One Hundred and One Dalmatians Essays

  • 101 Dalmatians: Is the Movie or Book Better?

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    gestures, sound and editing. For example, examine the differences between 101 Dalmatians novel and adaptions. Both animated and live-action movies are based on Dodie Smith’s novel. Despite the fact that both movies are a successful adaption, but the animated version is superior. Because, the Pongo, who provider of the narrator’s voice, plot elements and the sequencing, and the character development. The 101 Dalmatians original children’s novel is a story of warmth, humor, imagination, and suspense

  • Analysis of Disney Films

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    Hercules, Mulan, 101 Dalmatians and The Lion King the last two of which I’m going to analyse in more detail. The term “representation” means the act of communicating by using symbols to stand for things, throughout the essay I intend to see how Disney represents their binary opposites. Binary opposites are opposites, like good and bad. Levi Strauss believed that all narratives are made up of opposites he called these opposites binary opposites. 101 Dalmatians ============== The

  • Fairy Tales Affecting Future Generation Essay

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    young girls to flaunt around for attention. Personally, I think Cinderella is one of the best fairy tales and I believe that it is also well loved throughout the world, but this is due to my recent study of the original Cinderella; not the Hollywood version. When I asked the participants what their favorite fairy tale was they responded with 101 Dalmatians. That kind of baffled me because I had never thought of 101 Dalmatians as a fairy tale; however, I can see how today’s generations will deem it as

  • Characteristics of Antagonists in Disney Movies

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    France at the Grand Café on the Boulevard de Capuchines in1895 (Walter). It was the Lumières’ early developments in cinematography that led to modern day feature films. While the technology and special effects may have changed through the years, the one constant in film remains the theme of protagonist versus antagonist; or good versus evil. Ever since Disney released its first animated picture, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 1937, Disney has made an art of perfecting the antagonist role in animated

  • My Brother's Gameboy

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    sat waiting and hoping that he would die soon and that I would get my opportunity. Realizing quickly that this was going to take longer than I had anticipated I fetched my closest friend, Lucky the stuffed animal version of my favorite dalmatian from 101 dalmatians, and curled up for the long wait ahead. Time passed and in what had seemed like hours, but more realistically was about ten minutes, my time had come. My br... ... middle of paper ... ...left it there. Stop staring at me!” I pushed

  • Research Paper On 101 Dalmatians

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    The animated movie 101 Dalmatians, based on Dodie Smith’s ‘The Hundred and One Dalmatians’, produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, is considered to have saved Disney back in 1961 after so much time and money went into Sleeping Beauty which turned out to be a disaster, doing poorly in the box office and having put six million into the animation it was a huge let down for Walt Disney and the animators that worked on it. After Sleeping Beauty was released Walt Disney Animation Studios was in dire

  • My Inspiration to Become a Fireman

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    fulfilling career because you get to protect your community. “I have no ambition in this world but one, and that is to be a fireman. The position may, in the eyes of some, appear to be a lowly one; but we who know the work which the fireman has to do believe that his is a noble calling. Our proudest moment is to save lives” ( I’m striving to become a successful firefighter. A firefighter is someone who

  • I Want Disney Research Paper

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    best childhood movies that I will always cherish because it was all I wanted to watch in my younger years. My three favorites are “Lady and the Tramp (1955)”, “Bambi (1942)”, and “One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)”. Without these wonderful movies in my childhood I would have been lost. I remember my mom putting on one of these movies every night before bed. Walt Disney had an amazing way with films. He had his own style that other people wouldn’t think about. Walt Disney was all about exploring

  • Chicago Fire Research Paper

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    There are many rumors but no one is exactly sure how the Great Chicago Fire. On of the rumors is that Mrs. O'Leary's cow kicked over a lamp that started the fire. This is an excuse to blame the Irish immigrants. They weren’t in favor in 1871. (Stein, R. Conrad, 16) Daniel Sullivan, a visitor to the neighborhood, was outside. Mr. Sullivan cried out fire around 8:30. Flames were coming out of the barn filled with cows. (Pascal, Janet B., and Kevin McVeigh, 41) The origin of the fire wasn’t known to

  • Where Is Disney Most Vulnerable from a Communication Viewpoint?

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    p.234). The first vulnerable would be the public opinion for and against the proposal land usage. When news first come out of a theme park being place near DC there was fifty anti-Disney rallied in protest while several hundred children was dressed to simulate as 101 Dalmatians in ...

