Ripple effect Essays

  • Ripple Effect

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    like a pebble tossed in a pond, a seemingly insignificant event can have effects amplified throughout the entirety of a system. The small ripple created when the pebble hits the water can be a wave by the time it reaches the opposing shoreline. Likewise, in the planning context, the ripple effects of a new exurban shopping center, downtown high-rise or medical complex are felt far beyond any single neighborhood or city. The effects of development resonate beyond surrounding counties and metropolitan

  • The Power of Community Service

    518 Words  | 2 Pages

    seemed so insignificant to us made a big difference to them. We all had something to contribute and in turn were transformed by the experience; we gave our labor and the people of New Orleans showed us amazing hospitality. For me this reciprocal effect is the most transformational of community service. The more I give and serve, the more I find my life enriched by sharing with others. Community service is part of my life, something ordinary rather than extraordinary, part of life’s journey rather

  • What Factors Influenced Me For Become A Teacher?

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    III. Professional Biography A. What factors influenced me to become a teacher? This may truly shock some. I did not choose teaching. It chose me. By the end of each school year, I teeter on the thought of throwing in the towel. I mean, does it really make a difference, what I do? Can I do it again? I advanced through college and graduate school during a revolutionary period. As a woman, I balked at the idea of being a teacher or taking on any other profession traditionally classed as “women’s

  • Staying Alive Character Analysis

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    A theme present throughout the novel was the ripple effect of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD - on the lives of those suffering and those who surround them. I thought this less talked about topic was brought to light in an effectively confronting way. A handful of chapters reflecting on Andy’s memories fighting in Afghanistan/Iraq showed what may be going on in someone’s mind that has fought in a war. “Shock waves ripple through metal, glass, and flesh. Bones crumble. Skin explodes. Nerves

  • Analysis Of Jamaica Kincaid's On Seeing England For The First Time

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    Many people have heard the phrase “If a tree falls in the forest with no one around to hear it, does it still make a sound?” This phrase reflects Martin Luther King Jr.’s quote “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” If a tree falls in the forest with no one around, it still makes a sound in the forest, just no one is there to hear or acknowledge it. However, the sound of the tree falling is heard by a few creatures living in the forest and that sound contributes to the overall noise

  • Mourning Public Figures

    1509 Words  | 4 Pages

    It is common knowledge to assume mourning over someone’s death. Grieving over one’s loss as well as recalling fond memories of the individual who has passed are just some of the conventional ways to mourn. However, in today’s day in age this solemn act of mourning has become grossly exploited when it comes to mourning of public figures. In Diana Taylor’s essay, “False Identifications” she goes into in depth analysis on precisely this and what that, in turn, says about society overall. This essay

  • The Ripple Effect

    1960 Words  | 4 Pages

    Throughout this year we have explored the many literary movements in our country’s history. The hopes and dreams of the American people have been drastically altered from the time when our forefathers landed on Plymouth Rock in 1620 to present day. Literature has influenced people’s thinking throughout the almost 400 years since our country’s humble beginnings; this country was built on a multitude of great, inspiring literature. Now as this year comes to a close, I reflect on how literature has

  • The Ripple Effects Of Shark Overfishing

    642 Words  | 2 Pages

    However, shark finning does not just endanger the different shark populations. Known as the ripple effect, the overfishing of sharks puts the entire ocean ecosystem at risk (Fairclough). Sharks, the top predators of the ocean, keep the marine ecosystems under control, so when their numbers are imbalanced, the entire ocean is as well. As stated by shark activist, and author of Jaws, Peter Benchley in an interview, “Without sharks, you take away the apex predator of the ocean, and you destroy the entire

  • The Ripple Effect In Top Of The Food Chain

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    According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a ripple effect is defined as “ a situation in which one event causes a series of events to happen”. In the story “ Top of the Food Chain” by T.C Boyle, it is evident that a ripple effect is present. This is present in many factors of the entire story. Clearly, Boyle’s message he is trying to get across to the reader is everything has a ripple effect therefore you have to make wise thought out decisions rather than irrational ones. In the beginning of

  • The Ripple Effects of Shay's Rebellion

    841 Words  | 2 Pages

    those results can even have rippling effects that have the power to create one of the strongest nations on Earth. Shays’ Rebellion was one of those defining moments and without it this country may have crumbled long ago. Farmers Troubles For the first few years of piece, after the Revolutionary War, the commercial and agrarian society’s future appeared to be in danger by a chain of debt bothering the postwar years depressed economy. The horrible economy had effects on nearly everybody in New England

