Obstetrics and gynaecology Essays

  • Career Choice in Gynecology: Personal Journal

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    My first and foremost career choice is to become a gynecologist with a specialty in obstetrics. The other career options I’ve explored were becoming a nutritionist, a medical lawyer, and training horses professionally. Though these career choices are tasteful all in their own, I chose the path to becoming a doctor because it combines the parts of each job that I would have done best into one career. Nutritionists learn and continue to learn the latest medical research on the minute level of detail

  • Becoming an Obstetrician-Gynecologist

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    Have you ever wondered what it would take to become qualified to work with the female reproductive system? The career of Obstetrics and Gynecology is a challenging yet fascinating career because of the ability to be a part of the introduction of a new life into the world, along with other obligations that come with this career. The research will describe the career of Obstetrics and Gynecology, what is required to become a successful OB/GYN, and the impact this career has on society. An Obstetrician

  • Admissions Essay: Why Ob/Gyn?

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    Admissions Essay: Why Ob/Gyn? I'm having trouble coming up with that concise, compelling anecdote about the patient who inspired me to go into Obstetrics and Gynecology, because so many people have helped me realize that this is where I belong. There are the women whose babies I've delivered, whom I've gotten to know at a clinic visit or during the early contractions of active labor, and then coached through the calm between pushes in the last few minutes before delivery. There are the teenagers

  • A Career In Obstetrics And Gynecology

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    For the past couple weeks I have been researching Obstetrics and Gynecology. Obstetricians and Gynecologists, or OB/GYN’s for short, are “doctors that specialize in the care of female reproductive organs and assist pregnant women before, during, and after the birth of their baby” (Obstetrician). Knowing what you’ll have to do as an Obstetrician, how long you’ll have to attend college, how much money you’ll make, and the qualities you’ll be expected to have in the occupation are points that need to

  • Obstetrics and Gynecology Nurse

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    As long as women exist there will be a need for gynecologists, obstetricians and gynecology and obstetrics nurses. An interesting career is an obstetrics and gynecology nurse. Obstetrics and gynecology nurses follow the lead of a physician. They work with the female reproductive system. A gynecology and obstetrics nurse does many things ranging from delivering babies to treating deceases of the female reproductive system. In this paper you will learn about the history of gynecology, the steps

  • The Injustice of Female Genital Mutilation

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    The horror of female genital mutilation is a global issue, and it is also one surprising foreign to Americans although an estimated ten thousand girls in the United States are currently at risk of this operation (Sarkis par. 1). This is a cultural practice that is both unethical and incredibly detrimental to its victims besides obviously being in direct violation of basic human rights. In order to attain a broader view of this issue the following will be examined: basic information about this practice

  • Community Health Reflection Paper

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    Community Health was taught in 5 year period in different modules. The course was divided into 8 components with a total of 14 credits These modules include; Biostatistics and Demography, Environmental Sanitation, Epidemiology, Control of Communicable Diseases, Maternal and Child Health, Research Methods, Occupational Health, and Health Services Management. Under Research Methods, students were introduced to Qualitative and Quantitative research. Also, some Modules were delivered in tutorials lead

  • Complications of Obstetric Hemorrhage in the Antepartum and Postpartum Periods

    1988 Words  | 4 Pages

    minimal assistance, however complications can and do arise and as health care professionals it is in our duty to be able to recognise them quickly in order to manage them accordingly (Bledsoe et al., 2011). This essay will focus on complications of obstetric haemorrhage (OH) in the antepartum and postpartum periods. As described by Mosby, (2010) antepartum hemorrhage (APH) is any form of bleeding coming from a pregnant uterus with a normally positioned placenta, in particular after the 28th week of gestation

  • Home Birth

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    providers. We want the delivery process to be one of the best moment and memorable joy in your life. Don’t let it become a tragedy in your life. Dr Mardiana Kipli M.D (UNIMAS) is an Obstetric & Gynaecology registrar currently in Kuching and is in her final year of completing her Masters in Obstetric & Gynaecology. Works Cited Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologist/Royal Collage of Midwives Joint statement. Home Birth; 2007

