Peking University Essays

  • OVerview of Ding Ling's The Diary of Miss Sophia'

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    Confucianism and Women: A Philosophical Interpretation. State University of New York Press. p. 92 Smith. B., (2008). The Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History: 4 Volume Set. Oxford University Press. p. 58 Spence. J., (1982). The Gate of Heavenly Peace: The Chinese and Their Revolutution. Penguin Books. Wallace. A & Mostow. J, Denton. K, Fulton. J., (2013). The Columbia Companion to Modern East Asian Literature. Columbia University Press. p. 368, 397 Wang. M, Yu. X, McLean. G., (1997). Chinese

  • may 4th movement

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    Schwarcz, Vera. The Chinese Enlightenment: Intellectuals and the Legacy of the      May Fourth Movement of 1919. Berkeley: University of California Press. 1986 Siu, F, Helen. Mao's Harvest: Voices from China's new Generation. New York: Oxford University Press. 1983. Tse-Tsung, Chow. The May 4th Movement: Intellectual Revolution in Modern      China. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. 1992.

  • The Power Of Yu Hua's Feelings Of Literature

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    “If literature truly possesses a mysterious power, I think perhaps it is precisely this: that one can read a book by a writer of a different time, a different language, and a different culture and there encounter a sensation that is one’s very own” (Hua 61). This quote said by Yu Hua speaks volumes about his feelings for reading and writing. There were many times in the novel that he suddenly remembered a feeling by writing it. There were also times when the reader experienced an emotion that was

  • Psychology Vs America Essay

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    the country. Not only does America obtain so many different programs, there is also an abundance of developing and available jobs in the field of psychology that are readily available in China. The two Universities that are being compared is the PeKing University (PKU) in Beijing and the University of Mary Hardin-Baylor (UMHB) located in Central Texas. Some of the more obvious differences include that UMHB offers not only a Bachelors in Science for psychology, but

  • China Case Study In China

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    international students.”[1] We can see lots of foreigners studying in china everywhere, not only the teenagers, but also the elderly. Besides, there is a rapidly increasing in the number of national students who study for degrees. Many top Chinese universities. Such as, Peking , Tsinghua, Zhejiang. They offer a wide variety of majors in history, economics, literature etc. As we all know, there are over 1 billion people who speak Mandarin Chinese around the world, about one fifth of the global population. And

  • Should the Gaokao Regional Policy Be Abolished?

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    said. Before I transferred to the Ohio University, I was a college student in the Tianjin Normal University with mathematic major. My classmate and roommate Xiaolin Zhou, a student who comes from Shandong Provenience, has a higher admission score which also can be called as Gaokao’s score than me, and the difference between the score is more than one hundred points out of the seven hundred and fifty points. But, the result is that we were in the same university and enjoyed the same education resource

  • Scholarships Rewarding Special Talents

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    achieve because they learn that hard work is not rewarded with scholarships. This is a horrible lesson to teach the students of this country. It is immoral and unfair. Scholastic achievement and learning are the main purposes for colleges and universities. Accordingly, students should be rewarded for their superior academic achievement. Take for example two students of the same economic standing. Tim is a straight A student while Josh commonly receives C's and D's. If both students were to be

  • Affirmative Action in College Admissions

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    action is to integrate minorities into public institutions, like universities, who have historically been discriminated against in such environments. Proponents claim that it is necessary in order to give minorities representation in these institutions, while opponents say that it is reverse discrimination. Newsweek has a story on this same debate which has hit the nation spotlight once more with a case being brought against the University of Michigan by some white students who claimed that the University’s

  • Pros and Cons of Attending College

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    Is College Worth It? In Life today a college education is no longer an option or privilege, but rather it is a necessity. We are raised to believe that a person needs higher education in order to succeed in life. There is a saying, “if you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” You may ask is college necessary? There are people out in the real world that have never set a foot on a college campus before and they are doing better than others that have their master’s degree. There are many

  • Higher Education

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    way to save? How much should they save? Magazines for new parents deal with this issue on a regular basis. Parents are warned in American Baby, "Start early...Eighteen years from now...a college education will cost close to $85,000 at a public university and just over $200,000 at a private institution." Parents are also advised to save around $115-284 a month from their child's birth. Another issue of American Baby suggests that parents "Start saving as soon as you can, and put money in regularly

  • College Sports

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    the life of a collegiate athlete. First of all, the off season worko... ... middle of paper ... steak such as; coaches jobs, university funds, Alumni support, ect. “According to IRS tax regulations; college athletes should be considered employees” (Anthony). In addition to the money colligate sports programs are responsible for bringing in, universities rely heavily on sports programs to bring in new students every year. These are just more jobs a student athlete does, whether he or she

  • Is College Worth the Money?

