First Saudi State Essays

  • the rise of wahhabism

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    Muhammad and his companions as guides for correct Islamic practice. Everything else, they deem impure innovation. Following the same ideology, but specific to Saudi Arabia, is Wahhabism. Wahhabism has a fairly negative connotation within the Western world; however, this sect was highly influential and continues to be esteemed by the royal Saudi family. This orthodox reform movement was founded by Muhammad ibn Abdel Wahhab, a Salafi scholar, during the eighteenth century in response to “what he perceived

  • Michelle Obama Informative Speech

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    Our First Lady Michelle Obama is the epitome of grace and strength. Yes, she is known for her stylish apparel. She is also known for her dedication to serving communities and meeting their needs. She has partnered with Dr. Jill Biden in supporting military veterans and their families – Joining Forces. First Lady originated the campaign to fight childhood obesity – Let’s Move, along with higher education initiatives – Reach Higher, and better education for girls worldwide – Let Girls Learn. Michelle

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Let's Move

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    In the speech “Remarks to the NAACP,” the First Lady Michelle Obama uses rhetorical appeals to communicate with the audience in order to accentuate her “Let’s Move” program, consisting of four modules. Mrs. Obama’s says parents need to have access to information regarding healthy decisions because parents affect their child’s health. The second component is bringing healthy food into schools, forcing the youth to eat one healthy meal a day. Finding motivation for exercising is hard for some, thus

  • Rhetorical Analysis of Hillary Clinton's Speech, Women’s Rights are Human Rights

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    women to achieve equality and better opportunities, with ethical appeals, emotional appeals, and logical appeals. The goal of Hillary’s speech is to persuade her audience that her ideas are valid, by using ethos, pathos, and logos. Hillary is the First Lady and Senator, she shows credibility as an influential activist for woman rights. “Over the past 25 years, I have worked persistently on issues relating to women, children, and families. Over the past two and a half years, I’ve had the opportunity

  • Eleanor Roosevelt

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    marriage as a political couple. Eleanor opened a new path to stand apart from Franklin. She no longer gave herself solely to his wants and needs. Franklin was sworn into presidency in 1933. Eleanor at his side she began her non traditional role of the first lady. Both of their busy schedules kept their marriage together giving them something to talk about. Franklin passed and Eleanor continued to live a full life working in the United Nations. Eleanor then died in 1962 of a deadly disease. A major

  • Michelle Obama Accomplishments

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    of Barack Obama and has done great things for our country. She is the first black First Lady. In the time she has been the First Lady, she has done many great things. Michelle Obama is a great person who has done so much to help the United States. Michelle Obama’s life was influenced by her early life. Her major accomplishments and contributions to American society, including being the first black First Lady of the United States, helped her earn her place in history as an important African American

  • Eleanor Roosevelt First Lady

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    Eleanor Roosevelt was a first lady like no other first lady had been before. Eleanor was the start of many firsts in the White House, from her press conferences to driving her own car (Freedman 2). Fleming reports that Eleanor made herself known as brave women when she made the stand to not be followed by the Secret Service, even though her husband, Franklin, did not approve (71). “When Franklin insisted on assigning an agent to her, Eleanor snapped, “Don’t you dare do such a thing. If any secret

  • Michelle Obama's Speech Honoring Women In The Military

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    Throughout history when the word military is said , a strong man is what comes to mind. Former first lady Michelle Obama is known for strongly believing in women being powerful and educated. She took a trip to North Africa in summer of 2016 to address gender- based issues.(Michelle Obama Biography) That does not come as a surprise since she gave her November 18 ,2009 speech Speech Honoring Women in the Military at women’s history month. She performed her speech to her audience of veterans and to

  • How Did Eleanor Roosevelt Influence Society

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    Eleanor Roosevelt was the first lady of the United States beginning in 1933 and ending in 1945. Eleanor was politically active during her time as first lady as well as before and after. Eleanor Roosevelt was the most influential person in the 20th century due to the immense amount of progress she made in redefining the role of the first lady and in improving the rights of the oppressed. Eleanor Roosevelt was born to mother Anna Hall and father Elliot Bulloch Roosevelt in New York City, New York

  • First Ladies: The Role Of Martha Washington As First Lady

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    As the original First Lady, Martha Washington set an example for those who followed after her. Mrs. Washington was the leading woman of the country, and in being so took responsibility of most social events. Though most political deals and decisions were managed by Mr. Washington, Martha sometimes got involved. Martha's personality usually didn't effect her work, but it did set a precedent for other First Ladies. All of Martha Washington's actions as First Lady effected the way other head women such

  • My Life In The White House Essay

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    in their lives. How can I change the lives of Americans throughout our country for the better by being first lady and not having a huge political role in the White House? Well, I feel like I have made some improvements in the quality of lives of the citizens of our country by the initiatives that I set in place and got my husband involved with the situation too. I didn't forget while being first lady of the nation that they're people of need that need to be taken care of. I could relate to the citizens

  • Who Is Michelle Obama's Influential Person?

