Mantra Essays

  • Mantras

    538 Words  | 2 Pages

    Mantras The Mantras are very spiritual things used by the ancient in Asia, now a days this form of meditation has expanded and everyone has access to it. A Mantra can improve your life style by teaching you the art of meditation, by bringing peace to your soul and by helping you control difficult situations. A Mantra is a form of meditation that has existed for a long time; it is used in the whole world and you don’t need to be religious to use it. A Mantra is a word of wisdom that brings you

  • Mantras In Religion

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    would be a mantra. Mantras are defined as “a sacred utterance, incantation, or invocation repeated aloud or in meditation in order to bring about a prescribed effect, such as the calming of the mind or a vision of a deity (“Mantra”).” Mantras are carefully formulated in order to create these visions and the state of consciousness an insider resides in. Mantras can vary in different aspects, being one single word or phrase, or being recited by one or more Brahmins. The particular mantra that was interpreted

  • The Arts and Expression of Religious Ideas

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    The Arts and Expression of Religious Ideas I believe that arts are the best way to express religious ideas. I have several reasons for thinking this. Firstly, art may be the only way for some people to express their faith. For example illiterate people would be able to paint a picture of those they admire, as a way to connect and pay tribute to their faith. I also believe that many pieces of artwork can make people feel awe and wonder. For example 'Rublev's Trinity' is a beautiful piece

  • Essay On Meditation

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    Makes You Feel Better"). Meditation has been around for thousands of years. In every religion, the instructions for meditating are the same; only the words differ ("Buddhist Meditation"). There are two major types of meditation that benefit the user, Mantra and Vipassana meditation ("Buddhist Meditation") By meditating, the human mind... ... middle of paper ... ...effects it may have on you (Figen). Continue this practice until it gets easier and meditate whenever you feel that it is needed (especially

  • The Importance Of Meditation: Which Gives You Deep Rest

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    “Meditation is that which gives you deep rest.” The rest in meditation is deeper than the deepest sleep that you can ever have. When the mind becomes free from agitation, is calm and serene and at peace, meditation happens. (Shri Shri Ravi Shankar, Art of living) Meditation produces a state of deep relaxation and a sense of balance. ‘Dhyana’ is the Sanskrit word for meditation so we can conclude that source of meditation is from Vedic times. (ref.Vedas) It is a holy practice where in one focuses

  • Reflective Essay On Meditation

    1945 Words  | 4 Pages

    The most common response I hear these days when I tell someone I teach meditation is “I’m so stressed out. I could really use some of that.” I am also amused to hear fairly often “My friend should really meet you!” I’m happy to see that meditation is known more and more as something that could be directly helpful in our day-to-day lives. Anywhere stress plays a role in our problems, meditation can have a potential role in its relief. Meditation practice need not be tied to any belief system. The

  • meditation

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    org/Heart_Rhythm_Practice.shtml Trivieri, Jr., Larry. The American Holistic Medical Association Guide To Holistic Health: Healing Therapies For Optimal Wellness. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2001. White, Charles S. J. Encyclopedia Americana International Edition: Mantra. Volume 18. Connecticut: Grolier Inc. 2000. Zen Mind International. Meditation. 2004.

  • The History of Meditation

    672 Words  | 2 Pages

    “thoughtless awareness” according to many practitioners. There are two general categories of meditation, Mantra and Open Mindfulness. The word mantra has two parts: man, which is the root of the Sanskrit word for mind; and tra, which is the root of the word instrument. Mantra meditation requires the use of a selected instrument to concentrate your focused and attention to. Repetition of this selected mantra will help you enter in a deep state of meditation and disconnect you from negative thoughts filling

  • Positive Self Talk Essay

    1366 Words  | 3 Pages

    I frequently think about the effects of words on the healing body and mind. One of the things that I focus on in my therapeutic pursuits is "positive self talk," wherein I try to take those automatic negative statements my brain tosses out and change the dialogue to something more productive. When I 'm triggered by a situation, the chemicals that rush my system cause a negative emotional reaction and my default statements are pretty brutal. Here is a short list of things that play repeatedly (and

  • Puja In Judaism

    806 Words  | 2 Pages

    Puja, which means offering in Sanskrit and worship in Pali, is one of the principle rituals in Buddhism and is commended by Buddhists all around the world. Puja can be conducted anywhere but primarily, it is conducted either at home or in a temple. Puja has no specific time or rules rather it is up to the individual on how the ritual is performed. In spite of this, some aspects are deemed disrespectful during puja. These include wearing shoes and pointing the feet in the direction of the Buddha statue