  • Walt Disney Research Paper

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    an innovator of dreams. Through producing movies and the Walt Disney theme parks, he has made dreams come to life for generations. He inspires us to be like him and follow our dreams. The Disney Corporation is one of the most successful entertainment businesses in America, although number one in my book. Walt Disney’s cartoonist career turned into so much more. Walter Elias Disney’s love of cartooning started when he was a young boy. He would paint and draw and sell his pictures to neighbors and family

  • Comparing The Alaskan Malamute And Siberian Husky

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    replicated by another dog, which makes them look similar. While there are dogs such as dalmatians which are known for their distinctive spotted coat, or the bergamasco dogs which have three layers of matted locks that make them unique from other dogs, you also have dogs such as the cairn terrier and norwich terrier who looks exactly the same, aside from their legs and the color of their coat. From the hundreds of dog breeds on this planet, there are dogs which would make you look twice and make

  • Disney

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    search for her Prince Charming, the first place she should look is in the world of animation. Animation has probably been around since the beginning of time. Although, the artwork that originally resembled animation was only one or two cels, animation today is made up of hundreds or thousands of cels. The early animated movies were black and white, did not have a plot, and were mostly a series of little gags. Then came ... COLOR. To make an animated movie popular, color was needed to give it style.

  • Roman Influence On Modern Civilization

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    and Romanian, all national languages. Catalan also has taken on a political and cultural significance; among the Romance languages that now have less political or literary significance or both are the Occitan and Rhaetian dialects, Sardinian, and Dalmatian (extinct), among others” ( This quote from the Encyclopedia Britannica explains briefly what the pronounced Romance languages (because of their ties to the language of the Roman people) are. Those languages have also inspired their

  • The Creator of Walt Disney

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    Someone who is not only known for his movies, but for his amusement parks is Walt Disney. Walt Disney had a rough start to his creative career, but he still managed to become one of the best creators of all time. As one of the most well-known creative minds of his time, Walt Disney is famous for both animation and family fun. To begin Walt Disney started out by making cartoons for his high school newspaper, and at night he took courses at the Chicago Art Institute. He soon moved to Kansas City and

  • Persuasive Essay On Pitbulls

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    home or any other new family member. One of the main things to really think about and understand is your intentions for your selection of an animal with the breeding of the Pit Bull. If you choose a dog with the wrong intentions, specifically a Pit Bull, you will get a dog that behaves aggressively and is dangerous. This owner behavior is what has caused the current plight of the Pit Bull today, where laws have been passed in thirteen states and hundreds of municipalities, as well as every U.

  • History of Australian Cattle Dogs

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    general appearance, its unique traits, simple diet and easy health care. According to Katherine Buetow in “ The History of the Australian Cattle Dog” she states, “There is continuing controversy over which breeds were actually used in its development. One of the difficulties in researching the history of this breed is that there was a lot of experimentation going on in trying to find the perfect combination of dogs to make up the ultimate heeler that could live and work in the Australian outback ”( 1)

  • The Royal Tenenbaums: A Sinking Battleship

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    through two decades of unfortunate events, reunites once again. One might watch this movie and infer that the Tenenbaum family's way of reuniting is obscure and most was done out of pure selfishness, but it actually is a representation of an American life. The movie begins with showing that at young ages all three Tenenbaum children found major success in their lives. Chas Tenenbaum creates a successful small business from breeding dalmatian mice, Richie Tenenbaum is a tennis prodigy, and their adopted

  • The Hunchback Of Notre Dame

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    these flaws, "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" shines as the best from the Disney factory yet. For, at first, the company name and movie title didn't quite appear to sit well together. You don't marry the king of novel Gothic gloom (Mr. Victor Hugo) with one of the world's most beloved (if not biggest) animation companies and expect the usual world population to be at the reception; but expect even Mr. Walt Disney to pat himself on the shoulder blade (or what's left of it) for allowing a hideous hunchback

  • The Life and Accomplishments of Marco Polo

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    One of the world’s greatest explorers was Marco Polo. Known for his travels to China, the book he wrote about his expeditions, The Travels of Marco Polo, and his sharing of Asian spices, marked him as a great influence in the 13th century and beyond. Italy was not tranquil in the 13th century. Famine spread across Europe because of poor harvests. Crops failed because of seasonal floods. In the winter of 1315-1316, the peasants ate the seeds before they could sell them because they were so hungry