LC circuit Essays

  • Tesla Coil Draft

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    beginning, but I would soon learn about the nature of electricity, AC/DC power, circuits, high and low-frequency energies, magnetic fields, transformers, woodworking, soldering, electrical engineering, creating and reading design plans/ blueprints, budget management, improvising materials, modifying existing structures to make a better system, and high voltage safety. This helped broaden my knowledge with electrical circuits and stimulated creativity that will in turn enhance my knowledge with the physical

  • Paper

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    policy makers are considering anti-terrorist legislation. This would include plans to implement a national identification card. The proposed national identification cards would include features such as magnetic stripes, holograms, and integrated circuits. “This magnetic stripe is expected soon to contain a digitized fingerprint, retina scan, voice print, and other biometric identifiers, and it will leave an electronic trail every time you use it”(1). I feel that since September 11, 2001, many Americans

  • A Brief History of Personal Computers

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    1970s. To understand why, let's take a closer look at the early computers. ENIAC and its immediate successors were large, slow, and unreliable primarily because they used thousands of large, slow, and unreliable vacuum tubes in their electronic circuits. The vacuum tubes were glass cylinders, typically about four inches high and an inch in diameter, which generated a lot of heat and thus could not be placed too close together. Then, in 1947, a momentous event occurred at Bell Labs - William Shockley

  • MIDI for beginners

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    sequencers, synthesisers, and samplers, but it also includes mixers, tape recorders, effects generators, guitars, drum kits, wind instruments etc. The MIDI Standard was designed in the early 80's by a partnership between Roland and Sequential Circuits, two of the largest synthesiser manufactures of the time. This came about because of pressure from keyboard players, who wanted a universal interface standard for all their synthesisers to comply to. They were fed up with different synthesiser

  • Child Psychology

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    person turns out." With the knowledge of where certain brain circuits are that control different skills, parents and teachers can provide significant help in a child's knowledge development. For example scientists know that basic language skills are located in the brains left hemisphere. So certain factors can come in to play. But in others, like the hemispherectomy patients it is possible to learn left hemisphere tasks in the right. Circuits of simple words begin to be wired by the age of one. The more

  • World Systems

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    Precursor”, beside the world system there were subsystems which were not “depending on each other for common survival in the thirteenth century”. There were three big circuits: Westers European, Middle Eastern, Far Eastern. “At that times the strongest centres and circuits were located in the Middle East and Asia. In contrast the European circuit was an upstart newcomer that for several early centuries was only tangentially and weakly linked to the core of the world system as it had developed between the

  • Circuits

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    Circuits, what is up with that? First you need to understand how all the parts of a circuit relate. The main thing that a circuit has is conductance and that all the parts are conductors. Conductors are materials in which electric charges move freely. If the material isn't a conductor, it is either a insulator or a semiconductor. Conductors are mainly metalic substances such as copper, aluminum, and gold. Conductors allow a charge to build up and move "freely" through the conductor. When dealing

  • Electrical Resistance

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    is a property of an electrical circuit that opposes the flow of current. Resistance involves collisions of the current-carrying charged particles with fixed particles that make up the structure of the conductor. Resistance is often considered as localized in such devices as lamps, heaters and resistors in which it predominates, although it is a characteristic of every part of a circuit, including connecting wires and electric transmission lines. In circuits where the current (I) and voltage

  • An Investigation into Factors Affecting Resistance of a Wire

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    set up a circuit to find out how length and cross sectional area affect resistance. I will need the following components in my circuit to gather all of the necessary results: · Component holder- So I can change the wire that I am testing. · Voltmeter- Measuring potential difference across the wire, it will have to be across the wire and not just anywhere in the circuit so it is measuring the P.D across the wire I am testing only. · Ammeter - measuring current of the circuit, with his

  • Investigating How Different Lengths of Wire Affect the Resistance in a Circuit

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    Investigating How Different Lengths of Wire Affect the Resistance in a Circuit Hypothesis: I predict that; the longer the wire, the more resistance there will be. So if the length of the wire were to double, so would the resistance. The reason for my prediction is: The flow of electrons is called a current, the electrons are constantly hitting atoms, which causes resistance. If the same amount of current is passed through a longer piece of wire, there will be more collisions, hence more

