Olusegun Obasanjo Essays

  • Nigeria: A Tug of War

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    Introduction The Federation of Nigeria has never been a homogenous country. Nigeria is a country with a daunting history. On October 1, 1960 the populous country of Nigeria, having the largest landmass of the West African states, gained its independence (Metz, 1991). Nigeria is a country of “great diversity,” due to various amounts of the ethnic groups (See Society and Culture p5).There are more than 250 ethnic groups that are influenced by politics and popularity. Nigeria’s history dates back to

  • Nigerian Government: From Military Rule to Democratically Elected Governance.

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    Nigerian Government: From Military Rule to Democratically Elected Governance. Nigeria’s government has recently gone under a dramatic change. For my paper I decided to write on the topic of Nigerian government. When I interviewed a student, named Arit, from Nigeria, she told me how her country was formerly under military rule and had recently changed to a democratically elected government. Arit believes this is a good change for the country and it will help fix the destruction military rule

  • Republic Of Nigeria Essay

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    Overview The Federal Republic of Nigeria also know the Giant of Africa is located along the southern coast of Africa. They have the largest population in Africa and, shares borders with Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and Benin. Nigeria is the home to 250 ethnic groups making up around 177 million people. About half the population follows Islam, while 40% are Christians and then another 10% are animist. Nigeria is one of the largest producers of Oil in the world along with tin, coal, and iron ore.

  • The feasibility of democracy in Africa by C. Ake

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    The story of democracy in Africa as a whole has been one of a constant struggle of African peoples against, colonization, tribalism, military dictatorships, one-party rule authoritarianism, imperialism and neo-liberal globalization. (Ake, 2000) This was Ake’s argument in his book The feasibility of democracy in Africa, which meant to showcase that the failure of democracy in the continent was not caused by the peoples lack of will but other external factors. In very few cases in Africa has the transition

  • A Culture of Corruption: Everyday Deception and Popular Discontent in Nigeria by Daniel Jordan Smith

    910 Words  | 2 Pages

    Daniel Jordan Smith presents an outstanding work full of insight and appreciation of Nigerian culture. The content is enriched by his years spent working there, his marriage to a Nigerian woman and his obvious affinity for the Nigerian people. Smith’s primary aim is to reflect upon popular Nigerian sentiment toward corruption but also to explore just how entrenched corrupt practices have become in society. The book focuses on two main elements; how Nigeria is as much a ‘culture of corruption’ as

  • Nok Culture In Nigeria Research Paper

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    of Biafra." After General Muhammed was assassinated on February 13, 1976, Lt. Gen. Olusegun Obasanjo became head of state. Seven new states were created in 1976, bringing the total to nineteen. Several military rulers followed, ending with the sudden death of General Sani Abacha in June, 1998. He was succeeded by General Abdulsalami Abubakar, who held elections in 1999 leading to the election of Olusegun Obasanjo, who took office in May,

  • Imperialism In Nigeria

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    been severally interrupted by Military rule. The first Republic ended in January, 1966 with a coup, which brought Major-General Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi as Military ruler. Coups followed and Military regimes continued till 1979 when Major-General Olusegun Obasanjo relinquished power, allowing for a second republic with Shehu Shagari emerging President under the platform of the National Party of

  • African Union: Promotion of Human Security in Africa

    2342 Words  | 5 Pages

    taken and expanded on, this is described by Leedy & Ormrod (2014:31) as the heart of the research... ... middle of paper ... ... J. Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies. Obasanjo, O. 1988. Africa in Today’s World. In Africa in Today’s World and the Challenges of Leadership, edited by Obasanjo, O. & Babangida, I.B. Nigeria: Ota. Oxfam. 2012. African Union Compendium. Internet: http://www.slashdocs.com/nvrnn/african-union-compendium-oxfam-international-july-2012.html . Access:5 April

  • Nigeria: A Country Headed in the Right Direction

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    Nigeria: A Country Headed in the Right Direction Imagine throwing several different groups of people, all of whom have nothing in common and all of whom have different beliefs and follow different morals and ideals, and forming one nation out of them. Now, imagine trying to govern this nation as one cohesive unit. This is exactly what Great Britain tried to do in the formation of Nigeria over a period of time spanning from the days of the slave trade until October 1, 1960, when Nigeria eventually

  • Objectives Of Amnesty International

    1075 Words  | 3 Pages

    Amnesty International International Non Governmental Organization Amnesty International is a non-governmental organization focused on human rights with millions of members and supporters around the world. The objective of the organization is "to conduct research and generate action to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights, and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated. Amnesty International was founded in London in 1961, following the publication of the article "The Forgotten

  • District 9 Essay

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    Lights, cameras, action; is all in which a movie is processed when viewed my others through millions of pixels of film. The critical evaluation of the movie is only seen through the eyes of those who think deep within the overall picture. District 9 is the perfect movie to correlate to the readings that is comprised to be read in American Cultural Studies. There are readings throughout the assigned book Rereading America that will relate to scenes in the film District 9. It will inform, as printed

  • District 9 and Apartheid in South Africa

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    District 9, a science fiction movie directed by Neil Blomkamp and produced by Peter Jackson, is an action movie throughout. One could view the entire film without noticing any sort of metaphorical depth, and simply enjoy District 9 based on the merits of its wonderful visual effects, gore, vulgarity, and fast-paced content. In order to achieve this blissful nirvana, the viewer would have to empty his mind of any knowledge regarding the South African apartheid. The apartheid metaphor is so thoroughly

  • Anthills of the Savannah: Governing for Failure

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    Throughout Chinua Achebe’s Anthills of the Savannah, there are several thematic elements used to express the corruption of the government in post-colonial Nigeria. Nigeria has been culturally changed due to colonial British rule. Colonial Britain has changed the way Nigerians govern, which has resulted in many coups throughout the timeline of Nigeria. The way and life now for Nigerians is very different than it would be without interference from outsiders. Anthills of the Savannah demonstrates the

  • British Colonialism In Nigeria

    2692 Words  | 6 Pages

    Colonialism and Independence: Nigeria as a Case Study During the colonial period in Nigeria (from about 1850 to 1960), the British, like any other colonial power, asserted their dominance through a variety of media. The colonial experience of Nigeria and Britain, and Nigeria's early post-colonial history can be described, roughly chronologically, in three phases or periods: the formation of a ‘captured' colony, the education and inculcation of ‘proper,' British ways (i.e., the ‘taming'