Essay On Why High School Sports Should Be Funded

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There are many reasons as to why sports need be funded better in this day and age. These reasons include the amount of injuries caused by possibly outdated equipment, it’s usefulness in the classroom, and the scholarships given to gifted players. One reason we need more funds for our school sports is because the better equipment that we have, the more that the students will want to play and it will benefit them in school. One reason playing sports can help in school include giving players scholarships. By playing a sport in high school like soccer, football, basketball, etc. you could get noticed by a school so you could get a scholarship to college. The biggest gain a person can get from high school sports is getting a full-ride to …show more content…

If we get more funds into school sports it will help prevent head injuries especially in contact sports like football. Giving more funds into school sports could also give confidence in our players to do better, and “more dangerous” things while playing to have a more fulfilled experience. These funds could also get more students to get involved in school sports, and activities, because it would be safer to play contact sports such as football. Giving kids more of chance to excel in other activities, and have more of a fun childhood. They could also find a new passion that they could love, and enjoy spreading further to their friends to play sports also. Getting more people involved in school sports, and could create long lasting friendships, and more joy to the students. which in return would make their lives, and many others better. If they are happier than they might pay more attention in school, in return making their academics excel. Players that participate that improved their lives might find a new subject they like, and might find a new career path they might want to follow into adulthood.
Participating in sports can invigorate social abilities, as well as elaborate confidence. With the extra money to buy safer sports gear, more kids will have the confidence to play the sport, which will enable further kids to participate in sports.

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