Holy of Holies Essays

  • Holy Orders

    745 Words  | 2 Pages

    Holy Orders Holy Orders is a Sacrament at the Service of Communion that Jesus gave the Church to pass on to men. It was set up to provide ministers of service to the Church. Those who have received this sacrament are members of a college that dedicates their lives to become servants of the Word of God. They are called to live a life of self-denial, celibacy, and sacrifice for the well being of other beings. Holy Orders gives different powers and authorities in the Church on three different

  • The Holy Spirit And The Holy Spirit

    1111 Words  | 3 Pages

    One of the primary works of the Holy Spirit is to bring men and women into a meaningful encounter with the Risen Christ. Guided by His Spirit, we can truly discover Jesus Christ and develop a genuine relationship with Him if we respond with total surrender and generosity. Soon enough, Christ’s love becomes the center of our lives and saturates us with joy and peace. Hence, when we have had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ by the Spirit’s power, our greatest desire is that our loved ones may

  • Holy Fasting

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    Him. Fasting, from many years even before Christ, was a symbol of a person humbling him or her self to show God that he or she is sincere in seeking Gods blessings. Fasting is serious business, but it can be approached with the wrong motives. The Holy Bible tells us what false fasting is all about. The Israelites made fasting a ritual and often announced that they were fasting before God. Even though they had done much penance, God was not impressed, as if he didn't even notice it! God replied through

  • The Holy Spirit: Who Is The Holy Spirit?

    735 Words  | 2 Pages

    Who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is a person, and is one of the three in the trinity: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is the active person that came to reside within the followers of Jesus Christ after Jesus had been crucified on the cross, and rose from the dead. This is laid out in the prophetic words of Acts in the Bible, particularly during Peter’s Sermon at Pentecost in Acts 2:17, where it talks about God pouring out his Spirit on to all people and them learning

  • The Holy Spirit: The Works Of The Holy Spirit

    1051 Words  | 3 Pages

    It is the Holy Spirit who draws people towards salvation and sanctifies them. These works of the Spirit are inseparable. In fact, it would be an error to separate John’s view of the Holy Spirit and Luke’s Acts record of the Spirit. The Spirit was the initiator of salvation and the power to be sanctified. Romans chapter eight provides the clearest impact of the Spirit at work in the life of a follower. There is power to walk in the Spirit rather than in the old nature (v.4). Also, the Spirit changes

  • Holy Spirit

    1430 Words  | 3 Pages

    issue throughout the Christian world since the early church has been the issue of baptism of the Holy Spirit. Questions of when does a follower of Christ actually receive God’s Spirit have been in dispute and scrutinized with very different understandings of the scriptural references to this splendid transformation that takes places in the life of a Christian. In both the Old and New Testaments, The Holy Spirit is a constant person that works in and amongst God’s people. In Numbers 11:24-25, the Spirit

  • The Holy Spirit: The Power Of The Holy Spirit

    1209 Words  | 3 Pages

    Luke shares that as Jesus began his ministry, he was filled with the power of the Holy Spirit (Lk 4:14). Although rejected by many, the Holy Spirit assisted Jesus in his teaching in the synagogues, healing of the sick, and deliverance of the possessed. The foundation of the New Testament was created upon the preaching and teaching of the kingdom of God. Further, it was erected on the promise by Christ to build a church that could endure. Jesus states, “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this

  • There are NO Just and Holy Wars

    2133 Words  | 5 Pages

    the “infidel” is considered strong promotion of their religion. However, in many religions the ethics of a Holy War, loosely defined as “any war that is regarded as a religious act or is in some way set in a direct relation to religion,” (Erdmann 3)) is in a very grey area. Christianity is one of those religions. Starting in the late 11th century, the Christian church started a series of Holy Wars called the Crusades. After looking at the motives for the war and the teachings of Jesus, the supposed

  • The Holy Spirit: The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

    712 Words  | 2 Pages

    Do not let religion and doubt make you think the Holy Spirit is not for you, for now, in this day. The gifts of the Spirit are as available today as they were to those believers of old. After my husband became a Christian it was not long before the Lord gave him visions, and dreams with words of knowledge. Always these gifts were to warn him to protect him, or to witness to someone, or to pray for someone. It amazed him and further sealed his understanding of the power of Jesus Christ. Many of

  • The Holy Spirit: The Influence Of The Holy Spirit

    1017 Words  | 3 Pages

    support my statement that the Holy Spirit quietly talks to us continually and to also give credit to the people whose words have influenced this lesson. Many years ago, a friend and pastor whom I dearly loved and respected told me that there are three areas of responsibility in sharing the gospel. They are ours, the Holy Spirits, and the one that hears the gospel. Our responsibility is to go where we are called. That is it, to go and allow our self to be used. The Holy Spirit’s

