Hill fort Essays

  • Iron Age Britain

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    In this essay, I am going to look at the evidence for social hierarchy in Iron Age Britain (800 BC – AD 100). I will look at what evidence we can find from burials, built structures, hill-forts, houses, coins, trade and crafted items. I will also briefly mention some of what the early Roman settlers in Britain observed. One of the most obvious and famous forms of evidence for a social hierarchy in Iron Age Britain is Stonehenge. This structure can be seen as a communal effort, which it most certainly

  • Indian Temple Mound

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    Indian Temple Mound In the heart of downtown Fort Walton Beach, Florida lies a magnificent hill of earth created by prehistoric Native Americans as a political and religious center. Built about 1,400 AD, this structure of earth is known today as The Indian Temple Mound. This temple mound represents one of the most outstanding artifacts left by the early inhabitants of the area. Not only is it thought to be the largest mound located on saltwater, but also it could possibly be one of the largest

  • Bombay

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    building forts at Sion, Mahim, Bandra, and Bassien which, although in disrepair, can still be seen. They named their new possession as "Bom Baia" which in Portuguese means "Good Bay". Sir George Oxenden became the first British Governor of the islands, and was succeeded later by Mr. Gerald Aungier who made Bombay more populous by attracting Gujerati traders, Parsi ship-builders, and Muslim and Hindu manufacturers from the mainland. He fortified defenses by constructing the Bombay Castle (the Fort, since

  • The Other Fort Knox

    1778 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Other Fort Knox The first Wednesday in July found me crammed into a fourteen-passenger van with enough adolescents to fill it to capacity. Actually, it was only four girls and three boys, plus the three other leaders, but stuffed in the very back with three smelly boys – Jonathan, Andrew, and Aaron – it seemed like the van was about to burst. They could have had more room if they had chosen to spread out, but then they would have been forced to occupy seats adjacent to girls, a horrible

  • Pittsburgh Pennsylvania

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    cities in the United States. Pittsburgh and its suburbs are known for steep hillsides covered with buildings, streets which have steps for sidewalks, and sidewalks which are named streets. From the highest point in Allegheny County, 1,401 feet at River Hill in Forward Township, to the 710 foot normal pool level of the Ohio River at the Point in Pittsburgh, and down to the 682 foot elevation on the banks of the Ohio as it exits the County in the west, the elevation varies by a bit more than 700 feet (Allegheny)

  • The Legendary Camelot

    1233 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Legendary Camelot This king lay at Camelot one Christmastide With many mighty lords, manly liegemen, Members rightly reckoned of the Round Table, In splendid celebration, seemly and carefree (Stone 22). This is the only time that Camelot, home of the Arthurian legends, is mentioned in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The fourteenth-century poem seemingly gives no clue as to the location of the castle of King Arthur (Alcock 15). According to the Encyclopedia Brittannica, the "real"

  • Pen Y Bryn The Princes’ Tower

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    country of myth and magic. She hides her secrets in her hollow hills. Pen Y Bryn, The Princes’ Tower is the latest treasure that has come to light and one of the most fascinating. In 1992 Kathryn and Brian Pritchard Gibson bought what they believed to be a thirty-six acre chicken farm with a 17th century Elizabethan manor house and it has changed their lives dramatically. The stone manor and out buildings are nestled against a forested hill in Snowdonia. It is just north of Bangor above the shores of

  • F-16 Research Paper

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    Corp, until they went bankrupt. Then eventually Lockheed took over the production of the F-16.      The manufacture of the first F-16 began at General Dynamic’s Fort Worth plant in August of 1975. This involved General Dynamics in a major modernization of its huge Fort Worth plant, which had originally been built during World War II.      The F-16 Fighting Falcon, when it first came out, was designed to be in the Air Forces lightweight fighter

  • The Seige of 1216 and Dover Castle

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    roman structure built inside the original Iron Age hill fort and the Anglo-Saxon church shows that the Saxons had settled on the hill as well. The embankments constructed by original settlers laid out the shape of the castle for years to come- the concentric defences of the castle during the 13th century followed the outline of these embankments. In this respect, Dover is not typical- no other castle was built on the basis of an Iron Age hill fort. William of Normandy built the first castle at

  • Dances with Wolves

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    flying by him. The Union army then crushed the Confederate army and this maid Dunbar a war hero. He pled to the general to keep his leg, and he did. After his foot healed he had the option of going to any fort. He chose to go west, to the plains. He left with one of the peasants from the fort he was in, to a post out in the plains. When he arrived there was no one there. He decided to stay and sent the peasant back. He settled in very well. One day when he was ‘washing up’, he had a run in

