Project Chanology Essays

  • Anony Anonymous's Role In The Cyber World

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    to mature into a more widely used phenomenon, Anon moved on to a platform using the website “Encyclopaedia Dramatica” which could help increase their operations. Things started rolling fast for Anon when Project Chanology took form which was an attack against the Church of Scientology. The Project was conducted by sending out a plethora of DDoS attacks on the website, prank calling the church, and also sending black page faxes to their fax machines to use all of their ink cartridges. After all the

  • Essay On Anonymous

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    movie theaters, it inspired a movement like no other; the opposition to the censorship of politics and the Internet. This movement was the beginning of Anonymous. However, it wasn’t until 2008 when Anonymous became the group that it is today. Project Chanology was the organization’s first fight against internet censorship when the Church of Scientol...

  • Great Ideas Project: Origin of Sex

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    Great Ideas Project: Origin of Sex Sex, though usually used in terms of reproduction, is actually quite separate: it refers to the splitting and recombining of genetic material through the meiosis (fission) and fertilization (fusion) of genomes in such a way that, when they are reproduced, the new generation of cells contains a different set of genes than that of its parents. Sex is by no means necessary for reproduction. Asexual reproduction, or parthenogenesis, is actually about twice as

  • Sustainability

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    I think that the sustainability project has been a learning and enlightening experience for everyone in this class. Many more things can be done next semester, since the groundwork has been laid to continue this project for time to come. One of my personal goals for the project was to learn as much as I could about the sustainability issue facing us. I did this by participating in all of the projects that were done throughout the semester. The main project that occurred during the semester

  • Wildfire Mitigation

    2960 Words  | 6 Pages

    Wildfire Mitigation Thesis: Politicians are proposing sweeping changes in bills, which have caused great controversy, in efforts to correct the problems that the Forest Service has faced in restoration projects. Are these bills necessary or is there a better solution that politicians are overlooking? Introduction: Humans have been changing the Western forests' fire system since the settlement by the Europeans and now we are experiencing the consequences of those changes. During the summer

  • The ENIAC Project: Its Significance in Computer Science and Society

    1981 Words  | 4 Pages

    The ENIAC Project: Its Significance in Computer Science and Society “…With the advent of everyday use of elaborate calculations, speed has become paramount to such a high degree that there is no machine on the market today capable of satisfying the full demand of modern computational methods. The most advanced machines have greatly reduced the time required for arriving at solutions to problems which might have required months or days by older procedures. This advance, however, is not adequate

  • Electronic Product Code Project

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    Electronic Product Code Project Table of Contents Executive Overview……………………………………………………………………3 Stage 1: Determination of Scope and Objectives……………………………………....4 Stage 2 – Systems Investigation and Feasibility……………………………………….4 Stage 3 – Systems Analysis…………………………………………………………….7 UPC DFD (Legacy System)…………………………………………………………....9 Stage 4 – System Design……………………………………………………………….9 Stage 5 – Detail System Design……………………………………………………….10 EPC DFD (New System)………………………………………………………………14 Stage

  • Religion: Who needs it?

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    there is some "master plan" that we can't see makes. Religion is simply a self-made, self-serving idea. Humans are the only animals on the planet capable of keeping track of time. Because of this, we pompously assume that only the most valuable of projects are worth our time. We sometimes say, "That was a total waste of my time." What if our entire lives were a waste? What if there was nothing after this life to greet us? The idea that lives are giant wastes would obviously make same people rather

  • The SOHO Project

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    The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory or SOHO for short is a cooperative joint effort by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the U. S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The main mission of this project is to study the internal structure of the Sun, its extensive upper atmosphere, as well as to determine the origin and characteristics of the solar wind. The SOHO spacecraft was launched on December 2, 1995 where then it was directed to go about 930,000 miles sunward from the Earth

  • Marriott Corporation and Project Chariot

    2441 Words  | 5 Pages

    Marriott Corporation and Project Chariot The Marriott Corporation (MC), had seen a long, successful reign in the hospitality industry until the late 1980s. An economic downturn and the 1990 real estate crash resulted in MC owning newly developed hotel properties with no potential buyers in sight and a mound of debt. During the late 1980s, MC had promised in their annual reports to sell off some of their hotel properties and reduce their burden of debt. However, the company made little progress

