Red Cloud Essays

  • Lakota Indians

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    occurred during the nineteenth century, but only after they had achieved dominance in the northern central plains. One of the most famous and controversial Lakota people is Chief Red Cloud of the Oglala, for years he frustrated he United Stats government efforts to open up the west by way of the Bozeman trail. Red Cloud, Crazy Horse and other Lakota warriors were constantly attacking white settlers and miners crossing their territory to reach the gold fields of Montana. The most famous of these was

  • Creative Writing: Red Cloud

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    it will allow them to take the rest. We should learn from others like us who lost their homes to the very same contingent we are fighting now. One of the many natives who had to lay his life for his freedom was Red Cloud (Public Broadcasting Service 1). Red Cloud was our leader during Red Cloud’s war in which we took back rightful Sioux land from the traitorous crow, which had allied with America. His war was a victory for us, and showed that we can defeat a greater power if we launch small scale

  • The Necklace: High School, Red Cloud, Nebr

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    The story of “The Necklace” is compared to a high school picture called “High School, Red Cloud, Nebr” by Chas. Cotting. The story is about a girl named Mathilde Loisel who marries a clerk. She desperately wants to be rich, “feeling herself born for every delicacy and luxury,” and imagines having servants, famous and sought after men “whose homage roused every other woman’s envious longings,” and delicate feasts with gleaming silverware (The Necklace, 1-2). Mathilde is later invited to a party hosted

  • The Business of Farming in Willa Cather's O Pioneers!

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    The Business of Farming in Willa Cather's O Pioneers! Willa Sibert Cather was born in Virginia, December 7, 1873. At the age of nine, Cather’s family moved to Nebraska. Willa fell in love with the country, with the waste prairies of the Nebraska. In her life, Willa worked for different journals and magazines and received many honorary degrees, even the Pulitzer Prize. Her literary life was extremely influenced by her childhood in the wild country. In her life story, I actually didn’t find any

  • Stellar Evolution

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    in these clouds this is something that will naturally occur, and the area begins to contract. This happens because between about .1 and 1 particles per cubic centimeter, pressure gains an inverse relationship with density. This causes internal pressure to decrease with increasing density, which because of the higher external pressure, causes the density to continue to increase. This causes the gas in the interstellar medium to spontaneously collect into denser clouds. The denser clouds will contain

  • Percy the Peacock

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    spent his time gathering food and talking to his only friend the rain cloud. He thought the rain cloud could never find him ugly for he too was gray and black as the night. Often the rain cloud asked Percy why he spent all his time in the cave and not in the forest with the other peacocks. But Percy would always just say he didn’t like the warmth from the sun in the forest. Percy knew this was safe because the rain cloud never went to the forest; only the sun and moon were allowed there. Then

  • Meteorology Essay On The Atmosphere

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    discovery made by TIROS 1 was the image of high degree organization of cloud patterns. This revelation increased the use of weather observation from orbiting satellites. Image analyst professionals at the U.S. Weather Bureau also found that all cyclones (hurricanes, nor-easters, tornadoes, etc) are characterized by a very distinct vortex cloud pattern located in the center. Because of these mutual characteristics, large scale cloud and weather systems could be easily recognized and tracked for many

  • Crab Nebula

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    these clouds of dust have a bluish color to them and that is due to the fact that the particles are at about the same size as the blue wavelengths and it is harder for them to interact with the longer red or orange wavelengths. The best reflections nebulae come around stars that are cooler than 25000 K. Another main type of nebula is an emission nebula and this type derives its light from the UV radiation being emitted from a nearby star. The light from the starts exites atoms in the dust cloud which

  • Descriptive Essay On A Storm

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    overwhelmed for no reason and the urge to cry until you’re eyes burn from the lack of tears? Lately, I have been feeling that way. It’s not something pleasant nor do I want to keep feeling this sensation, but I do anyways. It seems that there is a black cloud that hangs over my head every day and just when it seems to clear up, it starts to pour over me again. Each droplet containing sadness, fear, among other mixture of feelings that with time start weighing me down. This constant battle against a storm

  • Analysis of similar Themes in Barret’s 1785/1819 Untitled (Landscape) and Lacroix’s 1763 A Shipwreck

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    the curator? The end goal of the piece was to do just that, form a landscape that is pleasant for the mind’s eye. At play with regular western landscape motifs Barret paints both shimmers of luminous blue light shinning through calm clouds and darker, more sinister clouds of which inhabit the corner. The experience is “totalized” as one scene for the viewer to see the landscape as nature (Andrews 18, Meinig 1). Barret plays to the audience’s susceptibility to see the scene as natural habitat. The brightest

