Ketupat Essays

  • An Essay About Lemang

    823 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lemang This is one of the famous old-style Malay Cuisine in Malaysia and it is made up of glutinous rice that is marinated with coconut milk and then placed into hollow bamboo to be roasted upon a small naked fire. It is then served with Rendang or Curry that acts as a sauce or an additional hot and spicy flavour, with some tender meat to chew on, either beef, lamb or chicken. Lemang is one of the popular dishes served during the famously celebrated occasion by Muslims all over Malaysia that is Hari

  • Hari Raya Aidilfitri: A Comparison Of Japanese Festivals In Malaysia

    1295 Words  | 3 Pages

    forget past quarrels. The day is also celebrated with prayers and open houses which allow Muslims to share food with their family members and the rest of the community. During this period, traditional Malay food is served to visitors such as rendang, ketupat and lemang. Basically, children and elders are given gifts of money in green packets which is similar to the Chinese

  • Analysis Of Indigo Blue

    765 Words  | 2 Pages

    of paper ... ... Eid and the woman do in their hands.First, one of the special celebretory dishes in India is Lachcha. It is toasted sweet vermicelli noodless with milk and dried fruit. In Indonesia family get together to have lebaran feast like ketupat and opor ayam. Second, youngers girls will often apply the traditional Mehndi or Henna on their hands and feet and colourful bangles. Mehndi is the applicantion of henna as a temporary form of skin decoration, commony applied during Eid Al-Fitr.

  • Memorable Moments - Personal Narrative

    647 Words  | 2 Pages

    Memorable Moments - Personal Narrative When I am together with my friends, I always get stares from the people on the street. Sometimes, certain people might even pass snide comments about my group of friends. One man with jet black cropped hair commented sarcastically when we were walking in his direction, "United Nations in Singapore? How 'colourful'." What followed his comment was a roar of laughter from people around him. My good friends do seem to make up the United Nations. Each of

  • The Benefits Of Being A Polyglot?

    1974 Words  | 4 Pages

    food from exotic to traditional and from western to eastern. The most famous cuisine here are Nasi Lemak, Hainanese Chicken Rice (this is my favorite!), Dosa or Tosai (I will usually call it Tosai instead of Dosa as it means sins in my language). Ketupat (dumpling

  • Traditional Food Essay

    2635 Words  | 6 Pages

    Question 1: Traditional foods eaten In the 19th century, Sir Thomas Raffles realized Singapore’s potential and established Singapore as a proper trading station. The island policy of free trade attracted merchants from all over Asia and as far away as America and the Middle East. The population grew immensely, in 1819 just 150 people inhabited Singapore and by 1860, 80,792 had immigrated to Singapore with cultures mainly comprised of Chinese, Indians and Malays. When these earliest settlers arrived