Lupe Fiasco's The Cool Essays

  • Boracay Island

    725 Words  | 2 Pages

    The scent of the ocean assaulted my nostrils as I had walked passed it. The palm trees blew in the mist of the cool sudden gust of the tropical, morning air, like smooth feahers swaying side to side. As the majestic giant Philippine eagle swoops past my shoulder I suddenly found myself in my most favorite place to visit on the face of this planet; the island paradise of Boracay in the Philippines. Boracay Island combines crystal clear waters, sugary beaches that squeak, and lush hilly landscapes

  • Daisy's Campground Mission Statement

    622 Words  | 2 Pages

    Daisy’s Campground will be a truly unique campground that will provide a variety of activities and lodging amenities for a wide range of people. Families will be able to enjoy different cabin themes, pull in their recreational vehicles, or setup a tent site in a remote but easily accessible location. The campground will be located on a 50 acre lot that will host a variety of activities for all ages. The goal is to encourage families to get away from their busy lifestyle and enjoy a vacation that

  • Personal Narrative: My First Football Game

    1379 Words  | 3 Pages

    Every morning I woke to the bright shining sun and the chirping of birds. But this day was unlike any day. I rapidly lifted my body and slammed my feet on the hardwood floor. I quickly went over to my drawer and pulled out my favorite black soccer shorts and white soccer jersey, and off I went to the tryouts for a new team. There I saw tall muscular players who clearly had more experience than me. They passed the ball with exact precision. They had tremendous skills to show both on and off

  • Gwendolyn Brooks 'Poem' We Real Cool

    1058 Words  | 3 Pages

    The poem “We Real Cool” is a short but sweet poem that, even though it only has a few words, is very deep and impactful. The author, Gwendolyn Brooks’ idea about what being “cool” really means in “We Real Cool” still has relevance for an audience 56 years later. It is interesting to see how culture isn’t very different today than it was when the poem was written. Although the poem is very short and uses the word “we” numerous times it still has a very large significance and meaning to it. The pressing

  • My Childhood Home

    951 Words  | 2 Pages

    The fleeting changes that often accompany seasonal transition are especially exasperated in a child’s mind, most notably when the cool crisp winds of fall signal the summer’s end approaching. The lazy routine I had adopted over several months spent frolicking in the cool blue chlorine soaked waters of my family’s bungalow colony pool gave way to changes far beyond the weather and textbooks. As the surrounding foliage changed in anticipation of colder months, so did my family. My mother’s stomach

  • Willpower Essay

    1061 Words  | 3 Pages

    by Walter Mischel from Columbia University who wanted to test self control in children and it was called the marshmallow test which laid the groundwork for the study self control. Mischel came up with a system that viewed willpower as “hot and cool” The cool system is related to the thought process, reminding yourself why you should complete the task, or in his case why the child should not eat the marshmallows. The hot system deals with more reaction and reflex especially with certain triggers such

  • Gatsby Alternate Ending

    922 Words  | 2 Pages

    The cool, autumn wind blows breezly through Springtown Falls. Mild, is the air, as 16 year old Jake walks home through the large and green forest, as the bright sun smiles down on him, after a tremendous day from school. As he is on his way, Jake stumbles upon a cardboard box. Questions begin to emerge in his head. What could be in there? Who left it here? Was it meant to be found? Should I open it? Jake doesn’t know what to do, so decides to takes it home with him. He then makes his way down the

  • High School Dating Narrative

    690 Words  | 2 Pages

    The thought “NOT here, NOT now!!!” rang through my mind. The thought that I was supposed to be studying with my boyfriend, we were playing cards instead, haunted me. I knew he wanted to kiss me, and I’m only a freshman and he is a junior, and I didn’t want my first kiss to be in my parent’s basement, so I asked him if he wanted to do for a walk. The wind was sharp and crisp, and for being November the temperature wasn’t too bad, but the wind was biting and stung when it hit my face. I thought the

  • Personal Narrative: To Build A Car

    645 Words  | 2 Pages

    I built a car. I was about 11 at the time. I remember it was a long summer day. The sun glistening on the white pavement. It was almost perfect: not too hot, not too humid. Simply nice. The only disappointment was it was boring. It was one of those days where riding a bike did not seem attractive; or playing ball. So I decided to do what any bored 11 year old boy would do on a summer afternoon: I built a car. It began as simply an adventure into the woods in hopes of discovering some new exotic

  • Personal Narrative Essay: The Fear Of My Life

    2281 Words  | 5 Pages

    In that very moment There I was a hundred feet in the air, my body was squished so I couldn’t move. I was scared for my life I didn’t know if I wanted to stay on or get off. So I stayed on and I held on so tight my hands started to hurt. I can’t turn back now, here we go, on the first hill I can see everything up here, slowly we are going down we pick up more speed, I closed my eyes (bad idea because, that just made it worse) I didn’t wanna look. My stomach was in my back, then we went up a smaller

  • Poem Analysis: We Real Cool By Gwendolyn Brooks

    873 Words  | 2 Pages

    Eight line, eight line is the length of the poem “We Real Cool”, but it is loaded with literary devises and contains an underlining meaning. This poem titled “We Real Cool” is written by Gwendolyn Brooks and it was published in 1960. The title is ironic because one would think the poem would be about a group of people and their flamboyant, cool lifestyle but the poem explains that this lifestyle is a dead end that leads to death. It is also interesting to note that the vowels sounds of the title

  • Freedom to Change

    1469 Words  | 3 Pages

    be creativity in the grammar and syntax of the English language. Works Cited Curzan, Anne, and Michael Adams. "Chapter 1-2." How English Works: A Linguistic Introduction. Boston: Pearson Longman, 2012. 1-56. Print. Fiasco, Lupe. "Dumb It Down." Lupe Fiasco's The Cool. Warner Music, 2008. MP3. Jay-Z, and Kanye West. "Niggas in Paris." Watch the Throne. Roc-A-Fella Records, 2011. MP3. Ma, Kai."Top 10 Weirdest Twin-Crime Stories." Time. Time, 26 Aug. 2011. Web. 13 Mar. 2012.