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    worse, expensive work. Unfortunately, in this cynical society today, the world isn’t just full of competitors, but it’s full of greedy money-grabbing businesses. The worst businesses aren’t manufacturing or electric companies, but colleges and universities. In Caroline Bird’s essay “College is a Waste of Time and Money,” she examines how college has been viewed for so long as the best place to send high school grads no matter whether they actually want to go or not. She adds that students don’t realize

  • Student Protest movement

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    Movement, registering Black voters, and they turned the principles and methods they had learned on the Freedom Rides to their own issues on campus. These students (mostly white, middle class) believed they were being held down by overbearing University rules. Student life was governed by the policy of in loco parentis, which allowed colleges to act "in place of the parents." Off campus,these young people were considered adults, but at school they were subjected to curfews, dorm visitation

  • The Problem With Modern Education

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    shower students with higher grades in order to keep low-demand classes at the minimum enrollment. “As a result of the university’s widening elective leeway, students have more power over teachers” (Edmundson 153). For example, at Drexel University, and many universities across the country, they are doing away with tenure and more and more professors are part-time, and have no security in their job. This leads to professors tailoring their instruction to what the student, the “consumer” wants and needs

  • College Athletes and Their Learning Struggles

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    College athletes and their learning struggles are common through higher educational facilities. Their marriage to two fulltime activities is not well known to the public. Why we are not seeing how many young athletes are used by the academic system? Is Petrie’s article true reflection of struggling athletes in crude education? Sad truth hidden in those articles is collecting dust in libraries. The truth is addressed to teachers, coaches and trainers. Petrie is forced to write down his thoughts and

  • Alcohol Policy Done Wrong

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    Interfraternity Council Treasurer in December of 1997 I knew I was in for a long semester, but I never knew what might evolve. I was elected in the wake of alcohol problems across the country. The only alcohol problem I knew of that had happened at the University of Arkansas involved a fraternity on bid day (the day when new freshman receive their invitation to a fraternity house). It involved two students that drank so much alcohol that they had to be rushed to the hospital. Both students were released

  • Education as an Absolute Necessity

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    Education as an Absolute Necessity Today in American society, higher education has become an absolute necessity. The pride and status that once accompanied a high school diploma is longer existent. In the present day job markets, a college degree has become something of a minimal standard integral in obtaining even a mediocre occupation. However, higher education is an expensive investment that many minorities of the United States have found to be an unattainable reality for themselves and

  • An Innocent Man Wronged in Oleanna

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    Sometimes there are events in our lives that we cannot control. These events occur, more or less, due to our own actions. Sometimes, however, we must come to terms with our inability to handle certain situations and also to reach our goals. These events are facts of life everyone: some people can't run as fast, or lift as much, or write as well. It is during these times that we must focus on what we can do well, and try to direct our goals around those features that make us good at something. In

  • breaking away

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    The movie “Breaking Away” presents the story of a young man from working class origins who seeks to better himself by creating a persona through which he almost, but not quite, wins the girl. The rivalry between the townies and the college students sets the scene for the story of four friends who learn to accept themselves as they "break away" from childhood and from their underdog self-images. Dave Stoller, the main character, is a young man completely obsessed with cycling and Italy. His fantasies

  • Laptop Use During Class in College

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    a student. Classes consist of note taking, research, essays, lectures, group assignments, etc. Before technology, college students would use libraries for research, notebooks for note taking, letters for communication between the student and the university, and typewriters for typed assignments. Today, we have the possibility to do all of that with one gadget, the computer. The computer, alongside the Internet, has revolutionized the way students study and do assignments for class. Recently, computers