Naphthalene Essays

  • Different Uses of Mothballs

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    many different causes, but health risks are also associated with mothballs. Using mothballs can repel moths and make things smell great, but can also cause hemolytic anemia. Mothballs are helpful in many ways, but there is one factor in mothballs, Naphthalene, that can cause health issues. Mothballs have many features that are beneficial to people. One feature of mothballs is keeping a house or building free of pest. Mothballs change from solids to gas at room temperature (Willert, n.d.). This gas is

  • Separation Of 4-Cloroaniline And Naphthalene

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    technique because by adding an acid or base to a mixture, we can extract a Base or an Acid. In this experiment, a mixture of benzoic acid, 4-chloroaniline and naphthalene will be separated using the extraction

  • Naphthalene And Benzoic Acid Synthesis Essay

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    In this experiment, the goal is to separate naphthalene and benzoic acid from one gram of a crude mixture containing them both, using extraction. A general requirement of a solvent in extraction is solvating one of the pure compounds in solution but not the other. Position in the separatory funnel is determined by density of each layer. The denser layer will be on the bottom of the separatory funnel while the less dense layer will be the top layer of the separatory funnel. For extraction to be used

  • Synthesis Of 2-Naphthalene Lab Report

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    Lidia Santiana Palha s3333523 Experiment 2: Williamson Ether Synthesis of 2-octadecyloxynaphthalene Demonstrator: P. Kabauri Date of experiment: 26-09-2017 Summary: In this experiment, 2-octadecylooxnapthalene was synthesized. The synthesis consists of making 2-naphthol solution with acetonitrile. Then CsCO3 and bromooctadecane was added to the solution. And at the end we crystalized it and found out the melting point which ranged from 64-68°C. Theory: In order for an ether to be produced we needed

  • Diethyl Ether Lab Report

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    solute being used. NaOH is a polar solvent and dissolves benzoic acid that has a high polarity, while diethyl ether is a nonpolar solvent and dissolves naphthalene that has a low polarity. The density determines the solvent position in the separatory funnel. Since diethyl ether is lighter (less dense) than water it stays on the top. Since both naphthalene and benzoic acid are soluble in diethyl ether they will not readily separate, that is why NaOH is added. When the polar solvent, NaOH, is added, benzoic

  • Eberhard Bunsen Biography

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    had lost his excitement for it, which led him back to the University of Gießen to study chemistry. For his PhD, Emil made a thesis that had grabbed the interest of Robert Bunsen. At the University of Heidelberg, he had introduced the formula of naphthalene and the Erlenmeyer rule of keto-enol tautomerism. In 18... ... middle of paper ... ...sen burner, the oxygen gives more energy to the electrons in the flame, causing the flame to heat up more and more. Therefore, the chemical reaction of methane

  • phase diagram

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    lowest free energy. When the free energy of all states are equal to each other, the system is at equilibrium. The Heat that is relased or absorbed during a state change absorbed is known as latent heat. For a binary mixture such as durene and naphthalene, the Clausius-Clapeyron equation (cf. Appendix) relates the latent heat of fusion or solidification to the rate of change of melting point with pressure. Also when a mixture is cooled its latent heat changes. Since the molar volume change resulting

  • Aromatic Compounds Essay

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    Here, we can see that they contain rings with alternating single and double bonds in their chemical structure. Toluene Naphthalene Examples of Aromatic Compounds In the ring, the electrons are delocalized. When we say ‘’delocalized electrons’’, it means that these electrons are not attached on a fixed atom. The electrons are spread out over the ring, and they can also be described

  • Importance of Living Modified Organisms and Genetically Modified Organisms

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    We possibly overlook the microorganisms when thinking of LMO since plants and animals probably will first come to our mind. With the development of recombinant DNA technology, metabolic potentials of microorganisms are being explored. Nowadays, genetically modified microorganisms (GMMs) have vast applications in human and animal health, bioremediation, and in industries such as food and textiles. The first GMM, specifically E. coli, was made in the 1970s (Teisha, 2013). A few years later, GMMs which

  • Asymmetric Epoxidation Of Dihydronaphthalene With A Synthesized Jacobs

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    Jacobsen's catalyst. The synthesized Jacobsen's catalyst was used to catalyze the epoxidation of dihydronaphthalene. The products of this reaction were isolated, and it was found that the product yielded 1,2-epoxydihydronaphthalene as well as naphthalene. Introduction In 1990, professor E.N. Jacobsen reported that chiral manganese complexes had the ability to catalyze the asymmetric epoxidation of unfunctionalized alkenes, providing enantiomeric excesses that regularly reaching 90% and

