Informal organization Essays

  • Informal Groups In Organizations

    884 Words  | 2 Pages

    The informal group is a collection of individuals within an organization that are joined together by personal and professional connections. These connections result in relationships being built through social networking, areas of common interest, as well as common duties that they share within the organization. While informal groups have no authority within the organization, through the development of these relationships, they can and do have an impact on the organizations outcomes. The question

  • Essay On Informal Organization

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    various dimensions and components of organizational structure and culture so that an organization can achieve its goals. Organizational structure - is the formal system of task and reporting relationships that controls, coordinates, and motivates employees so that they cooperate to achieve an organization's goals. Types of organizational structures Formal organization is a fixed set of rules of intra-organization procedures and structures. As such, it is usually set out in writing, with a language

  • Informal Organizations In The Civil Rights Movement

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    Formal organizations have different strategies to govern, regulate, or effect social change. Each organization has a tactic the actors use to accomplish goals and objectives. The organization’s strategies are very important in whether organizations are able to successfully fulfill conception of social good. In class, we began talking heavily on the Civil Rights Movement. During the Civil Rights Movement many different organizations were pushing for racial equality and justice amongst the African

  • Group Development: The Formation of Informal Work Groups

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    Group Development: The Formation of Informal Work Groups “Informal groups have a powerful influence on the effectiveness of an organization, and can even subvert its formal groups. But, the informal group’s role is not limited to resistance. The impact of the informal group upon the larger formal group depends on the norms that the informal group sets. So the informal group can make the formal organization more effective, too.” Informal groups can either be a manager’s best friend or worst enemy

  • The impact of leadership on formal and informal communications within an organization

    527 Words  | 2 Pages

    Formal and Informal communication within leadership very immensely. Formal communication is a top down structured style of leadership, where everything is written down and recorded. Informal communication is more a word of mouth style of leadership, use used by leaders who works directly with their subordinates. Both styles of leadership communication have merit and an important role within an organization. A Formal leader is at the top of a hierarchy. Communication from formal leaders often

  • The Role of the Informal Sector in the National Economy

    1868 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Role of the Informal Sector in the National Economy MOZAMBIQUE Introduction ============ In an attempt to respond to the topic this essay will discuss the role of the informal sector in the Mozambican economy. For a better understanding of the topic some important definitions shall be given. For the purpose of this essay, the concept of economy can be defined as the science that deals with production and consumption of goods and services, the circulation of wealth and the redistribution

  • Influence and Management in an Organization

    952 Words  | 2 Pages

    Every organization has a structure that’s formal and an informal one also.Without management input or control informal groups are formed on the base of common interests need and friendship. In the informal organization, the emphasis is on people and their relationships; in the formal organization, the emphasis is on official organizational positions. Their structures are created in a way that enables the organization to meet its stated objectives. In this formal structures you will find hierarchies

  • 11

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    Informal groups are a group of employees who associate or work together without the influence or direction of management. Few employees usually compose informal groups. These few employees usually share physical proximity and interplay ideas, feeling or opinions about the workplace. Formal organization can be created or rescinded by management, but informal organization cannot be revoked because management did not inaugurate the organization. At the very epicenter of the informal group are people

  • Max Weber on Bureaucracy

    3091 Words  | 7 Pages

    Weber believed that bureaucracy created stable, and predictable actions and outcomes because it allowed organizations to work in a rational manner, like a machine, and helped account for the fact that humans had only limited intelligence. Though Weber discussed the perfect model of an organization, bureaucracy allows for even imperfect organizations to function in a more reliable and predictable way because it’s structure controls how individuals behave. One of the aspects of bureaucracy is that

  • The End of Oppression for Jamaican Women

    5563 Words  | 12 Pages

    relations and culture construction in Jamaica, where for the past four hundred years colonial and imperialist exploitation has governed the development of economic, political, and sociocultural patterns and structures."(Harrison: Women in Jamaica's Urban Informal Economy pg. 12) Women have different roles in politics, economics and religion than their counterparts. It is important to know not just the general role of women, but it is also important to know where they come from. Women have not played a

