather intellectualized and optimistic, but this reflects my own style. This rather intellectual, spirited, and committed toward the goals and causes which I seek to advance. To allow you to know more about me I will address my personal background. I am from Angelica, New York. I have had an interest in history since childhood,

  • Redefining The American Dream

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    Redefining The American Dream Consumption patterns portray the dynamic effect of the American Dream. The American Dream today is significantly different that it was fifty years ago. Today Americans work longer work hours, spend 40% more time watching T.V and 40% less time with their children (AGO 2001). “The avarice of mankind is insatiable,” claimed Aristotle when describing how the appetite of mankind is never satisfied (Durning). As every desire is satisfied a new one rises up to take its

  • Auroville

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    Auroville The question often comes up, what environment would allow us to easily embody our beliefs and lead a life free of hypocrisy. Communities are an excellent, even if not the only solution. The gathering of diverse people based on a similarity in their aspirations and interests forms a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. One of the most successful attempts at forming such a community is Auroville, located in southern India. Auroville came into existence in 1968 and, at that

  • Structure and History of Cobblestone Houses

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    Structure and History of Cobblestone Houses The cobblestone house is one of the most identifiable structures in Western New York. These houses date back to the early 1800’s when many of the towns that people in the Rochester area live in were being founded. When driving down many of the streets you can find these houses scattered on the left and the right. They are marvelous to look at and are also strange because they are some of the only houses in the area to be built out of stones, not lumber

  • The Erie Canal

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    In The Artificial River, Carol Sheriff describes how when the digging of the Erie Canal began on July 4, 1817, no one would have been able to predict that the canal would even be considered a paradox of progress. One of the major contradictions of progress was whether or not triumphing art over nature was even considered progress. People were not sure during the nineteenth century if changing the environment for industrialization was necessarily a good thing. Another contradiction to progress that

  • Why I Chose Acting Major Essay

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    I chose Carnegie Mellon for numerous reasons; I have heard many wonderful things about your university in regards to the school itself, the environment, and the hands on nature of the programs you offer. I am also very impressed by the prestige of the drama program that the school provides. I feel that attending Carnegie Mellon and working with the staff will push me to improve and build upon my skills. The fact that this school is located in Pittsburgh is also a very attractive factor in my decision-making;

  • Violation Of Speech In College Essay

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    ongoing involves First Amendment rights to free speech at the University of California Berkeley. Berkeley, on the founders of the free speech movement in the 1960s, has been a centerfield for individuals using their right to speech on a public college campus (Chicago Tribune, 2017). Recently though, Berkeley has been the center for debate for the possibility of restricting student speech beyond what the Constitution may allow. The university canceled a speech that was supposed to be given by an outspoken

  • Poor Eating Habits Essay

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    majority of college students do not know or do not choose or care to follow healthy behavior guidelines. One example in the study shows eight universities in United States, which are Michigan State University, Pennsylvania State University, South Dakota State University, Syracuse University, Tuskegee University,University of Maine,University of RhodeIsland,and University of Wisconsin–Madison) only 5.7% of college students reported eating five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables. (Greaney, et