  • Raya Alternate Ending

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    An unobstructed, bright gold sun glared down the backside of Raya. She sat in her back yard drawing clouds in the dirt with the tip of her father’s bowie knife. She hadn’t meant to take it, didn’t plan on hurting herself with it, or anyone else for that matter, but it looked nice and shiny lying on her father’s dresser, and today, she needed something like that, wanted something that gleamed against the white rust that threatened to ruin everything in the world. If she could cut it away like a

  • Physics of Rainbows

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    Imagine a sky full of dark fluffy clouds. The air feels wet and sticky, and rain drops begin to fall. Soon the drops become a sheet of rain and this makes you sad because your outdoor fun is over. But, just as you turn your back to go inside, you feel the sun break through the clouds and warm your back. A smile fills your face because you realize that rain plus sun equals a rainbow. You turn around to see a glorious rainbow in the sky. As you gaze, questions begin to pop into your head. What are

  • Our Farm

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    up before my alarm. A distant square of eerie half-twilight from the window held the familiar outline of the locust tree. In the dark, I fumbled to dress without waking my parents. I slipped outside. The sun was still below the horizon but the clouds above the mountains were tainted the color of pomegranates. Around me the shadows seemed empty. I tried not to look into the brush as I walked down the driveway. I had stopped before, looking to see the back of the shadows; staring hard, only to have

  • Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

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    Since the first Europeans landed their ships on North American soil, the Indians have been a present people in our history. The peaceful beginnings of relations with the Indians soon turn hostile as greed overtook the genuine humanity of the settlers, causing them to eventually destroy the Indian way of life. Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee depicts the relationships between European Americans and Indians from 1492 to 1890 from the perspective of the Indian people. Pilgrims that landed on the Massachusetts

  • Remedial College Classes Benefit Students and Society

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    about the state of higher-education remediation. Some of the first issues that come up are the alarmingly high number of incoming freshmen and other students that need to take a remedial class, which is somewhere around one per every four students (Cloud 60; Ravitch 106). Also important is the significant amount of money governments spent to finance remedial classes, which comes to about one billion dollars per year nationwide. With all of this fiscal spending, it comes as no surprise that conservatives

  • William Wordsworth's The World is Too Much With Us

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    characterization of mankind. The author knows the potential for humanity, but the mentality of “getting and spending” clouds the perspective of humanity. Wordsworth does not see us as incapable, in fact he describes our abilities as “powers”. “We lay waste our powers” is blamed on the earlier mentioned attitude of “getting and spending”. The appetite mankind has for devouring all that is around clouds our perspective as to what is being sacrificed for the progress. The “sordid boon” we have “given are hearts”

  • An Analysis of Frost's Poem Once by the Pacific

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    earth before (Genesis 7:17-24). Yet Frost approaches this as if it is a new idea, perhaps because we have a hard time comprehending such an unimaginable occurrence as the Great Flood. The next 3 lines use the image of the clouds in the sky concealing what is to come: The clouds were low and hairy in the skies, Like locks blown forward in the gleam of eyes. You could not tell and yet it looked as if .

  • Description of eclipse in "The Eclipse" by "Virginia Woolf"

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    straight line that it seemed they were statues standing on the edge of the world. As the sun rose, clouds glowed up. Light gleamed and peered over the rim of the clouds. The sun raced towards the point where eclipse had to take place. But the clouds were impeding it. The sun with a tremendous speed endeavoured to escape the mist. At some point it came forth then again was shrouded by the fleecy clouds. The sun then appeared hollow as the moon had come in front of it. A substantial proportion of the

  • Rain Techniques In Pather Panchali (Satyajit Ray

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    In Pather Panchali (Satyajit Ray, 1955) the rain sequence is tremendously significant to the entirety of the story Ray, is known for his technical work and this scene is no different. Skillfully, Ray uses camera techniques, sound and editing to show Durga’s excitement of the rainstorm. Concurrently, it is also ironic considering Durga’s death only a few scenes after. Particularly, the editing choices for this sequence is interesting. Ray’s use of editing, combined with his sound design creates the

  • The View Of A Political Community

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    consist of individuals who understand the essential concepts of life. However, if the needs of a political community are not met the critical ideas about life for a populace will not fully come into fruition. It is thereby where texts like Aristophanes’ Clouds, Plato’s Euthyphro, and Apology that I draw my main arguments to support the assertion that philosophy seeks truth. Moreover, the apparatus that philosophy seeks is the independent knowledge about the essential factors of life from god, love, and