  • Ripple Effects Of The Civil Rights Movement

    1017 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Civil Rights Movement “I have a dream” the famous words of Martin Luther King jr. are the most remembered of the entire civil rights movement. The ripple effect caused by this movement still continues today! interestingly, this speech was not planned . While Martin was standing on the pew he started his speech. Someone yelled out from behind him on the risers; “tell them about the dream“! The dream was a topic brought up in a speech given a few months earlier.This was a very important part

  • Class Conflict: Ripple Effect Of The Revolutionary War

    776 Words  | 2 Pages

    The role of class conflict caused a ripple effect of violence and mutiny in the seek for independence associated with the struggle for maintaining cooperation within the colonies in the American Revolution between those who were superior with titles and those who of poor inferior background chasing a dream with promised wealth and better social status. As the war started, many colonists who have and owned any property or no property were also recruited into the coalition of the Revolution. When

  • Ripple Effect: The Power of One Small Act

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    A single, tiny act is all that it takes to create a ripple effect of colossal changes. One change that can be perceived as insignificant by others could actually have a huge impact on your life, or the life of another. I recently watched a video called: “How wolves changed Yellowstone Park”. The video was about how the reintroduction of wolves into the park caused substantial changes in the entire ecosystem. The park’s plant life immediately began to regrow at a rapid pace, animals that were previously

  • Run Lola Run

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    film Run Lola Run plays with time in order to demonstrate the role of chance in people’s destinies and the importance of cause-effect relationships. The plot of the film centres around Lola, as she tries to gather 100,000 marks to save her boyfriend from being killed. The film is divided into three sections, each begins the same way, but as a result of chance and cause-effect relationships these situations develop differently and have a very different outcomes. In order to show these different outcomes

  • The Ripple Effect of Lies: Insights from The Crucible

    560 Words  | 2 Pages

    There are always consequences for lying, whether it happens immediate or nebulous, a punishment will occur. Some lies cause other people to hurt that have nothing to do with the situation but still get punished. For example, someone stealing an answer key to an important test in class will make the class suffer by taking a much harder test. Another example is a basketball team having to run for a teammate’s lies. Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible is based on the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, and it

  • The Use of Techniques in The Mummy

    651 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Use of Techniques in The Mummy In the extract from ‘The Mummy’, a wide range of techniques are employed in order to convey certain aspects to the audience. The ways in which the camera is used have great effect on the impression given; for example the minimal movement, including slow pans, in order to not detract from the impressive nature of the exotic location – a staple for films of the action/adventure genre. The vastness of the desert is also emphasized by the use of wide shots

  • Effects of Drinking

    539 Words  | 2 Pages

    The effects drinking has can cause long term problems. Drinking can affect an individual mental and physical abilities. It can cause slurr speach, flush skin, loss of balance, sexual problems, birth defects in pregnancy, and problems with socity. There are some positive effects to drinking as well as negative effects,although there are more negative effects than positive. For instant, moderate drinking can affect the blood and act as a blood thinner, which can have both positive and negative health

  • resveratrol

    514 Words  | 2 Pages

    Resveratrol The discovery of resveratrol dates back to 1939 with the earliest publication of it by Michio Takaoka in the journal of the chemical society of japan. The compound was extracted by crystallization from a fraction of EtOH extracts of Veratrum grandiflorum.1 Resveratrol is most famously found in the skin of red and purple gapes but other sources include cranberries, blueberries and peanuts. Japanese knot weed is also a concentrated source of Resveratrol and is used as a non-synthetic route

  • Causes and Effect for Protest During The Arab Spring

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    Causes and Effect for Protest There was total chaos on the roads, rallies and strikers in some places. They yelled with righteous indignation as well as raised signs to express their requirements for the government. I watched these picture on the TV on 18 December 2010 which called Arab Spring which began in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya was wave demonstrations against governments have never happened before . I think that there were two mainly causes to appear protest in some countries, and we will talk

  • Herbal Acne Treatments

    886 Words  | 2 Pages

    acne treatments available in the market, most people prefer treating themselves naturally rather than with the help of chemicals on their skin. Herbal acne treatments are usually adopted as they are light on the skin and have very few or no side effects as compared to the chemical options. Though, before you select a herb for the natural acne treatment, you must research well on them and learn the proper way to make use of them. There are a few herbs that are well known and contain the acne treatment