  • Elevator History

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    on their structure and how they operate: all due to the advancement of mathematics and technology. The first elevator developed was known as a manual elevator. This system of elevators used “relay logic”. Relay logic was a simple wiring based on circuits. This type of elevator did not transfer people from one level to another, only cargo. ***** The second type of elevators was developed in the 1800s. These elevators were powered by steam. At first, these elevators were used solely to transport freight

  • FM Receivers

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    mathematical background of the modulation process. Furthermore, it will enumerate some of the advantages of FM over other forms of modulation, namely AM. Finally, the paper will discuss the design of a basic FM receiver as well as introduce some circuits and circuit components which the reader may not be familiar with. Introduction Frequency modulation (FM) was invented in 1936 by an American electrical engineer/ inventor named Edwin H. Armstrong. Possessing numerous advantages over the existing AM broadcasting

  • Gambling and the Brain

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    a behavior which may rely on brain circuits that evolved to help animals assess rewards important to their survival. Researchers have found that those same circuits are used by the human brain to assess social rewards. They found that the brain systems that detect and evaluate such rewards generally operate outside of conscious awareness. The study said that much of what happens in the brain goes outside of conscious awareness. There are automatic brain circuits which affect activities such as gambling

  • Photonics Lab Report

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    the following materials: • A Laser (with all hook-ups) • A signal generator • 2 Amplifier circuits • A photo-detector • An Oscilloscope (with hook-up cables) • A speaker • Soldering Iron for putting together circuits • Transformer Task 1 Construct one of the Amplifier circuits following directions and using the soldering iron. Connect battery and speaker to the circuit. Connect the amplifier circuit to the oscilloscope and signal generator. Connect the signal generator directly to the oscilloscope

  • Interpret and Draft DISA Completion Reports

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    A completion report is one of three reports. The situation is based on conditions that exist at the time a TSO directs as to when a circuit, trunk, or link is expected to be available. The 3 types of reports are In-Effect Report, Exception Report, and Delayed Service Report. In-Effect Report (IER) – The facility or activity designated in the TSO (normally the CCO or CMO) will, within 72 duty hours (based on 24-hour workday not including weekends and holidays) of completion of action on the TSO,

  • The Thickness of Nichrome Wire And Its Effect on Its Resistance

    1947 Words  | 4 Pages

    Its Effect on Its Resistance Introduction A current is the flow of negative electrons around a circuit. Electrons get pushed out of the negative pole of the cell and drift slowly round the circuit, from atom to atom in the wire, to the positive pole of the cell. A current flowing in one direction like this is called direct current. (d.c.) A cell pushes these electrons around a circuit. It acts as an electric pump. Different cells provide electrons with different amounts of energy, or

  • The Length of a Wire and Its Effect on Resistance

    1265 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Length of a Wire and Its Effect on Resistance Introduction: In an electrical circuit, the current (flow rate of charge) depends on the battery voltage that causes the charge to flow through the circuit and the components in the circuit. A circuit consists of a bulb, a battery and a resistor. The bulb is like a resistor, it slows down the electrons and the battery pushes the electrons and gives them energy. A component is a resistor, it slows down the flow of electrons. The bulb

  • Brain Plasticity

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    a philosopher as researched by a biologist? Or can an experience actually change the physical structure of the brain? In my web research, I found a partial answer in the concept of plasticity. According to source (1), "Plasticity refers to how circuits in the brain change--organize and reorganize--in response to experience, or sensory stimulation." There appear be four types of stimuli to which a brain responds with change: developmental, such as in the newly formed and ever evolving brain of a

  • Georg Simon Ohm

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    looking for in 1817 when a job was made available to him at Cologne Gymnasium. He now looked to research electrical current. In 1827 he published Die galvanishce Kette, mathematisch bearbeit (The Galvanic Circuit, Mathematically Treated). This was a mathematical description of conduction in circuits modeled after Fourier's study of heat conduction. This is also known as Ohm's Law. Ohm's Law, which is Georg's greatest accomplishment, started as an experiment. The experiment's purpose was to find the

  • Depression: Causes or Effects?

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    individuals. In addition, postmortem studies have revealed increased densities of certain norepinephrine receptors in the cortex of depressed suicide victims" (indicating compensatory up-regulation) (1). It is not surprising that deficits in serotonin circuits are also seen in depressed patients, as these depletions may interact with and indeed be responsible for falls in norepinephrine levels (a phen... ... middle of paper ... ...havior equals the brain. A simple point, granted, but it does explain