African Union: Promotion of Human Security in Africa

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Human security is a key concept in the modern day political arena. For some it may be that the best way to describe human security is to refer to it as constant human development (Naidoo 2001:7). Booth explains that it is sometimes the very state people live in that is a threat to their security, rather than other states that wage wars and create conflict (as cited by Naidoo 2001:2). This leads to states being challenged in terms of their effectiveness and adequacy to supply the needs of their people to ensure them security, whether it is a matter of life and death or development and provision (Naidoo 2001:2)

Tieku(2007) links the term, human security, with the institution, the African Union. The African Union(AU) was formally launched on 26 May 2001 (Tieku 2007: 27). The AU is a regional organisation that has several functions(to be discussed later), which includes human security(Turner 2013:58). Tieku(2007:27) focusses on how the African Union articulates human security on its agenda and improves human security across Africa. Tieku(2007:27) also looks at the effect and importance of Pan-Africanism and leadership within the AU, on human security.

Research theme and main theoretical perspective

This article by Tieku (2007:26) focuses on human security. Human security revolves around the safety of humans and safeguarding their communities, focusing on protecting them and not so much the state they live in (Tieku 2007:27). It is the idea of security, focussed on mankind, which is placed above any other concept of security (Bajpai 2013:1).

The research theme is the main ‘problem’ stated which is taken and expanded on, this is described by Leedy & Ormrod (2014:31) as the heart of the research...

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