  • Aspirin Essay

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    compound that contains impurities will tend to melt over a range of temperatures and at temperatures lower than the fixed mp for the pure compound. For example naphthalene, an ingredient of mothballs, has a melting point of 80°C and a pure sample of naphthalene would most likely be observed to melt within 80-81°C. An impure sample of naphthalene might melt over a range from 75-80 °C. Impurities in the crystals of the compound weaken the structure, which results in the compound melting at a lower temperature

  • BP Oil Spill Synopsis

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    In 2010, there was a huge oil spill near the Gulf of Mexico that we now know as the BP Oil Spill today. The Spill sent about 170 million barrels of crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The spill killed 11 men aboard the deep-water Horizon. The BP Oil Spill impacted the environment very negatively. There were different types of environmental impact as a result of the Oil Spill, but the two that grabbed my attention the most are the Polluted Air and the Contaminated Food Chain. The first impact

  • Edgar Allan Poe's 'For Annie'

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    figurative language, descriptive imagery, and also some symbolism accomplishes this, enabling us to try on the speaker’s view for ourselves (almost as tangible as one might try on a pair of shoes). In the sixth stanza a “naphthalene river of Passion accurst” is described to us. Naphthalene was commonly used industrially and found in many products, though it is well known to cause poisoning. And so the reader is given this picture of Passion, a river of poison, a curse to the speaker. He describes his “torture

  • Coal Tar Production

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    condensed aromatic hydrocarbons (Kershaw 1993). Medical pix lithantracis is a mixture of pitch (66.67%) and tar oils (33.33%) (Roelofzen 2007). Physical and chemical characteristics Crude coal tar is a black and viscous liquid. It has obnoxious naphthalene like odor and a prickly burning taste (Gennaro1990). It is heavier than water. It is “practically insoluble” in water, whereas “all or almost all” dissolves in benzene or nitrobenzene (Budavari 1989). According to EPA 1994 & IARC 1985, CCT contains

  • Introduction of Petroleum

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    in petroleum. In formation of petroleum hydrocarbon: Major constituents (nearly 70%); normal, branched and cycloalkanes are present; alkylbenzenes found in lower boiling fractions; higher boiling fractions contain polynuclear aromatics like naphthalenes; terpenes are present to a minor extent and account for the high specific rotations of petroleum distillates. Sulphur containing compounds: In formation of petroleum, present as org...

  • Naproxen Sodium Lab Report

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    CHEMICAL COMPOUND: NAPROXEN SODIUM Organic Chemistry Lab Writing Across Curriculum November 7, 2015   Naproxen sodium, with a molecular formula of C14H13NaO3, has a molecular weight of 252.24 g/mol. It has a melting point of 55°C and has the appearance of a solid; crystalline power (powdered solid). The chemical is odorless, has a white color, and is slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (sensitizer). It is stable under normal conditions; however, it is best to avoid conditions such as dust

  • Impact of Drug Abuse: Lessons from D.A.R.E

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    Today i’m writing about D.A.R.E.. D.A.R.E stands for Define, Assess, Respond, Evaluate. Dare is manly about don’t do drugs. So here's a story about how drugs can affect your life in many ways. So my friend had parents that smoked. and know one wanted to be by her because her parents smoked. And she smelled so bad she didn't have any friends before i came along. So i decided to go over there and talk to here and she turned out to be very nice. And we became best friends. But she had no other friends

  • Chesapeake Bay

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    ...2013. "Chromium - Cr." LennTech, 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. "The Cost to Human Health." How We Save the Bay. N.p., 2012. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. "Dissolved Oxygen." Chesapeake Bay Program, 2012. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. "Naphthalene." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Nov. 2013. "Phosphorus." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 18 Oct. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. "Polychlorinated Biphenyl." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Nov. 2013. Web. 25 Nov

  • Gasland Summary

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    The chemicals used in fracking will first be examined. According to the World Book Encyclopedia of Science, hydrogen sulfide, benzene, and toluene are toxic aromatics derived from tar and naphthalene. Thiol groups (SH) are more reactive than alcohol groups, but less reactive than hydroxyl groups. Sulfur compounds typically have a pungent odor similar to rotten eggs. However, increased oxidation of hydrogen sulfide would result in sulfonic acid

  • Tobacco Essay

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    Have you ever wondered what was in your cigarette, cigar, cigarillo and chewing tobacco? Do you know how Tobacco affects your body? Do you know about nicotine? Tobacco contains over 200 chemicals, 60 are extremely bad for you. What is Tobacco? Tobacco is a five foot tall plant with leaves that are around 27 inches long. Tobacco is a green leaf that needs to be dried out until its brown. Once the leaf is dried out it is shredded in to small pieces and doused in over 60 chemicals and rolled into a