Longsword Essays

  • A Simple Thing: A Young Warriors Tale

    851 Words  | 2 Pages

    Wake up! The warrior was beating on the door of the shack. Cameron was jolted from his sleep and sat up in the bed. Meara seemed not to stir from the loud beats on the door. "Ok!" He shouted back shaking the sleep from himself, rubbing his eyes, and yawning broadly. For the god's sake it is already light out." He rapped on the door again. Cameron shook his head and rolled out of bed and opened the door saw the warrior was dressed for war. "Get dressed and get out here, your training begins today

  • Medieval Weapons Research Paper

    631 Words  | 2 Pages

    Swords in the Middle Ages had many uses. One of these uses was to knock enemy riders off their horses. Once they were off, their long riding weapons were of no use to defend them. They were bombarded by soldiers and killed easily. Next we have the Broadsword. It was a large, heavy, double edged sword that was used to hack rather than stab. The blade was a wide, sharp, metal layer of death. It was used to knock riders off of their horses, and to destroy the opponent's armor. Once the armor was hacked

  • Medieval Weapons

    727 Words  | 2 Pages

    sword today is what is known as the arming sword. The arming sword was anywhere from 30-32 inches long and were used by many knights throughout medieval history. The longsword was also a favorite for the medieval infantryman for being a powerful and versatile weapon. Its long blade up to 42 inches and long hilt and blade guard, the longsword was often used as

  • Medieval Weaponry

    1255 Words  | 3 Pages

    A swordsmith’s goal was to produce a sturdy fighting blade hard enough to hold a fine edge or point, yet was also resilient. He was far more than a blacksmith, who would hammer out or cast common tools from soft iron. A swordsmith had to know how to make steel the harder form of iron that contained little traces of carbon, Steel, or carburized iron, enabled a metal blade to have a far sharper edge and to withstand much greater stress without breaking or staying bent. In order to be both strong and

  • Sun Also Rises: Bullfighting In Spain

    512 Words  | 2 Pages

    Did you know that bullfighting in Spain is a iconic tradition? It is one of the defining cultural characteristics of Spain. Even though it straddles the boundaries between art and brutality. But also a bloody and violent spectacle. This essay will talk about the history, kinds of tickets, and the types of stages. Spanish bullfighting was first brought to the Western world in Ernest Hemingway’s novel “A Sun Also Rises”. Travelers still remain curious about the attraction, even with the fighting between

  • HALO:The Flood

    529 Words  | 2 Pages

    HALO:The Flood Today I am going to tell you about a great book I read lately. It is called HALO:The Flood. The Flood is based on the award-winning Xbox game, Halo. This book was interesting because it tells the story through several different perspectives. Some of the perspectives include: the super-soldier, Master Chief, an alien, another alien, a sergeant, and a few soldiers. Although some new character perspectives are introduced in some chapters, the characters die later in the chapter

  • Samurai Vs Spartan Research Paper

    583 Words  | 2 Pages

    Who would win a samurai or a spartan? Samurai and Spartans were the elite soldiers of their age. Both were trained from a young age to fight for their cause. Which of these elite soldiers is the strongest. By comparing the training, weapons, armor and formations of these two groups we will see who would end up on top if these two elite fighting forces ever went head to head. Samurai are the highly trained swordsmen and nobility of Japan. Each Samurai began their martial arts training at the age

  • Dark Ages Research Paper

    609 Words  | 2 Pages

    It is a wide edged sword hints the name broadsword. It is often mistaken for the claymore. The claymore is a longsword that originated in scotland. Catapult - The mongal is the basic catapult. The trebuchet is a lever with a sling that can yeet a 200 pound rock rufly three hundred yard. That is 900 feet. That can destroy almost anything… that is bonkers. Something

  • Swords: The End Of The Dark Ages

    627 Words  | 2 Pages

    being held with a shield or a buckler, Also according to medieval texts, in the absence of a shield or a buckler, the left hand where they would be located would instead be used for grabbing or grappling your opponent. Another popular sword was the longsword. It didn't come around until the nearly the end of the dark ages but it was still a very known weapon. They were much larger than the others, with the hilt being up to 10 to 15 inches and the blade itself being about a meter long. When it comes to

