Essay On Meditation

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Throughout history, Buddhist monks and the eastern religion have been performing meditation, but recently, many people in different societies have been practicing meditation for relaxation and health purposes. Meditation is a practice that allows someone to train their mind to be in a state of consciousness that aids their mind and body in a positive way (Aldahadha). Meditation is about paying attention, focusing, and being extremely relaxed. It strengthens a person’s creativity and performance while enhancing relationships (Aldahadha). Meditators find that during meditation, their body and mind can freely absorb what is around them; this allows a person to have less anxiety. People that meditate are more direct, absorb life easier, are less tense and stressed, have increased memory and learning, are happier, have better cognitive skills, produce positive changes in gray matter density in their brains (related to memory and learning), and have increased emotional regulation as well as increased self-awareness ("The Science behind Meditation, and Why It Makes You Feel Better"). Someone that meditates on a consistent basis also has an increased attention span and has better physical health ("The Science behind Meditation, and Why It Makes You Feel Better"). Another positive effect of meditating is that it decreases someone’s chances of psychological disorders ("The Science behind Meditation, and Why It Makes You Feel Better").
Meditation has been around for thousands of years. In every religion, the instructions for meditating are the same; only the words differ ("Buddhist Meditation"). There are two major types of meditation that benefit the user, Mantra and Vipassana meditation ("Buddhist Meditation") By meditating, the human mind...

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...effects it may have on you (Figen). Continue this practice until it gets easier and meditate whenever you feel that it is needed (especially if you feel tense or stressed).
Scientific data shows that meditation has many significant benefits to a human, including health and cognitive improvements as well as decreased anxiety and psychological disorders (Figen and Harris). Also, most people that attend doctor visits are stressed, so by meditating once or twice daily, the visits to the doctor will be less stressful to a person (Burns). Meditation can help balance out your life, so why not try it? It's fairly simple and fast. In the future, I predict that meditation will be a major part to many peoples’ life to help people deal with their anxiety, and I also think that meditation will be used as a common therapy to help deal with physical and psychological health.

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