Quantum cryptography Essays

  • The Development Of Quantum Cryptography

    1015 Words  | 3 Pages

    these efforts has led to the development of quantum cryptographic technology, whose transmissions security relies on the inviolability of the laws of quantum mechanics. Quantum cryptography is seen as an emerging technology in which two parties can securely communicate over a communication network applying the phenomena of quantum physics. This essay focuses on the fundamental of quantum cryptography and it’s the future direction. Introduction Cryptography plays a vital role in today’s computer

  • Quantum Cryptography Essay

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    Quantum Cryptography INF-521 9029945552 Quantum Cryptography is the newest technology in the field of Encryption and proved to be most secure as of now. In this paper we will discuss what quantum cryptography is and what makes it most secure and unbreakable. Introduction All our classical computer cryptography methods are basically based on some mathematical calculations which are quiet easy to implement in one direction but very difficult to process in the other direction. As RSA(Rivest-Shamir-Adleman)

  • Cryptography Essay

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    Cryptography: the Past, Present and Future The idea of cryptography has been in existence since 1900 BC with the use of inscriptions on the tomb of Khnumhotep II, in Egypt (Red Hat). Ever since that time, the uses and methods have changed, but the overall idea of transferring information in a secret and efficient manner has been the driving force for faster and safer data transfer. This paper will define cryptography, discuss its long history, current trends and the future of the complex electronic

  • Protecting Data through Encryption

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    Protecting data through cryptography from unauthorized eyes is a high priority for organizations that store personal information. Cryptography is the process of hiding the real meaning of a message through a pre-determined code that is only known to the person encrypting and decrypting a message. Different forms of cryptography can be seen in our everyday life from the word puzzle in daily newspapers to secretaries writing in short hand. Cryptography has been around since the time of the Egyptians

  • A Brief History of Cryptography

    1864 Words  | 4 Pages

    People wish to keep things like banking, medical, and political information from the eyes of unwelcome parties. This has created a need for cryptography. Cryptography is the science or study of the techniques of secret writing, especially code and cipher systems, and is used by everyone from the average citizen to the government and military. Cryptography was first used long before the invention of computers. One well-known system was attributed to the reign of Julius Caesar (Klein ix). Another

  • Cracking Encrypted Messages

    573 Words  | 2 Pages

    Q1). How would you approach the creation of a generalized program to decipher /break any encrypted message, independent of the technique used to create the cipher? What is your algorithm? Answer: If the algorithm to decipher an encrypted message has to be independent of the technique used to create cipher, i could think of only brute force technique that attempts to try every key possible. However, this is not always feasible even with the computing powers that are available today. The success of

  • Encryption - The Art of Hidden Messages

    2195 Words  | 5 Pages

    Introduction Encryption - The Art of Hidden Messages Cipher is used in cryptography for the algorithm purposes. The algorithms include the encryption and the decryption which includes of well defined series of steps that can be followed as a procedure. But sometimes we get the word cipher in a non technical usage which means a code. But this was distinguished from codes when it came to the classical cryptography. To put this information clear, they were used to operate the substitution depending

  • Essay On Statement Of Purpose For A Degree In Computer Science

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    STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The idea that the world is a global village did not strike me as true until my fifteenth birthday. My father gifted me a computer, and suddenly, the internet opened up a mine of information for a young boy who had been restricted to much localized until then. The computer and internet soon became indispensible for my school assignments, and my own idiosyncratic researches. When it came to selecting an area of Engineering for my undergraduate studies, the choice was clear: computer

  • The Invention Of The Cipher System During 1700's Thomas Jefferson

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    first then the all other lines are scanned for finding a meaningful line. It is very rare to find two lines which make some sense. Around 1900’s the US army found the same method without having knowledge about Jefferson’s invention. WAR DRIVEN CRYPTOGRAPHY – WORLD WAR I: Zimmerman Telegram:

  • Math is Everywhere: 5-Paragraph Essay

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    What is math? If you had asked me that question at the beginning of the semester, then my answer would have been something like: “math is about numbers, letters, and equations.” Now, however, thirteen weeks later, I have come to realize a new definition of what math is. Math includes numbers, letters, and equations, but it is also so much more than that—math is a way of thinking, a method of solving problems and explaining arguments, a foundation upon which modern society is built, a structure

