The Ripple Effect In Top Of The Food Chain

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According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a ripple effect is defined as “ a situation in which one event causes a series of events to happen”. In the story “ Top of the Food Chain” by T.C Boyle, it is evident that a ripple effect is present. This is present in many factors of the entire story. Clearly, Boyle’s message he is trying to get across to the reader is everything has a ripple effect therefore you have to make wise thought out decisions rather than irrational ones. In the beginning of the story, a certain quotes foreshadows these events. The man speaking to the Senator says, “ And no one could have foreseen the consequences, no one, not even if we’d gone out and generated a hundred environmental impact statements- it was just one of those things, a freak occurrence, and there’s no defense against that”. This shows in the beginning before going into detail, that they do something which causes other “ freak occurrences” to happen as an effect. They say no one could have predicted it, but when you make decisions you just really have to think them through first. …show more content…

Starting with lots of bugs and they need for help with DDT which is banned in some countries. The banned part let alone foreshadows bad events are going to take place. So they spray the DDT, and the insects reduce success? Not exactly. The spray accidentally killed the wasps who ate the caterpillars. These caterpillar then ate the roofs of people's homes, making the shelter unsafe. It also brought in tons of flies carrying disease. The geckos who ate these flies stuffed themselves with flies and died from the disease. Then the cats who ate the geckos stuffed themselves and died from the disease also. These cats weren’t able to take care of all the geckos so they had parachuting cats dropped down of all sorts to do the job. This displays a ripple effect of DDT to wasps to caterpillars to flies to geckos to cats to more

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