S'more Essays

  • Woods Fire Research Paper

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    Imagine a campfire with empty seats placed around it. A campfire can be a special place, sitting around the camp fire with all their friends and family. Listening to conversations, smelling the marshmallows roasting, tasting the yummy s’mores, feeling the fire on the skin, and seeing the glare of the fire off an eye. All of these creates a perfect night around the fire. Most campfires happen in the woods. Participants can only imagine what could be heard. From animals in the woods to the popping

  • Write An Essay About S More Waffles

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    I would have a bonfire, and S’more waffles were the main ingredient at our bonfire. At a point of our bonfire my friends and I would gather around the bonfire pit filling in every nook and cranny and make our S’more waffles. The S’more waffles that we made were from a few ingredients Heresy chocolates, Kraft marshmallows, and Kellogg’s waffles. Using these three brands were our favorite,it was the brand we used growing up, and also these ingredients made the best S’more waffles to satisfy our sweet

  • smore

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    want to learn what happens when cooking and consuming a s’mores, which is 2 graham crackers, 1 roasted marshmallow, and 1 cube of Hershey’s milk chocolate. The purpose is to see and record the energy conversions when you make then eat a s’mores, these conversions include: light, sound, thermal, chemical energy. If you roast a marshmallow, and eat it, then you are converting many different types of energy. For example, when you eat the s’more the energy for the marshmallow, which was chemical energy

  • Personal Narrative Essay: A Trip To The Family To Ocean Shores

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    dinner at the lodge. Later we would get together with other families and make a big fire pit to be able to make s’mores. Putting together a s’more is one of the messiest things you can possibly do. I showed my sister how to put a s’more together and how to be very careful eating the s’more because the chocolate likes to go everywhere. She laughed at me as we were both tried to make a s’more. This became one of our favorite treats to eat. It’s these experiences made my sister and I very close, which

  • Swot Analysis Of Cupcake

    1111 Words  | 3 Pages

    4 p’s S W • Product - The frosting and the icing really blends with their soft texture of cupcake’s dough. - They have diff. variety of food like pasta, sandwiches, rice meal and salads. *Pasta  Meatball Spaghetti, Pesto pasta, Herbed Bacon carbonara, Spanish Sardines, Baked Cheesy Macaroni, Shrimp Linguine pasta *Sandwiches  Tuna cheese melt, Cheesy Ham, Cheese Burger, Chori burger *Rice meal  BBQ Ribs, Honey Porkchop, Roast beef w/ mushroom gravy, Salisbury steak, Crispy chicken,

  • Traumatizing Events In Jeannee Castle's The Glass Castle

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    The Glass Castle In the book The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls goes through more than enough traumatizing events in her childhood. “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” is an accurate cliché describing her childhood. Many times, in each of our lives, this cliché has been said to us or we have thought it when something hard is happening. In April, I moved out of my childhood home and into my cabin which was forty-five minutes away from school. For Jeannette, simply moving houses wasn’t a big

  • My Most Memorable Vacation

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    Most Memorable Vacation I remember my family's first vacation. It was on November 11, 2015 on the beach in a beautiful place called Puerto Peñasco in Sonora, Mexico. Family vacations are not something a family of seven have the luxury of taking when there’s other priorities, but I knew my family and I were in desperate need of one, especially this mommy of a 2-year-old. My sister in law had planned the family vacation with two purposes, our annual family trip and to give back to the children of

  • Mt Shaste-Personal Narrative

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    sister and mom went down to the playground. When we got back the second family had arrived. We were so excited when we saw the campfire was lit and and next to it were a giant back of marshmallows to make s'mores. When we all gathered around the fire and we were all into our third or second s’more my dad told us he was gonna tell a story about a ghost that lived in the campsite. We all gathered close and closer to the campfire as he got deeper into the story. We could feel chills flow through out arms

  • The Importance Of Ratios And Ratios In Real Life

    2005 Words  | 5 Pages

    I choose to focus on the use and repetition of ratios and proportions as my major theme in chemistry. Throughout this sequence of instruction, my goal was for the students to seamlessly tie mathematics into the science curriculum. I wanted students to recognize the interconnectedness of the two subjects by emphasizing the association of ratios throughout chemistry and to realize the importance of ratios in real life. Ratios are found in all aspects of life and I wanted to open their eyes to this

  • Grill Narrative

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    small fire in their fire pit. After several attempts at lighting the fire, it finally took. We all grabbed a poker and a marshmallow. It was s’mores time. I caught my marshmallow on fire because that is how I like them. Once it was smashed between two graham crackers with a piece of chocolate, it was ready to be consumed. We started experimenting with the s’mores. We would use cookies as the graham crackers. We would substitute the chocolate piece with a small piece of candy or even several pieces of