  • Engma Machine Dbq

    654 Words  | 2 Pages

    “We are not makers of history. We are made by history” (Martin Luther King Jr). It all began when Polish intelligence gave France and Britain each one Enigma machine, to continue the code breaking operations. What made it more challenging was that the Germans changed the cipher code settings daily for top security. Even after all the security measures, Enigma was still cracked and had a huge impact on World War ii. The Enigma machine is a code making and scrambling machine that was broken by Alan

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Passwords

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    Abstract—Because of the drawbacks of the text based authentication systems, graphical passwords are the most preferable type of authentication mechanism , where users click on images for the authentication purpose. The main goal of an authentication system is to help users for selecting the better password. If the password is created by the user , then it is easy to guess by an attacker and if the passwords is assigned by the system, then it is difficult for the user to memorize. So modern researches

  • The Pros And Cons Of Private Key Encryption

    1605 Words  | 4 Pages

    ENCRYPTION COSC 111 5/7/2013 Cam 2 ABSTRACT In this research paper I want to shed light on encryption. After careful research it becomes clear that encryption has been around for centuries and used in various ways. There are two distinct methods of encryption: Public Key and Private Key. Each comes with its own set of pros and cons but Private Key is the more widely used method. Laws have been put into place to sanction the use of encryption products and devices. Information has been

  • The Effect of Cryptanalysis in World War II and Beyond

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    James Sanborn once made the statement, “What affected me most profoundly was the realization that the sciences of cryptography and mathematics are very elegant, pure sciences. I found that the ends for which these pure sciences are used are less elegant.” Sanborn’s comment couldn’t be more true; during World War II cryptography was used by both the Allies and the Germans for sending secret messages back and forth. This is when the elegant science created not very elegant machines, such as: Enigma

  • Essay On Sorting Algorithm

    718 Words  | 2 Pages

    better performance. Sorting makes the problem much simpler and easier. This idea leads our research to the application of sorting in different data structures like Binary search tree, Balanced search tree, Hashing data structure and in the area of Cryptography. In our research, we achieved the better result with divide and conquer technique to the introduction of novel D-Shuffle sorting technique, and its applications in different areas on BST,AVL tree, Hashing concept and encry... ... middle of paper

  • Enigma History

    557 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Enigma was a German ciphering machine used in World War II. In the later years of the war, one was stolen and the Allies were able to decipher German messages, helping the Allies to resist and come to victory. It is said that if the Allies had not broken the Enigma, the war could have gone on for one or two years longer than it did, making it a very important part of the story of World War II. The Mechanics of the Enigma Before 1919, four different men, from four different countries, created

  • Differential Side Channel Analysis: Simple Side Channel Analysis

    653 Words  | 2 Pages

    Simple Side Channel Analysis: At first makes use of characteristics that are directly visible in one measurement trace. In addition the secret key needs to have some simple, exploitable relationship with the operations that are visible in the measurement trace. Finally typically, vulnerable implementations include key dependent branching. Differential Side Channel Analysis: It looks for side channel differences that are not directly visible in one measurement trace. The statistical methods have to

  • Kevin Mitnick

    1904 Words  | 4 Pages

    Who Kevin Mitnick Is: Kevin David Mitnick is a computer hacker and an American Computer Security Consultant. He was bought up in Los Angeles in the late 1970’s, this was the time when the personal computer industry was exploding. He was from a lower middle class family with his parents divorced at a very young age and was mainly a loner and an underachiever. He learnt and discovered the power to control over the telephone networks. What He did: During his time the underground culture of phone

  • Network Security, Questions and Answers

    588 Words  | 2 Pages

    a) How can information be gathered from encrypted network traffic? An attacker looks for poorly configured network devices to exploit. Common vulnerabilities include weak default installation settings, wide open access controls and unpatched devices. To gather information from the encrypted network traffic attacker places the packet sniffing tool on the network. Sniffing is the act of monitoring network traffic for data such as clear-texts passwords or other configuration credentials. Usually transmitted

  • Digital Representation In Digital Watermarking

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    Digital representation provides better efficiency and accuracy of copying, storing and distributing content via the internet. This improvement of digital technology helped the data to easily duplicated and rapidly delivered to a big number of users with minimum expense. This technology has become the most popular way to distribute multimedia content. Digital Right Management (DRM) is a technology used by publishers, copyright holders to restrict the illegal media conception, copying and redistribution