Misty Mountains Essays

  • Misty Mountains Story

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    Away in the misty mountains there were a group of nine heading to mount Vesuvius to melt a ring. You may know the story but this story is about two kids who live in the misty mountains their names are Snape and William bit most call him Will and call Snape S. They're known as the disturbers of the people the reason for that name is because they road a shed down a hill and into a house which they are currently stuck in but let's start from beginning. Will and S were very nice boys but got into trouble

  • Frankenstein Chapter 1 Creative Writing

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    The full moon illuminated the small clearing of Old Forest and the trees seemed to whisper to each other as an old man cloaked in grey stepped out from behind their thick trunks into the open space, the eyes of a curious tawny owl following his movements. The old man stood humming a quiet tune, leaning his weight onto the large staff he held, before turning his head and staring into the darkness behind the bodies of the great trees, their canopies shielding the inhabitants of the forest from the

  • Essay Similarities Between Frankenstein And Gollum

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    Many fantasy plots can often share similarities, whether it is mystical creatures or the never ending fight between good and evil. Two books that share a mutual thought are Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R.Tolkien. Though at first glance the stories seem to have no similarities; with Frankenstein being about a young man taking experimental science too far, and The Lord of the Rings following the journey of fantastical folk in their quest to destroy an all-powerful

  • Concerning Orcs and Goblins in the Tolkien Universe

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    Irishmen from the countryside. Hobbits serve as the main protagonists of the novels, alongside a choice group of men and dwarves. Opposing the hobbits in the Fellowship of the Ring and The Hobbit are the orcs and goblins of Mordor, Isengard, and the Misty Mountains. Orcs and goblins were mentioned in literature long before the days of Tolkien, but it was his work in these novels that rocketed them into the spotlight as a common enemy in literature, film, and even video games. The mindset of the orc is a

  • Essay On Gollum

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    An interesting example of good being corrupted by Evil is the character Smeagol, commonly known referred to by his alter ego Gollum. Gollum is perhaps the most complex character in Lord of the Rings, who represents greed and ambitions yet displays his inner battles with himself, thus proving that he is not purely evil nor has he become purely evil. Gollum is an unique character who shows complexity beyond what appears on the surface. Gollum began as a Stoor Hobbit and a once a merry member of the

  • The Hobbit Character Analysis

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    Reading Unit: The Hobbit (hobbit is based on the Old English for “hole-dweller”) pg. 170 Essential Questions and Discussion Topics  How do you define morality?  What are ways you can define someone's character? (Characterization)  How does the setting affect the mood or feelings of the characters? (Shire/Mirkwood/Spiders)  What is the idea of fantasy? (“An invention of the imagination.”)  Point of View: Omniscient (The narrator has an inside understanding of the characters)  What motifs

  • The Connection Between Place And Identity In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

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    landscape. By changing the landscape they also change the way they interact with the landscape. For example, the Dwarves, and their mining under the mountain changes the way they interact with the land. They changed the way the land was used so that they could build a lifestyle off of the mountain. Therefore their villages were not only close to the mountain they were also quite rich. In conclusion The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, is in my personal opinion, the most connected film to the place and

  • Tolkien Essay

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    J.R.R Tolkien Tolkien was born in South Africa and after both his parents died when Tolkien was at a young age he moved in with relatives to England. This is where all his writing started. He went to college and studied Anglo Saxon and classic literature. He even enlisted in the army, which was very common for this time, and all this time at war he never stopped writing. He finally got released from the army because of an illness. All these events in his life have majorly influenced his writing style

  • Misty Copeland: Diversity In Dance

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    Misty copeland is such a strong woman and an amazing dancer. She has been through a lot of obstacles, it's just amazing how she got where she is now. It’s incredible how many children and people Misty has inspired throughout her career. Misty copeland was born on september 10th in 1982 in Kansas city, Missouri. Misty and her siblings grew up with a single mother. Copeland’s mother decided to move to San Pedro, California from Kansas City. That's when she got into the drill team of her middle school

  • On Top of the World

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    On Top of the World This winter wonderland called Austria is full of small villages surrounded by snow capped mountains that look like someone has come along with some icing sugar and generously topped each one. Mountain after Mountain clustered together, with pine trees placed here and there that are dappled with snow. A real life picture post card with chocolate box wooden houses and roof tops covered in crisp clean snow. Pretty balconies with people sat enjoying a glass or two of the local