  • Persuasive Essay On Backyard Essentials

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    backyard shouldn't be something that can only be used part of the year. That's where including a fire pit comes in. A backyard fire pit will make your backyard usable even in the cold winter months. You can gather around the fire to make S'mores (who doesn't love S'mores), enjoy a delicious cup of hot chocolate, roast hotdogs, pop some popcorn the old fashioned way, tell stories, and share memories from days gone by. No backyard would be complete without a fire

  • Personal Narrative Essay: The Annual Camping Trip

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    a canoe, fishing poles, and even four-wheelers to drive around. The first day consisted of us getting our camper set up and all the four-wheelers off the trailer. When we finally had some free time to relax, we all sat around a fire and ate some s'mores. Much of my relatives are talented singers and guitar players, therefore our campfires also consist of the whole family singing along to classic rock songs. That night I did not get much sleep, for I was up late watching Spirit and Bambi on our

  • Personal Narrative: My Car

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    It is significantly colder than it was earlier. People have changed from shorts to long pants and sweaters. I parade my way around the ranch until I find the place where we are supposed to make s’mores. The fire has been ignited. The ashes bounce off and slowly make their way to the floor. The smell of burn wood fills my nose. I hear the wood crackle as it is added to the fire. I am passed the ingredients to make this scrumptious delight. “Do you

  • Camping Trip: Our Camping Trip

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    Our Camping Trip I awoke to the sun piercing through the screen of my tent while stretching my arms out wide to nudge my friend Alicia to wake up. “Finally!” I said to Alicia, the countdown is over. As I unzip the screen door and we climb out of our tent, I’m embraced with the aroma of campfire burritos that Alicia’s mom Nancy was preparing for us on her humungous skillet. While we wait for our breakfast to be finished, me and Alicia, as we do every morning, head to the front convenient store for

  • Narrative Essay About A Camping Trip

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    burnt a hole straight through my favorite pair of flip-flops, assuring me to never make that mistake again. S’mores was all of our favorite bed time snack time and a perfect way to end the night. Every time I would roast my marshmallow until it became slightly brown, mushy, and not too hot in the center; then I 'd put it between two graham crackers and extra pieces of chocolate. One too many s’mores and a belly like later I laid back in my chair and listened as Nancy told us stories. Before going to bed

  • Persuasive Spring Break

    513 Words  | 2 Pages

    in the hiking trail, or a paddle-boat race. Don’t worry about getting dirty; concentrate on laughing and learning and playing together. Let everyone choose an activity. Imagine how proud your youngest child will be when the whole family enjoys the s’mores cookout and begged to do it again the next night! With all the fun things to do in Canton, TX, a fun family vacation can easily be planned. Mill Creek Ranch Resort can be a big part of your spring break experience. Our professional event planner

  • My Trip To The Bahamas

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    with the shadow of the clouds on them. The fourth thing I would rather be doing is having a bonfire in the backyard of my house. I would want to have my family around me as someone is getting the chocolate, gram crackers, and marshmallows ready for s’mores. I would want to see the thousands of stars above me in the night sky and see my family laughing and smiling having a good time. I would want to hear the crickets chirping and the frogs making the noise that they make. I would want to have a marshmallow

  • Persuasive Essay For Winter Wedding

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    Perhaps you have always dreamed of a winter wedding, or want to simply be married during the least busy marriage months (see article on how to save for your wedding). Regardless of the reason, winter weddings don’t get enough recognition as they deserve. Sure, it’s colder outside which makes finding the proper dress a little more complicated, but getting married in the winter can be just as romantic – if not more so – as weddings in the hotter months. Below, we will discuss the top 23 winter wedding

  • Processed Food Is Bad For You Essay

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    processed food companies have tried to go healthy. Kraft, for example, tried to reduce the amount of calories in their Oreos and even started selling them in 100-calorie packs in the early 2000s. Not long after, in 2003, Hershey’s released a new s’mores cookie that was more fattening and tasted better than Kraft’s new and healthy Oreos. Kraft’s business started to decline, so they decided

  • Oreos Anti-Ad Summary

    673 Words  | 2 Pages

    Oreos Anti-Ad 2 Page Summary Oreos have held true to be one of the most popular types of cookies across the world. Oreo has built its cookie dynasty through the powerful advertising campaign that help make the cookie so widely popularized. One of the key campaign methods that Oreo uses a wide variety of catchy and clever slogans. The most popular slogan that I am sure all of America has come to know and love is of course: “Oreos----Milk’s Favorite Cookie.” The moment when people hear the word cookie