  • Children's Songs' Popularity in 1918

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    sing so often during those days? Ironic how the soldiers who came home from the war not only brought life, for they came back alive, but also brought what will soon become the death of so many. It all started in March of the year 1918 in which at Fort Riley located in the state of Kansas, an Army private reported symptoms such as headache, fever, as well as sore throat. It seemed like mild symptoms but by noon the count of soldiers who were ill of the same symptoms totaled up to one-hundred.2

  • The History of Alcatraz Island

    4107 Words  | 9 Pages

    The History of Alcatraz Island Alcatraz Island has quite a distinct history. Many people know that Alcatraz served as a federal prison, but most are reluctant to know that this island served as fort. Built before the Civil War, it served two main purposes. First, that it was to guard the San Francisco bay area from enemy ships against a foreign invasion, and second, to hold hostage prisoners of war or POW's as they were called. In this report, I'll show you how this fortress came to be a federal

  • Benedict Arnold

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    Benedict Arnold1 Benedict Arnold was different: a military hero for both sides in the same war. He began his career as an American Patriot in May 1775, when he and Ethan Allen led the brigade that captured Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain. Arnold's heroics continued in September, when he led an expedition of 1,150 riflemen against Quebec, the capital of British Canada. The American commander drove his men hard through the Maine wilderness, overcoming leaky boats, spoiled provisions, treacherous

  • Analysis of Glory

    672 Words  | 2 Pages

    Analysis of Glory Glory is a movie about the fifty-fourth Massachusetts regiment in the civil war. This was the first all black regiment the Union ever allowed to fight. Throughout the movie one quote kept proving itself true, “We went down standing up.” The members of the fifty-fourth proved that they wanted to go down standing up just by joining the army. However there were many situations that proved this further, as the film continued. During the regiment’s training period a message arrived

  • George Washington

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    November from Cumberland, Maryland, and traveled to Fort-Le Boeuf. When he arrived, he discovered that the French would fight for their land. The party nearly escaped from the French. Washington was next appointed lieutenant colonel to an expedition to the Ohio Valley. In April, 1754, he set out from Alexandria with 160 men to reinforce a fort in southwestern Pennsylvania, only to find that the French took control of the fort and renamed it Fort-Duquesne. Washington then cautiously set up his own

  • From Roswell to Dreamland

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    July 8th, Marcell and Blanchard returned with two carloads of debris. The wreckage was then flown to Fort Worth Army Air Field. At noon on July 8th 1947, Blanchard ordered a press release telling the country that the army had found remains of a crashed flying saucer. Only a few hours later, General Clemence McMullen in Washington spoke by telephone with Colonel Thomas Dubose in Fort Worth, and told him to "squash" the saucer story, create a cover story, and immediately send some of the

  • The Fall Of Quebec

    2054 Words  | 5 Pages

    Louisburg, the frontier fortress of Canada. Major General James Wolfe was second in command. There was only two years difference between the too men. The Fort on Cape Breton Island was the key to the gateway of the St Lawrence River. (Britannica vol. 8) Whoever held the fort had the key to the heart of Canada. After the British captured the fort, Quebec was the next military target. The following June, Major General James Wolfe led the British up the river. Helping Wolfe were Brigadiers General

  • Fort Pillow Attack

    1313 Words  | 3 Pages

    Fort Pillow Attack THE GRAND FABRICATION It is almost as difficult to find consistent information about the incident at Fort Pillow as it is to determine the moral significance of its outcome. Scholars disagree about exactly what transpired on April 12, 1864 at Fort Pillow, when General Nathan Bedford Forrest captured the fort with his 1,500 troops and claimed numerous Union lives in the process (Wyeth 250). It became an issue of propaganda for the Union, and as a result the facts were

  • Grading the Grading System

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    Grading the Grading System My formal, institutional education began in kindergarten while my dad was stationed at Fort Carson, an Army base in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I don’t remember too much from kindergarten, other than the fact that I found it to be very boring. My first report card reflected that my progress was satisfactory in all of my subjects, with the exception of cooperating with my peers where I was categorized as being in "need of improvement". I don’t quite remember why I was

  • The Last of the Mohicans and Fort

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    the French and Indian War that went from 1754-1763. To give this story a more interesting twist, the director, Michael Mann, has added a love story between Hawkeye and Cora. Cora and her sister Alice are being escorted to their father, commander of Fort William Henry, when an attack by the Indians occurs. Daniel Day-Lewis, Hawkeye, comes to their rescue and helps bring them to their father. Hawkeye, along with his father (Chingachgook), and his brother (Uncas), try to help out her father but he