Geelong Grammar School Essays

  • Timbertop: History

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    to be narrowing this down to the ideas that Kurt Hahn and Sir James Darling brought forth to Geelong Grammar School Timbertop and how throughout the history of the Schools Campus the changes that have happened to the Outdoor and Experiential learning side. The thinking behind my decision to reduce the subject down to one single stream was to express my own op Darling's vision of a bush extension school, unique in Australia at the time, was influenced by a number of factors. In the early 1950's

  • To what extent did comprehensive schools enable working class

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    extent did comprehensive schools enable working class pupils to succeed? Comprehensive schools enabled working class students to succeed because when there was the Tripartite System the majority of working class pupils would go to secondary modern schools as the 11+ test was favoured towards middle class experiences and language. Pupils attending secondary modern schools were seen as a student failing, this then affected the attention the students got at school, the opportunities open to

  • Stress in High School Students

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    Most people do not understand how much stress a typical high school student carries with them on a daily basis. There are innumerable stereotypes that are aimed at teenagers all the time such as, being lazy, bad drivers, always on the internet, or "we have got it easy". Newsflash people! Stereotypes are not proven facts, they are just beliefs created by other people. There have been multiple studies conducted to show that high school students are stressed. For example, In May of 2013 there was an

  • Random Drug Testing in High schools

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    Random Drug Testing in High schools Many high schools across the country have brought much attention to the idea of giving random drug tests to students in high school. The newfound interest in student drug testing may be as a result of recent polls, which have shown an increase in drug use among high school students. Many teachers, parents, and members of school comities are for the drug testing, while most students and some parents feel that this would be a violation of students rights as

  • Social Media In Schools Essay

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    this century, the use of social media increases as well. Schools have begun adapting it, using it as their tool to inform students of any school related news. However, using it as a tool for learning is a different story. By using it as a tool, it can push you off your course with classes. Social media is something that is not needed at school grounds. Schools should not require social media use in classes. First of all, schools should keep students focused during classes. By giving students

  • What Are The Moral And Morality Among Teenagers In Modern Day Society

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    Worland High School, follow their morals either from their church, or parents, very closely. Teenagers at Worland High School always follow their morals and never do anything bad. If they were to do something bad, they would learn from their mistake and never do it again because they know better. Teenagers Worland High School always put their best effort in school and other activities, teens at Worland High School would never abuse drugs or alcohol, and the students at Worland High School always treat

  • Analysis Of Strangers Are Everywhere

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    is right to get judgmental when I first approach a person. I feel so bad when I find out who they really are isn 't who I thought they were. It just seems to happen so naturally. I guess it is just human nature. I can relate this to my senior high school days. Most of the judgments I made about people never helped me because it got me into bad company. In a short story ‘Strangers’, a stranger hurt and lied to Toni Morrison about who she was. She was really hurt by the stranger because she had misjudged

  • Compare And Contrast Tablets Vs Tablets

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    Laptops vs. Tablets As you are transitioning from high school to college you are faced with many arduous decisions. One of these dilemmas would be choosing what kind of technology you want to use at school: a laptop or a tablet. My opinion for you, as a high school student transitioning to college, would be to choose a laptop because they are superior to tablets in many ways. Imagine yourself in a college classroom writing an essay or making a power-point on your tablet. Suddenly, you attempt to

  • Essay On Why High School Sports Should Be Funded

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    for our school sports is because the better equipment that we have, the more that the students will want to play and it will benefit them in school. One reason playing sports can help in school include giving players scholarships. By playing a sport in high school like soccer, football, basketball, etc. you could get noticed by a school so you could get a scholarship to college. The biggest gain a person can get from high school sports is getting a full-ride to

  • My Identity In A Socio-Economic Class

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    age is not a barrier preventing us from making friends. People can have close friend who share many things in common even if they are not the same age. My parents made me going to school a little bit earlier than other people. The friends I have and the people I met every day are usually older than me. In high school, there are even times when I took the same class with people who is about six years older than me. Thus, when I always interact with people older than me, I will become more mature