  • Hausen: The Entire Story

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    Biographical, 2014) . After graduating, Hausen knew he wanted to continue in the field of biology, however he wanted to be qualified in practicing medicine first. This led him to pursue surgery, internal medicine, gynaecology and obstetrics. Working in the gynaecology and obstetrics field particularly

  • Uterine Fibroids

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    to a 6 or 7 months of pregnancy”. (Gynecologists). They also can grow up as an abnormal whole unit attach to the uterus or develop similar to grapes in different areas around the uterus. (See figure 1) A study published by The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, showed that the “most affected group is the African-American Women”; which are more susceptible to have multiple fibroids. (Gynecologists) (See fig 2), in the study they also said that there is not any particular cause for the condition;

  • Personal Statement: My Clinical Internship

    1002 Words  | 3 Pages

    We are living in the most advanced era of science since human existence on earth. Be it engineering or health science, we have been facilitated with the blessings of scientific innovations. But, irony is, the health sector still lags far behind due to many adversities. During my clinical internship, I witnessed the sufferings of many patients which intrigues me to be a researcher, not just a clinician. Due to my parent’s occupation, I have been living in hospital area since my childhood. From that

  • Eating and Drinking in Labour

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    Congress, Vancouver, Conference Proceedings. Sharp D.A (1997) 'Restriction of oral intake for women in labour' British Journal of Midwifery 5, 7: 408-412. Sloutel M, Golden S.S (1999) fasting in labour: relic or requirement. Journal of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Neonatal Nursing 28 (5), 507-512. Smith C (1995) Evaluating nurse care reflection in practice, Professional Nurse Vol 10 no 11.

  • Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome Analysis

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    history of substance abuse, maternal behaviors, track marks (or physical evidence of abuse) on mothers arms, maternal medical complications, unexplained complications during pregnancy. In a recent study by Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, they suggest that the combination of when the mother took her last dose of opioids, infant’s gestational age, and mode of delivery provided significant statistics on which infants required treatment for NAS and which did not. They also

  • The Impact of Two Global Health Promotion Initiatives

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    The aim of this essay is to discuss critically the impact of two global health promotion initiatives, citing examples from two developing countries. To set the stage for this discussion, in this introduction the author will define terms like ‘Health’, ‘Global Health Promotion’ and ‘Developing countries’. The World Health Organisation (WHO) constitution stipulates that, “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental human rights of every human being, without

  • Argumentative Essay On Female Circumcision

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    Female circumcision, also known as Female genital mutilation, or female genital cutting is a custom that has sparked controversy among many people belonging to other cultures not accustomed to the practice. Within the argument lay a series of debates surrounding the issue as culture and tradition clash with human rights over whether or not this practice should be allowed. Advocates against the practice draw on the prevalence, perceptions, and reasons for conducting FGM to combat what they believe

  • The Patient's Rights and Confidentiality in the Nursing Profession

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    receptively, empathy, trust and respect to establish and maintain a strong therapeutic relationship with the patient and the family. I will make reference to a significant experience I had as a student nurse during my clinical practice in the obstetric and gynaecology unit of the hospital I trained in my country. Confidentiality will be maintained at all times. During the period of my placement, I was assigned Mrs M who was diagnosed with Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD). During my break period

  • Gender Roles In Nursing Essay

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    United States. Culturally, we have generally defined nursing as a female-dominated occupation. The almost absence of male nurses seems universal.Male nurses often face the challenges of gender discrimination, especially in specialities like obstetrics and gynaecology because women often prefer to have female nurses. A recent study into gender issues in nursing has found male nurses being stereotyped both outsides and within the profession as homosexuals, low achievers and feminine-like (Armstrong and

  • Self Awareness And Reflection Through Self-Mandala

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    Self-Awareness and Reflection Through Self-Mandala Neeraj Datta St. Lawrence College/ Laurentian University LUSL 1206 Suzee Rocque October 14, 2012 Self-awareness and self-knowledge is a person’s psychological state

  • Abortion Laws In Australia

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    An abortion is when a pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the birth of a child. For many years abortion has been the subject of criminal law in Australia and has been a current legal issue facing Australia today. Recently many people have started to question the clarity of the laws and whether they are appropriate for their current place within the criminal code. Various stakeholders have argued that the laws fail to give certainty to both doctors and patients. These current issues