Lahul and Spiti Essays

  • Lahaul And Spiti Case Study

    1188 Words  | 3 Pages

    Prologue The Lahaul and Spiti region is also known as “A Little Tibet", as it has a similar terrain, vegetation, climate, topography and culture like that of Tibet. The local people pronounce the word Spiti as Piti which means, the middle country, and the valley also lies between Tibet, Ladakh, Kinnaur, Lahaul and Kullu in the Great Himalayan region. Food Habits The peoples take three meals a day. They take Ken or tshema in the morning, Shod or chicken in the noon and yangskin or Gongal in dinner

  • Environmental Impacts Of Climate Change

    3169 Words  | 7 Pages

    Overview: The environment is rapidly undergoing major transformations because of anthropogenic causes which has not only impacted us humans but also other species on this planet negatively. The changing lifestyles and consumption pattern of human beings especially after the industrial revolution has put tremendous pressure on our ecosystems which in many cases are suffering tremendous loss and degradation. Climate change is now a reality which we human beings can ignore only at our own expense. The