  • Essay on Poetry in Prose in Cold Mountain

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    Poetry in Prose in Cold Mountain Cold Mountain is poetry in prose, and the examples of this are infinite.  Every character met is described down to the last hair on their head; the war-torn countryside still lives on for Inman to relive and Ada to discover.  The field burning, the sunrises and sunsets, the rivers flowing and the eternal rocks and trees that make up the landscape are all characters in themselves. The definition of the word ‘poetry’ is allusive to say the least. Those in dictionaries

  • Archetypes

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    4tH Quarter Paper There are many archetypical symbols used in hundreds of works, new and old. Some of these symbols include: war, peace, love, nature, birds, mountains, and darkness. These symbols have deep meaning which help embellish a certain work. They also help the reader to better understand the theme or plot of a work. They are used freely and abundantly in most modern and pre-modern works. The archetypical symbol of war is used symbolically as a sense of conflict or tension. It may express

  • Comparing the Mountains and the Beach

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    Comparing the Mountains and the Beach I do not like the beach very much personally. I can vacation anywhere I choose to, and I choose the mountains. I prefer the mountains to the beach because the mountains have better weather and are so much prettier than the beach, and because I feel more comfortable and at home in the mountains. The beach is hot. It is not just your average "Oh no, I'm sweating" kind of hot, but unbelievably, unbearably hot. The mountains, however, are temperate,

  • Mauna Loa: The Fiery Mountain

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    Mauna Loa: The Fiery Mountain Mauna Loa is Earth’s largest volcano and most massive mountain as it takes up nearly half of the flourishing landscape of the island of Hawai’i. This island is actually made up of five volcanoes, Kohala, Mauna Kea, Hualalai, Mauna Loa, and Kilauea, all in such close proximity that they fused together to form one whole island. Mauna Loa is located in the south central area of Hawai’i, in the Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park and its coordinates are 19°5' N, 155°6' W. It

  • Dian Fossey

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    brought her happiness but also sadness, and other emotional problems. Dian Fossey lived up on a mountain by her self for a number of years. That begins to have an effect on you as well. It was very lonely up there on the mountain. She got a nickname rom her lifestyle, she was called "Nyirmachabelli", which means the woman who lives alone on the mountain. Poor Dian Fossey became an alcoholic up on that mountain. She also smoked three packs of cigarettes a day! I think those may have been the reasons of

  • pirate childrens story

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    different, this time they would find it. This time they had a map! Jack had seized the map from the ship he last raided. It wasn't much of a map, the parchment was old and yellowed and the compass directions were hard to make out. There were two tall mountains and some forests drawn on the paper, but most importantly, there was an X. The old man had seen maps like this before, and had never found anything near the marked spot. But this map had something about it that made him believe it was the real thing

  • Geography of Trinidad

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    other Caribbean Islands, Trinidad is not on the tropical storms and hurricane paths. Moreover the mountains of Trinidad are unlike those of the other Caribbean Islands. Trinidad has mountains that stretch southwards to the plain and along the gulf and down to the sea, the mountains lay along the whole northern boarder. Its mountains are not steep, cone shaped and rugged. From east to west the mountains of Trinidad run in three lines that are parallel but are separated by two large valleys. As De Verteuil

  • Compare And Contrast Landforms And Mauna Loa

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    Volcanoes. The naturally forming landforms that can look remarkably beautiful. Gentle slopes, or high rising heights with snow caps and greenery that seems to attract many tourists and sightseers around the world. These magnificent landforms can also cause major destruction and can produce forces that can explode, burn, and create a great deal of damage. Two of these extravagant wonders of the world is the Mount Saint Helens composite volcano in Washington, US, and the Mauna Loa shield volcano in

  • Persuasive Essay On The Smoky Mountains

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    If you're a nature lover, Ober Gatlinburg might be the perfect place for you. The Smoky Mountains are right next door, and their spectacular views, rich wildlife and long hiking trails are all but guaranteed to leave you speechless. Gatlinburg itself is filled with fun places to visit, such as Ripley's Aquarium and Odditorium, the Sky Lift, and the many shopping malls and museums. During the winter season, the Ober Gatlinburg Amusement Park & Ski Area is a must visit for anyone interested in ski

  • Personal Narrative: My Trip To The Teton Mountain

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    Last summer, I had an amazing opportunity to take part in a three-week expedition trip in the Teton Mountain Range. This expedition included an eleven-day hike along the crest trail of the range and a four-day guided ascent of the Grand Teton, the tallest in the range. It was a fierce personal challenge and I prepared myself physically for the arduous climb. At 13,776 feet in elevation, hiking the Grand would be a massive challenge as I had no experience in technical climbing. Our expedition guide