Nitrite Essays

  • Aquaponics Papers

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    About Aquaponics Aquaponics is a combination process of hydroponics and aquaculture. Hydroponics is raising fish and aquaculture is growing plants without adding soil. The aquaponics process is very simple and practical. The waste of the fish is pumped into the growing bed of plants. The plants eventually use the fish waste that is a nitrifying bacterium as its food supply. Moreover, the fish waste holds valuable nutrients that are essential for the growth of plants. The water from the plant bed

  • Nitrates And Nitrites Essay

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    Sodium Nitrates and Nitrites, are two of the most common food additives in America. Nitrites are compounds consisting of one nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, while nitrates contain one nitrogen atom, and 3 oxygen atoms. These additives are most commonly used in processed meat products in order to increase shelf life and give these processed meats their distinctive red color and flavor. (UK Food Guide) Nitrates, and Nitrites are in meats such as ham, bacon, corned beef, etc. These additives stop

  • Inhalants: A Cheap, Easy and Deadly High

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    Hundreds of household products are being misused as inhalants. Some of these products include nail polish remover, hair spray, cleaning fluids, spray paint, and the propellant in aerosol whipped cream (“Inhalants“, 2010). Inhalants are breathable chemical vapors that users intentionally inhale because of the chemical’s mind-altering effects (National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA], 2010). The trend in inhalant abuse is growing among the young community throughout the country. Surveys have shown in

  • Formulating Nitrite Butadiene Rubber High Density Polyethylene Blends by Using Industrial Blends and Compatibilized Chloroprene Rubber

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    The intent of existing investigation was to formulate nitrile butadiene rubber (NBR)/high density polyethylene blends (HDPE) blends using industrial waste (MW) and compatibilized by Chloroprene rubber (CR). Results indicated that the minimum and maximum torque increased with increasing HDPE amount in the blends, whereas scorch, and cure time showed the decreasing trend. Increment in HDPE increased the tensile strength, modulus, tear strength, hardness and crosslink density. % tensile strain, % compression

  • Methemoglobinemia in Recirculating Aquaculture Systems

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    that perform nitrification, anaerobic ammonia oxidation. Nitrification leads to the production of nitrite and nitrate from the oxidation of ammonia. Ammonia and nitrite are inherently toxic to fish; however, the sensitivity to these nitrogenous compounds varies by species. It was suggested that in Cyprinus carpio, or common catfish, ammonia is regulated at the gill interface by Na+/K+-ATPase. With nitrite, fish are most sensitive in the early stages of growth; this is most often observed as poor gill

  • The Importance Of Meat Processing

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    compounds derived from added nitrite/nitrate and the naturally occurring red myoglobin (MbFeII) leading to the simultaneous formation of the bright red nitrosylmyoglobin (MbFeII NO), in which an axial ligand nitric oxide (NO) is coordinated to the central FeII in heme (Møller and Skibsted, 2002). Nitrate is necessary in a long curing process to act as a source of nitrite by the action of the nitrate reductase enzymes present in by bacteria (Marco et al., 2006). Nitrite requires one less step in stabilization

  • Processed Meats Essay

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    and cancer. The addition of nitrates, nitrites, salt and sugar to the meat is defined as curing of meats. The main purpose of curing meats are to improves its flavour, enhance its appearance and colour, act as a preservation and as well as prevent the growth of microorganism. It is known that, there is a relationship between the processes or methods that used to produce processed meat and cancer. There are some researchers claimed that the nitrates and nitrite compounds inside the processed meat is

  • Ammonia Turbid Water

    649 Words  | 2 Pages

    The ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate tests are used to determine if the fish’s environment is safe to live in or if the water is too toxic. Ammonia and nitrite are very toxic while nitrate is mostly harmless. To eliminate these chemicals, adding more bacterial supplement will cause the cycle to continue at a faster rate. These tests also show how the nitrogen cycle is progressing in the tank. As the cycle progresses, ammonia will decrease while nitrite increases. Then nitrite decreases and nitrate increases

  • Nitrification Essay

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    The aim of eliminating nitrogen, whatever the exact form of the nitrogen compounds in wastewater, was the production of nitrogen gas, an inert, water-insoluble gas which is readily separable from liquid media. The need to produce nitrogen gas in nitrogen removal treatment processes is mainly due to the high solubility of nitrogen compounds such as NO3 ~, NH4 + and NO2 ~ present in the removal of nitrogen, nitrogen. It seems that this old paradigm is being challenged. Because nitrogen gas, as in sewage

  • Nitrogen: The Five Important Process Of The Biogen Cycle

    1200 Words  | 3 Pages

    conditions with the liberation of ammonia or ammonium ions which are either released to the atmosphere or utilized by plants such as corn, paddy,weeds and other plants and microorganisms or still under favorable soil conditions oxidized to form nitrites and then to nitrates. The bacteria that complete the ammonification process are Bacillus, Clostridium, Proteus, Pseudomonas, and Streptomyces and known as ammonifying bacteria. The important step in ammonification is deamination which means removal

