Marginalisation of Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Media

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Marginalisation of Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Media In the last decade there has been an enormous change in the nature of the media and the ways people interact with it. For example, cable, terrestrial and satellite television channels plus widespread cheap access to the Internet and digital technology have spread rapidly from the USA to many other parts of the world. In addition audiences are now able to interact with the media to some extent, so they are able to exercise some control over the form and sometimes the content of the message they receive. For representation to be meaningful to audiences, there needs to be a shared recognition of people, situations and ideas. It is very difficult to generalise about representations of ethnicity in the media. The main reason for this is that some sub-sections of broadcast, print and film media are oriented to and sensitive towards questions of ethnicity. For example programmes and even satellite channels are dedicated to Asian issues, magazines are made for those with Caribbean roots. These types of media represent minority ethnic groups in appropriate ways. There is much research evidence to suggest that the modern media in particular tend to stereotype the cultural values and norms of behaviours of some minority groups. New stories are often cast in terms of the threat posed by minority ethnic groups: by their increasing numbers, criminality or in some other way. A classic example of this is a 27-year-old Algerian asylum seeker whose application had been refused. This refugee stabbed a police officer named Stephen Oake. "The Guardian" reported this incident on Thursday ... ... middle of paper ... ... same media. No matter how old or challenging to contemporary views, many programmes are continuously recycled by cable and satellite companies. This diversity makes generalising about media representations of social groups both difficult and hazardous because with time attitudes change. After researching several mediums within the media, such as newspapers, television and advertising I have found that ethnic minorities are portrayed fairer than they have been in previous decades but are still not portrayed as fairly as they should be in contemporary media. Therefore ethnic minorities are still marginalized. Sources of Information ====================== The Sun ------- The Guardian Pride magazine New Nation Media and Meaning: an introduction Colin Stewart et al.

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