Mammals of Asia Essays

  • snow leopards

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    A leopard is a powerful cat that is big that are almost related to lions, tiger, and jaguars. The leopard is a strong animal. It can be comfortable in trees, and it usually kills its prey into some type of branches. They would drag the body somewhere where it can be safe and for hyenas or any other animal not to eat their food.They are able to hunt from trees. The reason is because since they have a spotted coat, that allows them for their skin to be visible with the leaves or wherever they are

  • The Amur Leopard: An Animal In Danger

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    The Panthera pardus orientalis better known as the Amur Leopard is a species which lie in the temperate, and mixed forests. This member of the cat family has incredible qualities with a top speed of a 37mile per hour sprint, and a leap of 10 feet horizontally. Surviving in the wild has been no issue for this carnivore, even at the species prime during the 19th century when this animal could be found a lot simpler, and the competition between one another for live game was intense. From the 19th century

  • Decreasing Population of Snow Leopards

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    facts I learned, was that the snow leopard can jump up to 15 meters. They use that skill when hunting because of the rocky terrain. First they find an animal, from their ... ... middle of paper ... ...through 12 countries High mountains in asia, which runs through 12 countries Most snow leopards actually will run away unless you attack or threat them. But if they have cubs they will be more vicious. Dusk and dawn Works Cited http://www

  • Conservation Of Amur Leopard

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    Why is the Amur Leopard critically endangered and what is being doing to promote conservation of these wild cats? The Amur leopard or Panthera pardus orientalis, is a leopard that’s population was once dispersed across northern China, the Korean Peninsula and southern areas of the Russian Far East. However, the leopard population is now confined to a small part of southwest Primorskii Krai, Russia [see Figure 1] The species is now occupying five thousand square kilometres, approximately 80% less

  • The Sixth Extinction Chapter Summary

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    Throughout history, mass populations of mammals have become extinct. Despite their large size being an advantage when considering the likelihood of species becoming prey, populations have gone through significant periods of reduction (Kolbert 224). In recent years, species of bears, elephants, rhinos, large cats, and other mammals have become labeled as vulnerable or endangered (Kolbert 223). While these declining populations relate to natural processes that mammals go through, human activity remains

  • Oligocene Epoch Evolution

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    advantages of mammals who were warm blooded over reptiles who couldn’t control their metabolic temperatures. Thus, many reptiles, such as lizards and crocodiles, did not evolve the way mammals did since they weren’t able to flourish as much as rodents and hoofed animals. Due to this climate change, it was crucial that animals evolve in order to develop the certain traits, characteristics, and skills to be able to survive and adapt to this new environment. When the forests began to cool, mammals evolved

  • Animal Domestication Essay

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    come into contact with people and has greatly changed how the animals live. Animal domestication didn’t just happen overnight; it was a complex progression that took many years. Domestication caused social, political, cultural and economic changes (Mammals and humans: Domestication and Commensals). The dog (Canis lupus f. familiaris) was the first animal to be domesticated. An animal that has been confined and bred for a long period of time, kept in an environment where humans control its food supply

  • Monotremes And Marsupials Case Study

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    Today, eutherians have effectively outcompeted its fellow mammals marsupials and monotremes for ecological niches. They are found in virtually every part of the world native to Europe, Africa, Asia and America, including oceans. Monotremes and marsupials are mostly found in Australia and New Guinea only (Archibald, 2001). The ability to outcompete fellow mammals is characterised by their method of gestation where they foster their young within the mother’s body by the placenta, allowing nutrients

  • Guns Germs And Steel Essay

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    which in turn allows for full-time soldiers, politicians, and craft specialists. In Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel, the amount of domesticable large mammals, the amount of domesticable crops containing high calorie counts, and the volume of people contributed to countries’ development of guns, germs, and steel. “The largest domestic mammals interacted with domestic plants to increase food production by pulling plows and thereby making it possible for people to till land that had previously been

  • Eocene Epoch Research Paper

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    The Eocene Epoch lasted from 55.8 to 33.9 million years ago. It was the second Epoch of five, in the Tertiary Period. It was known for it’s tropical climate and first appearance of mammals, both on land and sea. Typically, The Eocene is split into three parts: Early, Middle, and Late epochs. In the earliest trimester, 55.8 million to 47.8 million years ago, rainforests and swamps dominated the land; the average temperature year round was near ninety degrees fahrenheit- with little fluctuation from

