Geographic tongue Essays

  • Essay On Geographic Tongue

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    Geographic tongue is a disease that affects .6% of Americans. The papillae on the tongue is depleted which leads to several symptoms. The causes of outbreak are certain food types and sometimes stress. This disease gets its name because of the appearance when the tongue breaks out into lesions. It appears to look like a map of different countries on the tongue. The treatment for this disease is usually topical creams, antihistamines, and steroids. Life with geographic tongue is difficult but manageable

  • Tongue (H & E)-Foliate Papillae

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    Figure 1: Tongue (100x: H&E)- Foliate papillae are located on the sides towards the back of the tongue. These papillae are parallel ridges that are lined with stratified squamous epithelium, and separated by mucosal clefts. Within each cleft sit taste buds that are oval in shape and extend through the epithelium. Underneath the epithelium is a layer of loose connective tissue. Lingual serous glands are present in the connective tissue beneath the papillae, and secrete a fluid that is composed

  • Descriptive Essay On Mushrooms

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    Many restaurants have very appetizing sounding dishes; but as soon as I read that there are mushrooms in them they become edible to me. The one thing that I have never liked no matter how many times I’ve tried is mushrooms. It’s not only the taste, which is horrendous, but the texture as well. I can only describe it as putting an old sponge in my mouth which is not desirable in the slightest bit. In addition to that, the smell is something that I don’t even want to think about to keep myself

  • Use Of Paralanguage And Kinesics In Everyday Life

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    Use of Paralanguage and Kinesics in Everyday Life The use of kinesics and paralanguage in everyday life is the most prominent use of persuasion we use subconsciously. They are used subconsciously because you may not know what they mean. Which can cause cultural tension if you do something that may seem harmless to you but may be a great insult to another culture. Paralanguage has many forms such as whistling which can be used by many people as a means of entertaining by whistling a song or even

  • Mommy Monologue

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    The warm blood slithers down my throat and I let out a smile as I revel in the scrumptious taste. After months of planning I finally got a new child to call my own and play with until I decide to get rid of her. I turn towards the pot where a delicious batch of eyeball soup is brewing, but pause for a second as the floor seems to move. I stay still to see if it’s just my imagination. I don’t have to wait long to feel the incessant pounding, which seemed to occur every five seconds, again.     Deciding

  • Geographic Factors that Influenced U.S Government Actions

    544 Words  | 2 Pages

    Geographic factors often influence United States government actions, both foreign and domestic. Some of these factors include location, physical environment, movement of people, climate, and resources. Although these geographic factors can lead to increase in our countries land size and some positive outcomes, there are also chances for negative outcomes. One action taken by the United States government that was influenced by geographic factors was the Louisiana Purchase. There were many historical


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    or a philosophy. It contains so many cultures, philosophical systems that make itself complicated. Besides it has so many Gods and Goddess. We can convey that this state is the reflection of complex society in Indian, people from different races, geographic areas. Whereas it would be seen as a complication, there is a constant ritual with the spiritual of Hinduism. ‘ The oldest Scriptures in all of India and the most important are called the Vedas. All Hindus recognize the Vedas as the true origin

  • my weapon

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    my weapon wake up! wake up! did you hear me say WAKE THE FUCK UP!? serene sunlight gleaming in my eyes i slowly rise with a crooked-face expression, eyebrows half way off my face, the taste of that overnight blunt stapled to the tip of my tongue and shopping through my taste buds. i take a deep breath, inhaling life into my lungs and salute the new day as a blessing. i see a pen resting. it's pleading me to pick it up and filter my being. gotta have it, so i grab it. feel the fragile but fluent

  • Unrelated Incidents’ by Tom Leonard and Search for my Tongue by Sujata Bhatt

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    Leonard and ‘Search for my Tongue’ by Sujata Bhatt are two poems that give people an incite into how a person is perceived by others, by the way that they speak. ‘Unrelated Incidents’ is about how the BBC newsreaders all talking in Standard English and will not have a Scottish person reading the news because the viewers will not understand there accent, Tom Leonard views this as discrimination and shows his dislike to this attitude in his poem. ‘Search for my Tongue’ is about Sujata Bhatt’s

  • I Was Taught to Work Hard and Persevere

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    My parents migrated to the U.S. from Pakistan in 1990s. Growing up, we did not have much. My dad supported a family of seven on bare minimum wage. We lived in the dangerous slums of New York in a two bedroom, roach infested apartment. While there, my cousin got shot. I vividly remember the horrifying pain sketched into every wrinkle of his face. It made me want to do something with my life so we could move to a better place. My father had the same thought. My father worked hard, and established himself