  • It Takes a Thief

    1963 Words  | 4 Pages

    It Takes a Thief The thief moved slowly through the long stone hallway, not making a sound. He virtually clung to the grey walls, just another shadow in the dark. He paused for a moment, stretching every inch of his six foot frame, eyes and ears straining in the blackness. There it was again, the sound of sandaled feet echoing through the hall. Dropping down and touching the floor, he felt vibrations reverberating through the stone. And they were coming closer! He swore softly, and looked around

  • Comparing and Contrasting Shakespeare's Play Romeo and Juliet and the Movie Version

    1971 Words  | 4 Pages

    Comparing and Contrasting Shakespeare's Play Romeo and Juliet and the Movie Version "[. . . E]mblems of mafia gang-land hostility: guns, fast cars, and tattoos [. . .]" (Walker 5) are not the usual images found in a Shakespearean play. Baz Luhrmann's 1996 production of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet is: [. . .] told in a setting [. . .] that is modern and yet unfamiliar: a world where the youth might conceivably always go armed; a world where love can still be so thwarted and endangered;

  • Middle Ages Weapons

    1160 Words  | 3 Pages

    posted on the social media company, “The Richest”. All of these weapons were designed between the years 672-1491, weapons that were mentioned included, The Flail, Greek Fire, Fire Lance, The Steel Crossbow, The Mangonel, English Longbow, Pike, Longsword, Counterweight Trebuchet, Cannon, The Organ Gun, and the invention of gunpowder, even though gunpowder was not a weapon that a infantry man could fight with. It was a powder that could make other weapons work. An example of the weapons of this innovative

  • Analysis of The Viking Expansion

    927 Words  | 2 Pages

    York, making him King of all of England. In Normandy, Rollo began dividing the lands between the Epte and Risle Rivers among his chieftains and himself, settled in its capital city Rouen. In 927 AD, Rollo passed the fief of Normandy to William Longsword, his son. It's uncertain when Rollo died, but he probably lived for a few years after that, but historians are certain that died before the year 933 AD. It is recorded by the historian Adhemar, that as Rollo's had gone mad towards the end and ot

  • Creative Writing: The Plane Of Aeterna

    1452 Words  | 3 Pages

    In the plane of Aeterna lies a multitude of Kingdoms and Empires. In the center of the plane is an immense continent, more than twenty thousand miles in all directions. It is surrounded by an even larger ocean, extending more than twenty thousand miles further. In the center of the continent lies the most powerful and prosperous empires, where mages have a command of magic that borders on the divine. As one gets closer to the edge of the continent, however, the nations are less prosperous, less

  • The Price of Mercy in Hamlet

    1363 Words  | 3 Pages

    to understand in dealing with the 'sword switch' is how much the art of fencing has changed over the centuries. In England, in the Middle Ages, most duels would have been fought with primitive, older weapons - namely the mace, battle axe, and the longsword. These weapons were heavy and brutish, useful only for offense, with the task of defense falling primarily to the pounds of heavy armour each combatant would wear. Those who couldn't afford the very costly purchase of armour, namely the lower class

  • Creative Writing Fire

    1617 Words  | 4 Pages

    Crackling silently, the fire began to grow low as the orange glow it gave off weakened gradually. Leaning over towards it, I picked up a fresh piece of wood and tossed it into the flames. Since the fire would not need my attention again for some time, I went back to my original, comfortable position. Staring out into the darkness of the forest that surrounded my camp, I let out a sigh like a child does when there is nothing to do. “Something the matter, Edrick?” Came the sweet voice of what I was

  • Weapons In The Renaissance

    1973 Words  | 4 Pages

    Warfare and weaponry have been a key part of development and power for areas of the world for years, and has affected, and decided the fate of the world for years on end. Without warfare and weaponry there would be a lack of advancement, and culture. The Renaissance alone was already influential, and had affected the world today through many subjects such as art, religion, mathematics, science, and much more. People tend to forget how much warfare and weaponry advancements happened during the Renaissance

  • Grand Maester Aethelmure: A Narrative Fiction

    2134 Words  | 5 Pages

    Somewhere in the great stone maze of Winterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag of mourning. Tyrion Lannister looked up from his books and shivered, though the library was snug and warm. Something about the howling of a wolf took a man right out of his here and now and left him in a dark forest of the mind, running naked before the pack. When the direwolf howled again, Tyrion shut the heavy leatherbound cover on the book he was reading, a hundred-year-old discourse