Essay On North American Plate

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The Magnificent North American Tectonic Plate Even though other global problems are bigger than Plate tectonics, the North American Plate took many years to form, is very divers, and is purely magnifect because a big part of our everyday life and the plate tectonic theory is one of the oldest theories known to man. There are also many different aspects to the North American Plate. There are regular basic facts about the plates, there are specific scientists that gathered and founded information about this plate and many others. There is the location of this plate and the plates surrounding it. There are multiple different types of boundaries that surround this plate. Also, there is the multiple years it took for this and other plates to form. …show more content…

there were many specific scientists that contributed to this idea of the moving continents, some more than others. 2 major contributors to the idea were Alfred Wegener, and Henry Hess. They all contributed to the idea of why the plates are in different place that when the Earth was first born. One of the Scientists, Alfred Wegener, is very well known and his name is related when talking about Plate tectonics. When he first proposed( put out there) his theory ( which later turned out to be right) it was rejected immensely because he did not know how or why the continents moved. He just had a theory, but know facts. When coming up with this idea of plate tectonics, he used many different tools. He used fossils, different rock types, and a bunch of climatic evidence. Henry hess came up with the idea of seafloor spreading( the oceanic plates spreading and moving …show more content…

What kind of boundaries are there, where are the located, and most importantly, what kind of boundaries does the North American Plate have. These plates are constantly sliding past each other with every passing year. There are 3 main plate boundaries that we all need to know. They are convergent, divergent, and transform. They all have different names even though they are all related to boundaries. This is because all of them move the crust in different ways. Weather it be a few tenths of degrees or multiple degrees, the plates are always moving. Sometimes when these plates collide, things like volcanoes can come to form. The boundaries can make things like: folded mountain ranges, volcanoes, earthquakes, trenches, mid ocean ridges, and rift valleys. Convergent boundaries are when the plates collide into each other. Divergent boundaries are when the plates move apart from each other. And lastly, Transform boundaries are when the plates slide laterally past each other.for some examples: Southern California is on the boundary of the North American Plate and the Pacific Plate, therefore making it an easy fault zone. That is why Southern California has so many earthquakes. It is because they are on the a transform boundary. Another examples is that A divergent boundary on iceland between the North American plate and the Eurasian plate is causing iceland to split along a mid ocean

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