Guy Picciotto Essays

  • Figurative Language In George Orwell's '1984'

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    The effect the Party has had on Winston’s humanity can be seen in his mental deterioration shown through his thought process and his physical being. Orwell uses a great deal of figurative language to further evidence the appalling situation Winston has found himself in. “His mind sagged round and round on the same track, like a ball falling again and again into the same series of slots.” The simile comparing Winston’s mind to a ball on a pointless journey into the same slots is used to show the

  • Television and Media Essay - TV and the Impact on Children

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    done by the "good guys".  For example, Power Rangers; how do they get rid of the bad guys? by fighting .  During the whole episode you see the "Rangers" kicking, punching and attacking the bad guys.  Other shows like X-men, Sailor Moon, Looney Tones, and even Care Bears show violence towards others.  It's no wonder children think it's okay to act this way when even their "Super Heroes" who are supposed to be the good guys are hurting others.  They see the good guys doing these things

  • Lady Brett Ashley in The Sun Also Rises

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    a very important character in the book The Sun Also Rises. She had it all, she was pretty, and she had four guys ogling over her. Four guys!!!! She was independent, she could do whatever she wanted. She was definitely not sympathetic however, nore would she be a good role model for anyone because yes, she does treat her male friends cruelly. Lets start with her relationships with the guys. She can basically get whatever she wants, they will do anything for her, because they find her so attractive

  • Types of People That Attend Hardcore Shows

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    though, is surprisingly easy. Basically, showgoers are able to be summed up into three main categories: those that are not very interested in their environment ( otherwise known as "scenesters"), those who take the entire event far too seriously ("tough guys"), and those that have found that perfect middle ground between the other two groups ("normal kids"). "Scenesters" typically are at concerts strictly for social and reputational benefit---in other words, just so they can truthfully say that they

  • Mr. Nice Guy

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    It is a well-known stereotype that “nice guys finish last.” I use the term “stereotype” loosely, because, at times, it can feel like a universal law of nature. Most of us know how it goes. Two guys, one nice; the other not, both vie for the attentions of the same girl. The nice guy is ever sympathetic, expressive, and kind, but for all his efforts, the other guy, effortlessly employing an uncanny maneuver called “Being a Jack-Ass,” gets the girl. Thus, in the most paradoxical of paradoxes, it is

  • Analysis Of Jealous Husband Returns In Form Of Parrot

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    jealousy and suspicion that took over his human life has now taken over to his life as a parrot. The tone of the story is frustration and jealousy at which you can tell the tone from the very start when the parrot becomes very observant and jealous of the guy at his wife's shoulder. His feathers became slick flat when the man came around. Butler short story started off with the narrator sitting on a perch in his cage in a pet shop in Houston, The narrator died and was reincarnated as a yellow-nape Amazon

  • Variations of the Ankle Slasher

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    Variations of the Ankle Slasher As I was growing up I remember my mom warning me about guys hiding underneath cars and cutting the back of the ankles to steal your car. She told me this so convincingly that I thought it just had to be true. I mean, why would anyone make something up like that. I have since learned that this was meant to scare me, and to help make me more aware of my surroundings. It made such an impression on me that to this day as I walk up to my car I pay attention to what

  • Washington Square

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    what happened to her happen, or else we wouldn’t have such a depressing story. I tell you though, I’m glad my daddy isn’t rich or I would swear off guys as well. I felt so horrible when I knew before her what Morris was like. Which brings me to Morris Townsend. He’s a rat, I smelt a rat from the beginning but I figured it was just because for me guys for the most part are always rats. But of course he was after her money, she was “plain” and her father was “rich” no her father wasn’t “rich”.

  • The New Centurions

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    five years. And even afer Andy retires and moved away he came back to live. Andy then shot him self because of all the stress that he had came across over the years. I believe when he came back in town, he had seen all the guys at the police station and missed it. Also seeing a guy he trained (Roy) train someone else. Before he shot himself he called Roy and told him a story about an old man on the porch. This old man symbolizes loneliness. I believe Andy became that old man on the porch. He became

  • Nelly Concert

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    twenty minutes before the concert started. So we headed in to find our seats and wait for the opening band to come out and perform. At about five after eight, the lights went out and it was time for the concert to start. Two guys came out on stage and started to sing. The two guys called themselves Core Project. I thought that this band was pretty awful. I could not understand one word they said the entire time they were on the stage. They just tried to be like every other band to come out right now