  • The Problem of Video Game Violence is Exaggerated

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    There is an ongoing debate about whether video games are corrupting our society and our children. Video games are not corrupting our society and this can be proven by analyzing the facts. People claim that video games contain obscene content, cause mental and physical health problems, and lead to violence. The first reason video games are an issue is that many video games made today possess content that many people would consider to be obscene. The term obscene covers violence, profanity, and sexual

  • Parking Deck Project Of University ______________

    1256 Words  | 3 Pages

    Parking Deck Project of University The University of ________________ has been confronted with claims of parking shortages over the past several years. Many of these claims were not supported by any facts or figures that explained the cause of the parking shortages. In fact, some of the claims of insufficient parking were based on students not being able to locate parking spaces in the parking lots adjacent to their first class. Due to recent and projected enrollment increases, there now

  • Rational Unified Process

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    This paper describes how to deploy software effectively. The Rational Unified Process (RUP) use commercially proven techniques, and is a heavy weight process, and hence particularly applicable to larger software development teams working on large projects. Rational Unified Process (RUP) Rational Unified Process (RUP) is an object-oriented and Web-enabled program development methodology. RUP would be taken like an online mentor that provides guidelines, templates, and examples for all aspects and

  • Skills Project--Shyness

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    over and over in my head, “Ashley is shy.” (Ch. 4 – Language, p. 98) I am capable of changing this part of my life, it is something that I have to have the will to gain the skills I need to be able to change. The main thing that I learned from this project and life is, shyness may be difficult to overcome, but loneliness is harder.

  • High Performance Teams

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    aspect in any type of team, especially a high performance team. If all of the members in the high performance team trust and respect one another, it makes it easier to achieve success. Performance is vital in any business, so before acting on any project, a high performance team will have to create a thorough plan. Every team member should be responsible for one specific thing. For example, if one team member is assigned writing and taking notes and another member should speak for the group, acting

  • Creating a Living Canon: The Humanist Project of Uniting Ancient and Modern

    2749 Words  | 6 Pages

    Creating a Living Canon: The Humanist Project of Uniting Ancient and Modern The humanist preoccupation with the glory of the ancients spans the entire length of the Italian Renaissance and surfaces in nearly all the writers from Petrarch to Castiglione. The precise use of classical writers varies depending on the purpose of the Renaissance writer’s particular work—they are held up as examples to be emulated by historians, as works essential to shaping good character in their readers by the educational

  • The Faults in the Recent Project of Sainsbury

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    The Faults in the Recent Project of Sainsbury In 2000, Sainsbury’s began its “business transformation programme”. The grand plan includes what is arguably the largest and most ambitious retail supply chain project in Europe. The main driver was the need to cut costs. However, internal research found that the company’s cost-per-case was significantly higher than its nearest rivals. Sainsbury‘s had been managing distribution in the same way for more than 40 years, which is mainframe-based

  • Book Report "The Corona Project" by Curtis Peebles

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    THE CORONA PROJECT: AMERICA’S FIRST SPY SATELLITES Curtis Peebles is empowering readers with the newly declassified information on how the first American satellites were set into use for intelligence gathering. Through his book, “The Corona Project: America’s First Spy Satellites”, the author gives detailed information on the birth of the satellite program by watching the Corona project from its beginnings in the late 1940s to the declassification of the project and its exhibitions at the Smithsonian’s

  • An American Tail Movie project

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    An American Tail (1986) Director: Don Bluth Performers: Fievel Mousekewitz (Voice of Philip Glasser) Papa Mousekewitz (Voice of Nehemia Persoff) Mama Mouskewitz (Voice of Erica Yohn) Tanya Mousekewitz (Voice of Amy Green) Bridget (Voice of Cathianne Blore) Digit (Voice of Will Ryan) Gussie Mouseheimer (Voice of Madeline Kahn) Henri the Pigeon (Voice of Christopher Plummer) Honest John (Voice of Neil Ross) Irish mouse on boat (Voice of Warren Hayes) Italian mouse on boat (Voice of John Guarnieri)

  • Philosophy Statement

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    hopefully be at least three computers in the classroom and lots of resource and research materials available not only for me, the teacher, but also for the students. Throughout the school year projects will be assigned that will be relevant to the topic being studied at that time. As the school year progresses, projects will also be displayed around the room. Hopefully these will serve to inspire the students to learn and research new ideas on their own. The philosophy that I believe I am most similar