  • Search For My Tongue Poem Summary

    644 Words  | 2 Pages

    Search For My Tongue by Sujata Bhatt The Context Of The Poem Sujata Bhatt was born in the Indian state of Gujarat where her mother tongue was Gujarati. Later she moved onto United States where she learnt English. In and interview, she says " I have always thought of myself as an Indian who is outside India". Her mother tongue is for her and important link to her family and to her childhood. " That's the deepest layer of my identity". What Is The Poem About

  • A Reflection Of Communication In James And The Book Of James

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    The theme of James is gaining an understanding that the way we communicate is a reflection of our heart. The Book of James is parallel to the Book of Proverbs, full of wisdom and how to tame the tongue (Hawkins, 2006). James 1:19 sets the tone of how we should communicate, “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.” James 3: 3-4, “When we put bits into the mouths of horses to make them obey us, we can turn the

  • Better Technology Means Better Education

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    teachers would only be able to show students pictures in books but with GIS the students can interact with the environment. The students can see almost first hand on what the real world life is like. GIS not only gives a better understanding of geographic places but also, teaches the students mo... ... middle of paper ... ...ry Monday threw Friday at 9 am she has calculus with Brian Snyder over the television. She is able to get college credit while still in high school! This is an opportunity

  • Arctic and Alpine Soils

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    altitude produce similar meteorologic effects. In these geographic regions where temperature is at such a pronounced extreme, climate would seem to be the leading factor of soil development. It is my goal in this research paper to answer the following question: How do the soils of arctic and alpine areas differ? This idea, taken largely from an abstract by Birkeland (1975), will be explored through the comparison of the soils of these two geographic regions, and an analysis of the soil development factors

  • Greece

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    about Greece. On this Page: •     Key Facts •     Geographic Landmarks •     Points of Interest •     Major Industries •     Historical Highlights •     Population and Culture •     Books about Greece •     Links to other sites about Greece Other related pages: •     World Geography Index •     Ancient Greece Key Facts     Top of Page Greece is one of the oldest civilizations, dating back over 5000 years. Population: 10 million people Geographic size: 51,000 square miles Capital: Athens Major cities

  • Massai Warriors- National Geographic Report

    544 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the September 1999, issue of National Geographic Magazine, there is quite an interesting article that has been written by Carol Beckworth and Angela Fisher. It deals with the Masai Warriors of Kenya, and how their culture recognizes an adolescent male that is becoming a man, or entering manhood. The Masai warriors are a group of semi- nomadic people who live on the border of Kenya and Tanzania. They are a relatively small group, with only about 300,000 people in their culture. They hunt for

  • Sumartran Tsunami

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    relevant articles in the future. The National Geographic Society is good source of information, and no person can argue the artistry of its presentation, however, the magazine, and its television and internet productions are directed toward a curious, but mostly naive audience. If searching for an overview, a middle man one may say, National Geographic does provide a history and account of the event in “The Deadliest Tsunami in History” (National Geographic News, Jan 7, 2005). Organized and succinct

  • Chocolate Vs Bitter Patches Lab Report

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    Chocolate Vs. Sour Patches: A Bitter Tasting Experiment By Tricking the Tastebuds and Interpreting PTC Influences Buu Huynh 3257621 PCB3063L/ U05 Introduction The human tongue has receptors that enables detection of different tastes. Humans categories these tastes in groups such like: sweet, bitter, spicy, sour, or umami (savory). All of these tastes are taste buds that helps the brain configures different food or substances before ingestion (Bufe, 2005). Things considered sweet

  • Taste Synthesis Essay

    797 Words  | 2 Pages

    receptor cells present in the oral cavity. Most of the taste receptor cells are present on the tongue, but they are also on places like the lips and cheeks. Taste receptor cells are found on taste receptors (or taste buds), which are located on the papillae. There are four different papillae: filiform, fungiform, circumvallate, and folate. These different papillae are present on different parts on the tongue (figure 1). Each papillae contains hundreds of taste buds, except for the filiform which contains

  • Creative Writing: Neil Perry's Poem

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    “Yes understood” Before I stand, I lean over and take the head of his hard dick in my mouth and gently lick the moisture off the tip. I run my tongue around the edge of the head. Damn I would love to suck him until he is moaning my name but he has to be punished for being impatient. By the sharp intake when I licked the head of his dick, I can tell Neil is so close. That means he’s going to fuck me hard with the hopes he can make me cum fast. I lick the moister from the tip and stand to face