  • Japan Business Customs vs. US Business Customs

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    United States’ and Japanese business practices with regards to the business attire, meetings and negotiations, salaries and benefits and finally the popular careers in Japan. Background The United States business culture is based on a direct and informal approach. This means that “rolling your sleeves up” and getting down to business is respected and expected when working in the United States. (Executive Planet) On the other hand, the Japanese culture is a complex and multi-layered system, which

  • Job Statistics in Latin America

    814 Words  | 2 Pages

    actually has a job? There are about 600 million people in the region, and the official statistics say that there is only a 6.4% unemployment rate. However, it is difficult to say that that is definite because not all people are documented, the large informal sector, and other reasons. I believe that the people with the jobs in Latin America are those who have the proper schooling, and to get proper schooling in Latin America you have to be somewhat wealthy and so the wealthier people are those who ha

  • Business attire

    822 Words  | 2 Pages

    Commonly many Americans wonder what they want to wear to work. There are different styles constantly coming into style in our everyday lives with our constantly changing culture. Most of the time, what Britney Spears and other celebrities wear to their word day isn’t what we should to wear to work. The first article that I referenced was found after going to the search engine google ( This article I found, Business Casual at Virginia Tech, from Virginia Tech’s webpage (http://www


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    CASUAL DRESS DAYS INTRODUCTION Many businesses have begun using a casual dress policy on certain days. Implementing dress-down days may be an effective way to boost employee morale. The question that seems to pop up too often is whether dress-down days are a benefit or burden to the company. Many companies have adopted Friday as a casual or dress-down day, while others have made casual business attire a full-time policy. Some employees view wearing casual business clothing as an employee

  • Professional Image

    525 Words  | 2 Pages

    Professionalism in the workplace is based on many attributes: dress, body language, conduct, communication skills, and etc. I chose the scenario of law enforcement. The officer displayed in this scenario is professional. A police officer is a servant and protector of the public; therefore, his professional image is most important. It is very important for a police officer to display a professional image on and off duty. The appearance of the officer’s uniform serves a purpose and it sends a

  • Professional Image

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    In today's politically correct climate, we are not to give any credence to the fact that people discriminate against others because of their appearance. Unfortunately, in this politically correct world, perception is reality. Corporations of all sizes “spacious and small” conduct an extended process to build a company's image and establish a satisfactory report with its customers. They also spend millions of dollars each year planning how to protect that image. Therefore, it is vital for employees

  • Impact Of The Informal Economy On Development

    1378 Words  | 3 Pages

    IMPACT OF THE INFORMAL ECONOMY ON DEVELOPMENT. What is Informal economy? Simply put the informal economy refers to those economic activities that are neither taxed nor monitored by a government and are therefore not included in that government's Gross National Product (GNP) However in literature this phenomenon is discussed using different concepts such as informal, unofficial, irregular, parallel second underground, underground, grey markets, subterranean, hidden, invisible, unrecorded, shadow

  • Appearance

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    For some, dressing this way gives an impression that one can be trusted and is creditable. It gives off a vibe of competence and confidence (Gavzer, 2008). It can convey consistency, commitment, value, and feeling proud of being a part of one’s organization (Hanley, 2009). Lastly, it gives a sense of warmth, intelligence, and an ability to relate to others. Poor... ... middle of paper ... ...iate it would be for those same items to be worn in the workplace. They were also asked preference questions

  • Reflection Paper On Public Speaking

    702 Words  | 2 Pages

    In public speaking I learned many types of concepts, theories and terms of communication. In concepts of publicly speaking there’s, relaxation, practice, credibility, attention getters, attire, organization, volume, emotion, audience relation, and movement. In my first speech, “The any old bag speech” I quickly learned the do’s, don’ts and concepts of my speech performance. Relaxing before a speech is very important, it calms the nerves and helps you prepare for the speech instead of being completely

  • What Is Grey Market Leakage

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    Market Leakage to Improve Supply Chain Profitability Introduction (literature based): Informal sector of any economy comprises of all production of goods and service which contributes to official gross national product but not in books of government or officials. Shadow economy, black/grey economy, underground economy, parallel economy, ‘off the book’ and ‘under the table’ comes under a larger umbrella of informal sector. With every passing day economic activities are increasing and making this world