  • Freedom Writers: Six Risk Behaviors In Students

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    injuries. The movie takes place in a high school that is know for their racial street gangs. The students repeated say in the beginning of the school they will protect their own race. The students would plan to take action against other gang groups if they wrong them at school or on the streets. One of the students at the school would carry a gun in school and had the intended to use when a school wide fight broke out. One of the students at that school was shot and killed in the crossfire. 82% of

  • Persuasive Essay: Religion and School Prayer in Public School

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    Prayer in School: Good or Bad? As secular humanists and groups like the Christian Coalition are at war with each other regarding prayer in high schools behind closed doors in Washington DC, the average high school kid is the one that gets caught in the middle. For years now there has been a heated debate about whether or not prayer should be allowed in school,.  Everytime the argument is rekindled, it ends in a stalemate, and is a topic that campaigning politicians tend to stay away from

  • Escalation of School Shootings: A Growing Concern

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    Politics, there were fifty five school shootings between November 1,991 and July 16, 2013 (Gupta). However, since 2013, there have been 142 school shootings (Mosendz). If the ratio would have stayed the same between 1991to 2013 and 2013 to 2016, eight school shootings would be expected to have taken place during 2013 and 2016, not 142. School shootings are becoming more of a problem throughout the years. More and more innocent students and teachers are dying due to school shootings. This is not fair

  • Life is Like a Box of Chocolates- Original Writing

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    and happiness. That lasted a good couple of years until both of my brothers were born. Then I watched as I was shoved to the back and they took the limelight. But I didn’t mind…the attention was beginning to bother me anyway. First day at school ================ I can’t remember much of the years I spent at playgroup and nursery. But my first day is something is something I will never forget. I remember that day because it was my first day of freedom. Free from parental guidance and

  • School Uniform Crisis

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    School Uniform Crisis Following a recent court ruling, schools all over the country are re-assessing the way in which uniform policies are implemented and enforced. Previously it has been widely accepted uniforms in schools create a sense of unity and pride in the school. Indeed one of the purposes of school is to prepare children for the adult world, where a lot of jobs require a dress code. Students also don’t have to waste time deciding what to wear, as punctuality is important in school

  • History of Education Legislation in the UK

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    pieces of education-related legislation goes back as far as 1870, when Free State education was introduced. Although school attendance wasn’t compulsory, it did offer children from less privileged backgrounds the opportunity to attend school for free. This is clearly an education policy reducing social class inequality, as it is allowing those having no money being allowed to attend school without having to pay. A second piece of education policy that could be said to have a main aim of reducing social

  • Compare and Contrast High School versus College

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    more than being a high school student. In the time that I have been in college, I have seen that more freedom is allowed to students in college than in high school. Such choices as the note taking, the environment, or class selection are a few examples of how college is less restrictive than high school. Because of the educational freedom and having more control over my education, I find being a college student more enjoyable than being a high school student. In high school, the classes that students

  • Compare Why College Is Better Than High School

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    more than being a high school student. In the time that I have been in college, I have seen that more freedom is allowed to students in college than in high school. Such choices as the note taking, the environment, or class selection are a few examples of how college is less restrictive than high school. Because of the educational freedom and having more control over my education, I find being a college student more enjoyable than being a high school student. In high school, the classes that students

  • The Importance Of School Improvement In Secondary Schools

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    There is ample evidence that secondary schools today can 't afford to be the norm. In any case, the procedure of restructuring secondary schools, especially low-performing urban secondary schools, is more troublesome, complex, and controversial than the literature on school change has acknowledged. Truly, the literature delineated general procedures of school improvement that should apply to most schools in most places. However, there is growing confirmation that these "change guidelines" are not

  • Reflection Of A Graduation Speech For High School

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    In front of me, I see a fragment of my generation who have moved through the rungs of each year, from the first day of school, to finally the last. I appreciate everyone that has attended today, thus I’ll grace you with a brief -ish speech. Before I begin rambling, I want to thank the principal and his supporting staff for this school, the teachers and their dedication, the parents for their fruitful and exhausting efforts and most of all my peers that used this opportunity in education and stuck