  • Nitrosamines Case Study

    900 Words  | 2 Pages

    OCCURRENCE OF NITROSAMINE IN FOOD AND BEVERAGES 3.1 Nitrosamines in meat and meat products Preservatives like nitrite (KNO2/E249 and NaNO2/E250) and indirectly nitrate (NaNO3/E251 and KNO3/E252) are added in meat products such as bacon, cured meat, salami, sausages and canned meat products to avoid the growth of putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria such as Clostridium botulinum. Besides, nitrite acts as a processing adjuvant that promotes the colour formation, delay lipid oxidation and provide a typical

  • The Process of Nitrogen Cycle

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    (2012) Principles of Biochemistry (5th ed.). Glenview, IL: Pearson Education. Mordy, C. W., Eisner, L. B., Proctor, P., Stabeno, P., Devol, A. H., Shull, D. H., … Whitledge, T. (2010). Temporary uncoupling of the marine nitrogen cycle: Accumulation of nitrite on the Bering Sea shelf. Marine Chemistry, 121, 157-166. Newton, W. E. (1999). Nitrogen fixation and the biosphere. In Martinez, E. & Hernandez, G. (Eds.), Highlights of nitrogen fixation research (pp. 1-8). New York, NY: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publisher

  • The Nitrogen Cycle: The Nitrogen Cycle

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    chemical forms such as organic nitrogen, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, nitrous oxide, or inorganic nitrogen gas. Organic nitrogen may be in the form of a living organism, humus or in the intermediate products of organic matter decomposition. The processes of the nitrogen cycle are carried out by microbes. Nitrogen Fixation Nitrogen fixation is the conversion of nitrogen into nitrates and nitrites through atmospheric, industrial and biological processes

  • Commonly Used and Controversial Food Additives

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    Commonly Used and Controversial Food Additives We consume more of them everyday, but many people do not know what additives do to food and the people that eat it. The average person is amazed by the number of additives injected into our food. Through years of scientific research, it is now possible to comprehend the most commonly used and controversial additives. What exactly is a food additive? The technical definition is "any substance the intended use of which results or may reasonably

  • The Formation of Acrylamide in the Body by Starchy Food

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    Most of everyone loves deep-fried foods, especially French fries and fried chicken; one can find them in almost every fast-food restaurant for a cheap price. Early in 2002, the Swedish National Food Administration found that certain foods form a compound called acrylamide when fried or baked; this compound is toxic and found to cause cancer in lab rats. This discovery became a concern as to the possibility that humans will also develop cancer from eating large amounts of fried foods. Acrylamide

  • Urinary Tract Infection: A Case Study

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    are mild, or presents with less than two symptoms (Shah & Goundrey-Smith, 2013). A urine dipstick provides rapid diagnostics by assessing the presence of leukocytes, nitrites, blood, protein, and/or bacteria. The presence of nitrites and leukocytes indicates bacteria in the urine, which causes urinary nitrates to breakdown into nitrites. A higher concentration of the leukocyte esterase enzyme will be present in the urine due to the increased presence of neutrophils with infection. In addition to the

  • Advantages And Disadvantages Of Food Additives

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    Food additives are natural or artificial substances added during food processing or production. They are added to foods for maintaining and improving flavour, appearance, texture and colour. This is not a new term. Since the ancient times food additives are being used to preserve foods. For thousands of years, natural additives such as salt has been used as a flavour enhancer and preservative for pickling, smoking and drying meat, vegetables, and fish in many countries such as India, Greece, Rome

  • Persuasive Essay On Mcdonalds

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    Sodium nitrite is linked to pancreatic cancer, according to a study conducted by the Cancer Research Center of Hawaii and the University of Southern California. Human hair L-Cysteine, an amino acid often used to extend shelf life in products such as commercial

  • Freshwater Biomes

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    Ecology is the study of organisms and their relationships with the environment. Different types of environments or biomes include freshwater, desert, deciduous forest, and the tundra. Freshwater biomes include lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams. Sometimes, ditches and puddles can even be considered freshwater biomes because they help some sort of life to survive. For example, Lake Baikal, located in Central Asia, is the biggest lake on Earth, considered a freshwater biome. Also, the Nile and Amazon

  • Overview of Toxicants Formed During Food Processing

    2782 Words  | 6 Pages

    Contents No Items Pages 1 Contents 1 2 Introduction 2 3 Toxicants formed during food processing 3~9 3.1 Acrylamide 3 3.2 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons 4~5 3.3 Nitrosamine 5~6 3.4 Benzene 7 3.5 Chorinated compounds 8 3.6 Amino acid Pyrolysates 9 4 Conclusion 10 5 References 11 Introduction For most foods, the faster it spoils, the healthier it is. However, in the globalisation and rapid invention of technologies plus the shifting eating habit of mankind, we need our food to last for