Marine aquarium Essays

  • Maintaining Marine Reef Aquarium

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    Maintaining Marine Reef Aquarium Important Aspects in Maintaining a Marine Reef Aquarium There is something fascinating and relaxing in having an aquarium in a home. Like a fireplace’s warm glow and bright colors, the colors that are emitted from an aquarium can be just as warm and even more colorful. From the slow and graceful movement of the fish to the frantic feeding frenzy, an aquarium is different each time it is viewed. Although a freshwater tank can be full or color, it does not

  • Aquariums Essay

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    When one says aquariums must people automatically think of the standard 24” x 12” x 12” rectangular tank that may exist have in a living room or dining room. But the matter of the fact is that aquariums are more than just a couple of fishes in a glass box. Aquariums have been around since 50 AD. The romans were the first to introduce glass panes, making it easier to view the fish. They would keep small tanks made of marble under their guest’s beds before the glass panes were introduced. Around 1369

  • My Aquarium

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    My Aquarium The place I decided to do my paper on is located in the living room of my family’s house. It is a one hundred gallon aquarium. The reason I chose this as the topic of my paper is that all kingdoms are present except for Plantae in it and it is its own ecosystem. Before I go in detail about the organisms in the aquarium, I would like to mention the accessories that make this aquarium a stable environment and allow the organisms to grow happily. The temperature needs to mimic

  • Are Coral Reefs in Danger?

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    priceless resources to both human and marine life. The leading natural cause of destruction among the coral reefs is global warming. Other natural causes are earthquakes, hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons. The destruction to the coral reefs from these natural disasters is minimal compared to the dangers caused by man. Man-made destruction has a much wider impact on the health of the coral reefs. This destruction includes over-fishing, damage from anchors, aquarium industry, overgrowth of seaweed, and

  • Setting up a Fish Tank

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    from a local pet store. Treating tap water is only part of the set up process in a new tank. Once your tank is full of treated water you must cycle your tank. Cycling a new tank is the process in which the nitrogen cycle is established in a new aquarium. It is crucial that a new tank is cycled properly in order to keep the fish in a non-toxic environment. The purpose of cycling a new tank is to establish beneficial bacteria that convert toxic elements into nontoxic elements. In order for the cycle

  • Two Categories of Organisms: Poikilotherms and Homeotherms

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    INTRODUCTION Every living organism has a metabolism. Metabolism is the sum of the chemical reactions in one’s body, including both anabolic and catabolic processes (Pfleugal, 2014). These processes require energy that is obtained through the organism’s respiration. Because an organism’s respiration is linked to its energy consumption, researchers can observe changes in the metabolism of organisms by looking at their respiration rates. It is possible to measure respiration by looking at either the

  • Zebrafish Case Study

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    About half of the fish species live in groups at some point in their life cycle (Pitcher, 1998; Shaw, 1978). Fish living in social groups can gain significant foraging and anti-predator advantages, but living in a group also carries a cost, so fish constantly perform a risk-balancing trade-off and decide to stay, leave or join with other fish effect (for a review, see Krause & Ruxton, 2002; and Pitcher & Parrish, 1993). The advantages of living in a group include the dilution effect,

  • Personal Narrative Essay: Rainbow Fish

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    had to learn not to be scared of the evil aliens trying to eat my fish. By the time I was 5 years old, I was pretty convinced I wanted to be a marine biologist. I did projects about fish in Elementary School, and I always knew the difference between the “Dorsal fin.” and the “Claudal fin.”. Needless to say, I used to have a pretty big fascination with marine life. Not as much anymore, now that I’m older, but fish still have a place in my heart, especially the 20 fish I used to have as pets when I was

  • Aaron: A Fictional Narrative

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    Aaron lived in San Francisco with his two parents and his older brother. For most people this was as good as it could get having two successful parents, but Aaron felt disconnected from his parents. It didn’t matter that they provided for him. “How were your days?” asked their father. “It was good,” said Gerold as he put down his football pads, “Our coach wasn’t at practice so I ran it myself. It was fun because I like being the captain” “What about you, Aaron?” “Fine.” said Aaron

  • Julio Cortazar's Axolotl Misidentified as Magical Realism

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    elements also exist in "Axolotl". The main character visits "the aquarium at the Jardin des Plantes", which is a zoo, to see the axolotls (11). The boy also talks about seeing lions and panthers. The same guard took the boy's ticket every day that he went to the aquarium. Throughout the story, the reader comes across several things that he or she will question. In the beginning of the story, a young boy goes to the aquarium to see the axolotls. He soon becomes obsessed with them and goes everyday

