Pangea Evolution

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About 320 million years ago, precursors of Pangea Laurussia (combined Scotland, Greenland, North America and Russia) and Gondwana ( which was the rest of the earth's land mass ) converged and made a Godzilla continent surrounded by the huge panthalassic ocean. The collisions of Laurussia and Gondwana raised a mountain belt, present-day remnants of which are the Appalachians along North America’s eastern coast and highlands in central Europe. By 135 million years ago (dang plate tectonics, you move slow ) the breakup of pangea was well under way. Rifting and seafloor spreading opened the nascent North Atlantic Ocean between North America and the old continent Gondwana, in which South America and Africa were still Jointed. So wasn't that nice …show more content…

The supercontinent had many organisms like insects. Arthropods continued to diversify during the Permian Period to fill the niches opened up by the more variable climate. True bugs, with mouthparts modified for piercing and sucking plant materials, evolved during the Permian. Other new groups included the cicadas and beetles.There were also mammals,during pangea’s time period the Traversodontidae, a family of plant-eating animals that includes the ancestors of mammals. The ocean surrounding pangea was called Panthalassa, little is known about the huge Panthalassic Ocean, as there is little exposed fossil evidence available. Fossils of the coastal water on the continental shelf indicates that reefs were large diverse ecosystems with sponge,ammonites,similar to the modern nautilus, were common, as were brachiopods. There still was many sharks and manta …show more content…

Africa will grind into Europe, closing the Mediterranean and building new mountains, while continued rifting will turn Africa’s rift valley into a seaway. Other crustal movements will shave a sliver of california from the North American coast and drag Austrlia toward southeast Asia, folding the interviewing islands into collision mountains. New plate movements will begin, and subduction trenches may develop along the Atlantic coasts of the Americans and around Australia, as old, dense sea floor laden with sediments, sinks into the mantle ( well we are dead in 100 million years if we are not already dead from our pollution and wasting our resources or nuclear war like Fallout 4 just look up some videos on youtube of Fallout 4 and you will know what i'm talking about ). Volcanic island arcs and tall coastal mountains will appear on the landward sides of the trenches. Now 250 million years from now you won't believe it, but that's only if the plate movements continue. Continued subduction of the ocean may close the atlantic and indian oceans, drawing the continents together in a single immense land mass sprawling across half the globe a new Pangea. Ranges of folded mountains heaved up by the continental collisions will mark former coastlines. The Pacific ocean will once again be dominant, still spreading outward from central rifts

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