  • Kirtan and the Bhakti Mandala

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    Residing in Boulder County imparts on its inhabitants many benefits, whether socially, culturally or educationally. However, religious diversity is not a decidedly robust attribute in our relatively homogenous religious landscape. I say relatively, because certainly, the Abrahamic traditions are well represented and a smattering of the foremost eastern traditions can also be discovered along our burgeoning Front Range. Nevertheless, deciding on a subject matter tradition to research proved more difficult

  • Benefits Of Meditation

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    a quieting of the mind -- and create a "pause" from the rapid pace of our lives to let our mind and body "catch up," re-balance, and re-center. Some styles of meditations rely on complete silence, some employ the repetition of specific words or "mantras," some offer guided imagery and/or affirmations, some focus on specific energy centers or "chakras," some utilize specific sounds and music, some have very ancient roots, rituals, and religious traditions. And there are many more varieties and combinations

  • Essay On Hope And Hope

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    Hope comes from having a purpose that you desire or long for. God gives us the purpose to live righteously through his vision and in hopes to be accepted by him when judgment day comes. Prayer is founded on faith and to find faith one must have the hope in God’s promises. When we hope for something we pray that God hears our struggles and our blessings. In this essay, I will deliver the theological definition, biblical foundation and practical application of hope and prayer. Hope Theological Definition:

  • Persuasive Essay On Prayer

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    “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…” We’ve all either heard, read, or said this prayer once or twice in our lives, but what exactly is prayer? According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary, prayer is “an address to God or a god in word or thought; an earnest request or wish.” This definition just hints at what prayer actually is. Prayer is far more than just asking God for things in our spiritual walks with Christ, but it’s what most Christians focus on as if God were Santa Claus. Our focus

  • Importance Of Prayer For Believers

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    Prayer Prayer is another extremely important discipline for believers to practice. When explaining prayer one must first understand what prayer is. An anonymous author in an article known as the Quiver wrote the following statement about what prayer is: “Prayer is the application of want to Him who alone can relieve it. Prayer is the voice of a sinner to Him alone can pardon sin. Prayer is poverty pleading, humility worshipping, penitence confessing, and truth trusting. Prayer is no eloquence, but

  • Confession Of Confession

    731 Words  | 2 Pages

    Confessions of a Prayer Wimp Prayer used to be something I turned to when things went wrong or someone asked me to pray for them. I believe that God knows what is going to happen in our lives, so really, what is the purpose of prayer if the answer has been predetermined? Now I know that through prayer, we form a relationship with God. This relationship means we aren’t out there on our own, left to figure things out for ourselves, to deal with the troubles of life alone. We also thank God

  • How Prayer Changed My Life

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    When we were leaving very early in the morning last month, to take Tori off the college for the first time, my mom sent me a text. It was just four short words. “Love you. Be brave.” It was her prayer to me as I struggled to let go of my first child, to send her off into the big world and hope that she would embrace her new home, do well, but perhaps most importantly as a mom, that no one would break her heart and that she would be safe. I have pondered since that text as to why those words

  • The Importance Of My Rule Of Life

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    First and foremost, my rule of life will be accountable to myself and God. I will make a chart and keep track each time one of the Rules of Life is accomplished. This will not only provide me a running check list, it will motivate me to keep up with the rules. Each month I will have breakfast with my best girlfriend to discuss the overall accountability. We have had a discussion, and she is also going to create a Rule of Life as well. At our monthly breakfast meetings, we will keep each other

  • Mantra Yoga And Karma Yoga

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    consciousness only by chanting the mantras, which is the aim of Mantra Yoga. Mantras embody energy in sound form. They have the capacity of delivering a person to the final goal of Self-realization. The elaborate science of Mantras called Mantra Shastra prescribes Mantra Sadhana or practice of mantras. When this sadhana is successful it fructifies into Mantra Siddhi – the accomplishment of power embodied in the mantra. In fact, Patanjali in his Yoga sutras says that mantras are one of ways in which siddhis

  • Pot Crusaders Mantra Summary

    1518 Words  | 4 Pages

    Justin Burton Dr. Wayne Partridge English 1101 20 September 2015 “Pot crusaders’ mantra: It’s a business opportunity” In the article, “Pot crusaders’ mantra: It’s a business opportunity”, it is said marijuana is an illegal substance but the sales of it are in the billions each year. Medical and recreational sales in the states where it is legal are estimated in the billions according to Marijuana Business Media. All sorts and types of goods have been created because of the marijuana growing industry