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    position she worked in. Michelle Obama first caught our attention when her husband Barack Obama ran in the 2008 Presidential Race, in the following months he would soon be known as our 44th President of The United States. Michelle Obama started her career out by attending Harvard Law School, soon after her graduation she began to work at a law firm. During her work at the Chicago Law Firm she met her soon to be husband and the 44th President of The UNited States. As First Lady, she focused on current social

  • The Leader Of Eleanor Roosevelt, A Great Leader

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    Great Leaders come in all shapes, sizes, backgrounds and time periods. One of those Great Leaders is Eleanor Roosevelt, a hard working mother, wife and politician’s right hand. She spent her time as First Lady changing the role of the First Lady. No longer would she be expected to keep house and entertain only, but make a difference in her own way, and make a name for herself that can stand alone from her husband. Eleanor Roosevelt was a Great Leader of her time, and her influence has continued

  • The Crash: A Lesson in Reckless Speeding

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    was really quite nervous because this was my first time going to court and I did not know what to expect. Quickly, I was becoming more agitated as this peculiar guy sitting beside me started talking. He kept on bragging about how many run-ins with the law he had in last four years. Which happened to be fourteen times in case you were wondering. So I just sat there anxious to present myself before the judge. Unfortunately, with my luck I am called first in the courtroom. Actually it was not as bad

  • Mother Theres National Prayer Breakfast In Washington

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    love, to destroy life” (210). Then she starts to end her speech by asking the people present to look at their neighbor and if they need help to lend them a hand and to do it in God’s love, “I want you to find the poor here, right in your own home first. And begin love there” (211). She is indicating to the audience how easy it is to begin to show and give love just as Jesus did, and it can start by taking a look to the people that live in their neighborhood. She continues to end her speech by talking

  • Internet Censorship Is a Form of Dictatorship

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    George Bernard Shaw once said, “The first condition of progress is the removal of censorship.” Internet censorship is the control or suppression of what can be accessed, published, or viewed on the Internet. In other words, one day you might not be able to Google everything you want to know as you can now. Although the Internet can be a dangerous without caution, countries need not to censor the Internet for their own selfish reasons. Internet censorship is a form of a dictatorship, and they can

  • Essay On Michelle Obama

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    The 101st NAACP Convention was filled with board members and delegates to listen to speakers give their speech. One of those speakers was the First Lady, Michelle Obama. Michelle Obama attending the convention gave a speech about her “Let’s Move” campaign. During Michelle’s speech she advocates the issue occurring that cannot be ignored “childhood obesity”. Obama claims that “1 in 3 children is overweight or obese, putting them at a greater risk of obesity related conditions.” The effect that obesity

  • Essay On Michelle Obama

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    (BrainyQuote) Michelle Robinson Obama bravely faced the unnerving odds of being an African American lady in the 1960s to 1980s, not to mention growing up in Chicago and attending the prestigious Princeton University. Proudly raised in Chicago, the First Lady continually proves that, although she faced numerous setbacks and challenges, one can succeed in any task they are faced with. Michelle Obama, accompanied with all of her unique quirks, went through countless hours of dedication to her schooling

  • Rhetorical Analysis Of Michelle Obama's Speech

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    First Lady, Michelle Obama has resided in the White house for eight whole years, along with her husband, Barack Obama, her two children, Malia and Sasha Obama, and their two dogs, Bo and Sunny. Michelle Obama has been extremely active in the community surrounding adolescents and their health. She has developed programs like “Let’s Move!” to help keep children healthy and active. She also operates in the political community also. On July 25th, 2016 she spoke at the Democratic National Convention about

  • The Color Pink and Jackie Kennedy

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    seen by many people as not very involved in the politics of her husband’s presidency (First Ladies' Library). Some believed that she did not know anything about what was going on in the White House. She was not taken as seriously as other first ladies because people only focused on her fashion. Even though most people only remember Jackie for her sense of style, she was an extremely dedicated and hardworking first lady involved in many political events and fully supported her husband. Jackie lived