Newsround Essays

  • What's Wrong With Downloading Music?

    680 Words  | 2 Pages

    What's Wrong? Everyone is Doing it Ever since 18-year-old Shawn Fanning created Napster in his Northeastern University dorm room in 1999, downloading and sharing music online has become one of the most popular things to do on the Internet today. But why wouldn't it? Getting all your favorite songs from all your favorite artists for free, who wouldn't want to start sharing music? The answer to that question are the people who feel that stealing from the music industry is not morally right, because

  • Newsround Key Conventions

    788 Words  | 2 Pages

    is on BBC News. The presenters dress and speak very formally and they talk about hard news topics. On the other hand, on This Morning on ITV, the presenters speak a lot more casually and they tend to mostly talk about soft news topics. Also, in Newsround, the presenters are a lot younger, e.g. Blue Peter presenters, and this makes the show more appealing to the younger age groups. The news also features interviews and talking heads, which are

  • Newsround: The Language Of Mass Communication

    3152 Words  | 7 Pages

    are one of the gang” (Page 182). I believe the reason for this is because the presenters on Newsround are significantly older than their target audience and so have to use a great deal of informal vocabulary so that the presenter appears more relatable to the audience. One example of this is the presenter's use of the slang imperative verbal phrase “check out” to instruct the audience to go onto the Newsround website and read more on all the stories they cover. The use of slang in this example is effective

  • Comparing Newsround and BBC 6 o'clock News

    1018 Words  | 3 Pages

    Comparing Newsround and BBC 6 o'clock News The purpose and audience of ‘Newsround’ and the ‘BBC 6 o’clock News’ are both different, and therefore the format, content and language will differ as a consequence. The purpose of ‘Newsround’ is to make news interesting and accessible for its target audience, of younger teenagers and children. On the other hand the ‘BBC 6 o’clock News’ has a more general audience, consisting mainly of adults and older people, and its purpose is to present a round

  • Difference Between A Coulis, Al-Qaeda, And Great Britain

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    PreAP English Extra Credit Research Questions On separate sheets of paper, thoughtfully and thoroughly answer the following questions. Make sure to put the research into your own words; do not plagiarize. Also, please cite all your sources. 1. What is the difference between a coulis, a ganache, and fondant? A coulis is a thick sauce made with pureed vegetable or fruit and it is used as kind of a food decoration.A ganache is a sweet creamy chocolate mixture used especially as a filling or frosting

  • Free College Admissions Essays: Computer Science

    542 Words  | 2 Pages

    responsibilities. I hold the positions of both sixth form committee member and House Captain for my school house. I have performed in the VI form pantomime, The Wizard Of Oz, for the local primary school children. When my school took part in BBC Newsround?s national mock election I was the Party Leader for the Liberal Democrat Party. I designed posters on my computer and helped mastermind the campaign in the school. This involved speaking in a four-way debate between the three party leaders and an

  • Helen Skelton : From Rags to Riches

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    biggest radio stations. This was very exciting for Helen as this was her first major professional role. Helen used this role to make her mark on the Radio scene and has worked her way up since. After this, Helen moved down to London to work on Newsround. Newsround is a BBC children's news programme, which has run continuously since 4 April 1972, and was one of the world's first television news magazines aimed specifically at children. It would have been very hard to travel from Kirkby Thore to London

  • Shakespeare And Gender Roles In The Elizabethan Era

    690 Words  | 2 Pages

    (CBBC Newsround "Who Was William Shakespeare and Why Is He Famous?”) Another topic that Shakespeare commented on in his works was gender roles. These characteristics that a culture identifies with a persons sex is one of the many important topics of discussion in

  • Salt Ice Cream

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    introduced to France in 1553 by Catherine de Medici. Ice cream was not available to the universal public till 1660. “A kind of ice-cream was invented in China about 200 BC, when a milk and rice mixture was frozen by packing it into snow.” (CBBC Newsround) Different types of ice cream can take different amounts of times to freeze, so the purpose of this experiment is to find out if different amounts of salt affect ice creams freezing time. This would help many ice cream businesses if they would need

  • Marginalisation of Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Media

    2830 Words  | 6 Pages

    Marginalisation of Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Media In the last decade there has been an enormous change in the nature of the media and the ways people interact with it. For example, cable, terrestrial and satellite television channels plus widespread cheap access to the Internet and digital technology have spread rapidly from the USA to many other parts of the world. In addition audiences are now able to interact with the media to some extent, so they are able to exercise some control