  • Analysis: Joe Science Vs. The Water Heater

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    Thermodynamics is essentially how heat energy transfers from one substance to another. In “Joe Science vs. the Water Heater,” the temperature of water in a water heater must be found without measuring the water directly from the water heater. This problem was translated to the lab by providing heated water, fish bowl thermometers, styrofoam cups, and all other instruments found in the lab. The thermometer only reaches 45 degrees celsius; therefore, thermodynamic equations need to be applied in

  • Persuasive Essay About Ladybugs

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    After lots of research, here are the options. All of these don’t need big cages or terrariums, and you can pick one according to preference. However, some of them are bad options, so it is best to steer clear. I hope you find this research useful. A ladybug is a good option for a classroom pet. In the wild, ladybugs eat aphids, which aren’t that hard to find, considering that the plants they eat are very popular for gardeners. A ladybug is easy to feed, and “it will eat what it needs.”2 Since it

  • Morals of Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat (Favourite)

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    Morals of Ode on the Death of a Favorite Cat (Favourite) It is very difficult to understand what a writer mean when they write a poem, because you have to get in to a frame of mind that you think the writer was in when they composed the poem. In the Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes, Thomas Gray uses a cat and fish to teach a moral. In the Ode on the Death of a Favourite Cat, Drowned in a Tub of Gold Fishes the setting was set in the first stanza. The poem gave

  • Goldfish Essay

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    The Pet Charity guide to caring for your GOLDFISH Goldfish are typically trouble-free pets for all the family to enjoy. Goldfish are one of the easiest of all fish to keep, but if they are to be kept in an aquarium you must remember that they are totally dependent on you for their welfare. A well cared for goldfish can live for eight years or longer. There are many varieties to choose from ranging from the common goldfish to varieties such as Comets, Fantails, Orandas, Lionheads, Shubunkins and

  • The Secret Goldfish

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    Michael Alliant’s secret goldfish had never been a secret. The incident happened long ago, but nobody ever seemed to remember. Except for Michael. After all these years, every piece of the pain was carved in his memory, as if he was always there, always making the mistake. He was eleven, an appropriate age to start to learn things. It all started with an early evening of September, on the day Michael bought his favorite pet, a goldfish. It was nothing special as a common goldfish: dark eyes

  • Central Themes in The Graduate

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    Central Themes in The Graduate The themes of loneliness, isolation and entrapment are central to the narrative of the 1967 film The Graduate. Throughout the film, many devices are used in order to communicate this to the audience. This list of devices includes the use of water and glass for example, which is seen in many scenes and emphasizes the isolation and entrapment of the not particularly remarkable but worthy kid who drowns amongst many objects and things throughout this film.

  • Customer Analysis

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    Who LifeStraw has a wide customer base ranging from outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists to the charitable who donate the water filter to those in need. Many safety conscious people also fall into the LifeStraw's target market as these potential buyers remain supplied with natural disaster preparation kits, of which a LifeStraw makes a great addition. The market segment which would be interested in making donation purchases is large and has great potential as there are multiple benefits for this

  • Creative Writing: My Life as a Fish

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    One of the most unique creatures are fish. As I am sitting here in my room, my fish are swimming about with not a care in the world. I wonder what it would feel like to be a fish. I'm swimming about and see eight other fish swim around me. The thermometer reads 72 degree Fahrenheit, but the cold water suits me just fine. There are white, black, and gray pebbles all over the bottom of the tank which collects the deserted food particles. I accidentally suck up a small pebble with the fish food I

  • Advantages Of Fishing Pliers

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    Expert Tips On The Best Way to Use Fishing Pliers One of the ubiquitous tools in the angling world is the Pliers. You will probably need a pair regardless of the type of fishing you do. Pliers make it easy for you to unhook a fish instead of using your fingers. You can use Pliers to flatten hook barbs, tighten hooks, grab lines, and cut fishing lines. This tool may even come in handy when you have an emergency such as when you accidentally impale yourself on a hook. Therefore, it is important to

  • Pool Scenes in The Graduate

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    the symbol of the recent college-graduate?s internal struggle with decisions regarding his future. Key scenes involving the swimming pool and the related aquarium in Ben?s room chronicle the evolution of his transition from adolescents into adulthood. The opening scene of the movie in which Ben?s face is visible through the glass of his aquarium tank demonstrates his role as an adolescent upon arriving home from college. This is, however, only recognizable in a later scene taking place at the party