  • The Holy Father: The Significance Of The Holy Spirit

    1016 Words  | 3 Pages

    The mention of the Holy Spirit so often in Romans 8 (more than twenty times) has the purpose of pointing out the actions of the Father, which serves to reveal His identity as the one who raised Jesus, specifically in Romans 8:11, from the dead. This same verb, is also used in Romans 4:17 in relationship to the faith of Abraham. The Father who raised Jesus from the dead and gives life the Abraham 's faith is the same Who will raise the believers of Jesus. In a similar fashion to the identity descriptions

  • Holy Spirit

    1569 Words  | 4 Pages

    has affected your experience and understanding of E) the work of the holy spirit In my commissioning paperwork, I wrote that the Holy Spirit is, “that part of God that is in and with us all. It is the energy of God that God poured into creation. It is the energy and life-breath that allows us to be co-creators of the new kingdom; the energy that helps us to faithfully follow in the footsteps of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the holy breath of God, the grace we receive from God, and the grace we give

  • John Donne Holy Sonnets

    569 Words  | 2 Pages

    John Donne Death is a very complicated subject that people view very differently in different situations. In John Donne’s Holy Sonnets, he writes about death in Meditations X and XVII. Both meditations use many similar rhetorical devices and appeals, but the tones of the meditations are very disparate. Donne’s different messages in Meditations X and XVII convey tones of defiance and acquiescence towards death, respectively. His apparent change of attitude towards death could be accounted for by

  • Holy Week and Easter

    1212 Words  | 3 Pages

    Holy Week and Easter The Easter celebrations which commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus are the pivotal point of the Christian faith. As a catholic, in this piece of coursework, I will look at the celebration of Easter from a catholic perspective, commenting on the manner in which the catholic faith celebrates this festival. Holy week is the final week of lent, a period of preparation for Easter, lasting forty days, from Ash Wednesday until good Friday. Holy Week consists

  • The holy Spirit

    873 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Holy Spirit….. So how do we explain the Holy Spirit? As cadets we have been sitting in class learning about what the Holy Spirit is and during this I discovered that I am very very lucky. Let me explain….Being a ‘grown up’ I can look back on things and see what was happening to me way back when……Now at school I was ok at maths, UNTIL we got to algebra! I just could not get it. It wasn’t clear; I couldn’t picture any reason around it or any purpose for it. So after a while I stopped doing maths

  • Free Essays - Holy Feast and Holy Fast and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

    2484 Words  | 5 Pages

    Forbidden Fruit in Holy Feast and Holy Fast and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight The forbidden fruit, its properties, and its affects, has vast ramifications within the ethics of the women in Holy Feast and Holy Fast. as well as those of the characters portrayed in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 2. Perhaps the connection is less obvious with Gawain. It must be realized that this story contains multi-leveled metaphors which approach modern literature in their complexity. Argument will be made

  • The Holy Spirit: Significance And Accepting The Holy Spirit

    713 Words  | 2 Pages

    Receiving and acknowledging the Holy Spirit is one of the vital parts of Christianity and in our walk with Christ. However, in the first century the Holy Spirit was not yet sent and Christianity was not formed. Despite this, there was still recognition of the spirit and the gifts and power that it has. There were many forms of the spirit that were mentioned in the Old Testament, some of which include wisdom, intelligence, and skill. Negative spirits were also a part of the first century world, which

  • Authencity/Preservation Of The Holy Qura'An

    1033 Words  | 3 Pages

    One of the most common myths about the Qur'an, is that Usman (r.a.), the third Caliph of Islam authenticated and compiled one Qur'an, from a large set of mutually contradicting copies. The Qur'an, revered as the Word of Allah (swt) by Muslims the world over, is the same Qur'an as the one revealed to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). It was authenticated and written under his personal supervision. We will examine the roots of the myth which says that Usman (r.a.) had the Qur'an authenticated. 1. Prophet

  • Holy Spirit Baptism

    1894 Words  | 4 Pages

    • Baptism in (or with) the Holy Spirit is a very important, distinctive Christian experience in the life of the believer. The basis is found in the book of Acts, specifically the event of Pentecost. • John the Baptist preached baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins. (Mk. 1:4) • Later he declared about Jesus, “I baptize with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” (1:8) • 3 yrs later, shortly before Pentecost, Jesus talked with the apostles about a gift promised by the

  • Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Holy Spirit Many people just think of God the Father and Jesus Christ, but the Trinity has a third member. That member is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third part of the Trinity, and he has his own personality, he has metaphors to describe himself, and he has a presence in the world that is shown through his works. The Holy Spirit is a person. People have a hard time believing that mainly because of his name, which causes them to think that he is merely a force ("Pneumatology: The