  • Australia

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    Australia Australia is an island continent located southeast of Asia and forming, with the nearby island of Tasmania, the Commonwealth of Australia, a self-governing member of the Commonwealth of Nations. The continent is bounded on the north by the Timor Sea, the Arafura Sea, and the Torres Strait; on the east by the Coral Sea and the Tasman Sea; on the south by the Bass Strait and the Indian Ocean; and on the west by the Indian Ocean. The commonwealth extends for about about 2500 miles from

  • The Lifestyle of a Panda

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    Pandas are some of the only animals that have a carnivorous digestive system, but they are primarily herbivores. Pandas are uniquely different mammals, but only some are left since they are an endangered species. Pandas are unique for a bunch of reasons such as their lifestyle. Pandas also live in a unique environment, but it is necessary for them to live in that habitat due to their diet which makes them mostly unique. They also have a distinctive appearance and they also have a unique reproduction

  • Exploring the Unique Characteristics of the Taiga Biome

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    characteristics than the other. I’m going to tell you all about Taigas here are topics I will be writing about it’s locations, characteristics, plants, animals, and organisms, ecosystem, and interesting facts. Locations Taiga is located in North America, Asia, and Europe. It stretches across Alaska, Canada, Scandinavia, and Russia. It is located the north part of the northern hemisphere. Taiga’s are the largest continuous biome on Earth. The Taiga is very cold because it near the top of the world. Part

  • What Are King Cobras Facts

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    They guard ferociously until the hatchlings emerge from their egg. These King cobras is popular as the species of choice for snake charmers of South Asia. Cobras can hear, but they deaf to ambient noises, sensing ground vibration instead. The charmer’s flute entices the cobra by its shape and movement, not by the music it emits. Therefore, what you have watched are sometimes cheat you to have the wrong

  • Primates: Evolution, Habitat, and Diversity

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    forests; A lot of primate features shows how they adapt to survive in this demanding habitat.Majority of the primate species are pertain to trees. Besides humans, who occupy each continent, majority primates live in tropical regions of the Africa ,Asia and also America(Anon ,1911). They are very different in size from Madame Berthe's mouse lemur, which is only 30 g (1 oz.), whereas the eastern lowland gorilla, is over 200 kg (440 lb.). According to fossil evidence, the early predecessor of primates

  • The Evolution Of Hair And Fur

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    animals. They may also assume that fur does not grow as long as hair. Every mammal goes through a cycle of growing hair. Humans tend to have longer cycles which allows it to grow longer (Hutchinson, 2014) . Hair length is caused by a specific trait (Wong, n.d.). All mammals have hair at some point in their life. Some have a lot and some have a little. Hairs main purpose is to protect our skin. Some have theorized that mammals produced hair/fur originally to protect the body from heat or cold weather

  • Pangolin Essay

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    The Wonderful Life of a Pangolin You may ask what is a Pangolin? Well a Pangolin has been an endangered species that lives in Africa. I think that the Pangolin is just an amazing animal. My animal is a endangered species that are trying to be relocated into captivity and saved. The Pangolin is an amazing animal that doesn’t need to become extinct so that’s why I did a research paper on it. The Pangolin Captive Breeding Study is a very important study because in order for this species to survive

  • History of the Bison

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    shows that they likely have originated from China. The parabos on the other hand likely spread all the way to the China area. From the proleptobos, the bison split from that animal about 2 million years ago. It was roaming all around Europe and Asia a... ... middle of paper ...> BBC, “Denmark's Bornholm island gets rare bison from Poland” June 7, 2012. BBC. Web. March 30, 2014. Gear

  • The Domestication of Dogs

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    Domestication of Dogs Humans know dogs as a sweet and loving animal that wants to be loved, or also a man’s best friend, but until they were domesticated, they weren’t always like that. Even though many people think that the dogs were domesticated from wolves, not many people truly knows what kind of wolf that the dogs domesticated from. Researchers think that the gray wolf is the primary target of the domestication of dogs. The scientists believe that the dog comes from the gray wolf and the dogs

  • Pangea Evolution

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    variable climate. True bugs, with mouthparts modified for piercing and sucking plant materials, evolved during the Permian. Other new groups included the cicadas and beetles.There were also mammals,during pangea’s time period the Traversodontidae, a family of plant-eating animals that includes the ancestors of mammals. The ocean surrounding pangea was called Panthalassa, little is known about the huge Panthalassic Ocean, as there is little exposed fossil evidence available. Fossils of the coastal water