  • The Importance Of Playing The Relationship Games

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    Someone who can score (make decision) rebound (answer decision) and pass the ball (you), If he needs too. Not a guy, whos on the court, not passing the ball, playing like he 's injured (broke man), how else we’re suppose to become the dream team? Now you’re upset (coach), and when you 're upset, he gets benched. Now if my family and friends don 't like him. I have

  • Summary: Stop Denying The Alpha-Beta Paradigm

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    “a real man is good to people.” It may be desireable, but there’s nothing particularly alpha in that description of a guy. A “good man” can be strong or a good man can be a wimp. A good man is usually attractive if he’s strong…but then he’s covered a key attractor and the “good” is just icing for women who seek that trait. Finally, men judge men differently than women do, so a guy may say “oh yeah, he’s great, you should totally date him,” while the woman he’s talking to will judge him too low on

  • Bollywood Song Why Can T Girls Be More Like Boys

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    reservedness. Guys and girls are opposites by nature. They are almost always criticizing each others ' gender and its characteristics. The song "Why Can 't Girls Be More like Boys" is in a shape of an argument between a In the song, Rhea has criticized men for never being loyal in relationships. Unlike girls, who never cheat on their loved ones, boys can 't have an honest commitment with a girl. Rhea is annoyed by boys ' tendency of "go with the flow." She states that it is so easy for guys to be attracted

  • American's Overuse of Cell Phones

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    From alarm clocks to step counters, price checkers to language teachers, smart phones these days have it all. Add instant connectivity to people across the globe, and it’s no wonder young adults are using their phones almost eight hours a day (qtd. in Spend Your Hour). Ironically, excessive cell phone use has neither increased productivity nor created stronger relationships—quite the contrary, actually. University of Maryland researchers are studying whether cell phones cause selfishness

  • Shopping is a Pastime for Women

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    SHOPPING IS A PASTIME Women’s clothing does not bite, but every guy I know seems to think it does. If it’s hanging on a rack or sitting patiently in a store for someone to handle, poke, or prod, it’s dangerous. Other adjectives— provided kindly by my guy friends—include “expensive,” “a waste of time,” and “unnecessary,” proving that men just don’t know anything about shopping and what it means to women. Combing through racks of clothing and looking for the cutest outfits may take hours

  • Heartbreaker vrs. Sweetheart

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    I have come to realize that of all the different guys that there are two main types. The first one I call the heartbreaker and the other is the sweetheart. This observation, that I have made, is not based on appearance, and it is mostly based on my own opinion. When I was in high school I dated the football star, who was the most popular guy in school, and I thought it was the best thing that could happen... until I got to know him. This guy was very possessive, controlling, and extremely cocky

  • Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and "Queer as Folk

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    In 2003, NBC launched on one of its cable channels, Bravo, a reality-makeover show that became a national obsession. The show was "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy." Two years earlier, in December of 2000, Showtime produced what was to become one of the most controversial and popular television shows in the network's history: "Queer as Folk," inspired by the BBC original of the same name. Queer was here- in a big, bold way. These two pop culture phenomenon set up a discourse for the pivotal word in

  • The Tunnel

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    have anybody extremely fast, strong, or even smart on our team. In fact, no senior would go on to participate in college football. We were just a few guys that would never give up no matter what the circumstances. Those guys were my team, like I was the one leading them all into a battle field, even though that was the feeling of half the other guys. My team had been nicknamed “The Cardiac Kids” because of our ability to pull out a victory by one point, which we had done in six games that season

  • The Power of Blogging

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    The Power of Blogging Hey guys, Working on my essay for my writing class. I can't think of what to write. Any ideas? Please comment with some (appropriate!) suggestions. Sunday, October 03, 2004 Still don't have any good ideas for that essay. Btw, all your suggestions sucked; you guys really let me down...j/k =)... Anyway, I think I might write about diaries. But it seems to boring. Whatever, I will try it out and see how it goes. Monday, October 04, 2004 Essay on dairies

  • Single Men Vs. Committed Men

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    Single men lead different lifestyles compared to men that are committed to one woman. When a guy is single, he might wish he had a girlfriend. When that same guy finds a girlfriend, he might want to be single again. This is a strange cycle that many young men go through for many years. Although there are many differences between these two lifestyles, one similarity is apparent. That is the transition from one lifestyle to the other. The transition is often very difficult. These transitions